Maryam Mirzakhani, first woman to win the Nobel Prize considered mathematics
A researcher of Iranian origin, Maryam Mirzakhani , is the first woman to has received the Fields Medal , considered the Nobel Prize of mathematics. She is an expert in geometry and dynamical systems and works from Stanford University (USA).
It is a very great news. Women are still not sufficiently present in mathematical research “ is a very great news . Women are still not sufficiently present in mathematical research, and Mirzakhani is a model to attract more women to the top, “he noted Ingrid Daubechies , current president of the International Mathematical Union (IMU).
The Director of the Institute of Mathematical Sciences (ICMAT), Manuel Leon, has indicated that it is “a milestone in the history of mathematics and means breaking with decades of taboo “. Have also been broken geographical barriers because Mirzakhani is the first person from Iran to win the award.
Meanwhile, Artur Avila , which holds a double membership in the Center National Scientific Research (CNRS, France) and the National Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IMPA, Brazil), has been for the first time Medal of Latin America.
With them, Manjul Bhargava (Princeton University, USA) and Martin Hairer (University of Warwick Coventry, UK) is the new Fields medalists, announced Wednesday at the opening ceremony of the International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) 2014.
The Fields are surrounded by strict rules. May only be granted for a maximum of four ICM-therefore, every four years, and only mathematicians who have not attained age 40 (at 1 January of the year of the conference).
The reason is that the medals recognize work already performed a research career-in fact, not a single achievement-but intended as a stimulus for future developments . Martin Grötschel, Secretary of IMU, has acknowledged that the age limit is a subject of debate on the Executive Committee of the Union, but for the moment do not foresee any change in this regard.
In addition, it is essential the identity of the winner remains secret until the day of delivery it. Each winner does know that it is several months in advance, but not known to others.
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