unemployment remains the main concern of citizens and is mentioned by 77% of Spaniards, two tenths more than a month earlier, while the corruption remains second, cited by 41.5%, almost three points higher than in June .
According to the latest barometer of the Centre for Sociological Research (CIS), developed between past 1 and July 9, concern for the monarchy is 0.4%, thus again before the abdication of King Juan Carlos levels after a slight rebound in the June survey (1.1%).
After unemployment and corruption , said the Spanish economic problems as the third most concern them, with 28%, four tenths less than in June, and politicians and political parties remain in fourth place, although they are mentioned by 26.4 % of Spaniards, 1.6 points lower than a month earlier.
Healing and cuts also concerned
The Health fifth concern remains Spaniards being mentioned by 11.3% of respondents, followed by social problems (10.1) and Education (8.6%).
Growing percentage of Spaniards believe that the political situation is bad or very bad Problems related to the quality of employment , which appeared in the survey for the first time June to be mentioned by 4.7% of the Spanish, but remain concerned about 2.5%.
Above are “cuts” , cited by 3 , 7%; the government and political parties specific (3.1%) and immigration (2.8%).
The insecurity or Justice are mentioned by 2.5% of respondents and nationalism by 2.2%.
The abortion law , which in the last poll was mentioned not by any citizen, is mentioned on this occasion, although a residual (0.1%).
Political and economic situation
Growing percentage of Spaniards considers the political situation is bad or very bad (78.5%, 2.3 points more than a month ago), while those who are good or very good are 2.3%, three tenths less than in June.
35% of Spanish claims that the political situation is worse than a year ago and 5.7% see better. There are 14.7% of citizens who predicts it will improve in a year and 24.9% at one year pessimistic view.
As for the economic situation , also seen a slight increase in those who qualify as poor or very poor (81.5% to 80.8% in the previous month), while 1.4% is considered good or very good, two points more than in the last survey.13.5% of respondents replied that the economic situation is better than a year ago, but 38% say worse . A one year ahead, more optimistic (24.9%) than pessimistic (21.4%).
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