In the three paddle courts covered the sports Tarifa (Cadiz), 479 people are crowded since last Tuesday and no one-not the police or the Civil Guard, Red Cross, let alone know how long they will be there. Missing shampoo, and towels. Yesterday I was scheduled to arrived three cabins with toilets and showers. Some neighbors are approaching with food cans. And in the street bars flag microwaves have warmed dozens of bottles for feeding babies. Red Cross coordinators tried to solve the food supply today holiday in the city, as in many other towns in Spain. Among immigrants abound Muslim, so not just any menu. About pallets hundreds of cans of tuna, turkey and chicken sausages, cheese and juices to get by.
are stacked in the second row two long city hundreds of immigrants and similar problems accumulate.
Police stations are not enough to identify 1,219 without arriving aboard boats toy between Monday and Tuesday, in the biggest wave ever recorded off the coast of Cadiz papers. And that during the last few hours and several hundred have been transferred to detention centers for foreigners (CIE) in Spain. . Several of them have already collapsed
The authorities try to take exceptional shortcuts: whole of sub-Saharan groups are coming directly from the police stations to the headquarters of NGOs. This will mean that dozens of immigrants will be released, but no papers. Paradoxically, leaving the police with orders of deportation.
“The move to shelters is the result of a court decision,” said a spokesman for the Interior Ministry. In these houses, managed by NGOs, no policing, which means that these people are free.
About six o’clock yesterday afternoon, a group of 39 boarded the bus Accem a humanitarian aid organization that provides shelter apartments distribute them throughout Spain. Smiling, enter the coach reciting names of their sports idols: Luis Suárez, James, Cristiano Ronaldo …. A couple of policemen who guard follow them the game.
In another police station in Linea de la Concepcion, 25 sub-Saharan more, all boys, remain lodged in the yard with mats and blankets, waiting higher orders of Madrid. The most likely scenario last night was to make them available to NGOs
The Mayor of Tarifa, Juan Andrés Gil said that the problem is global and is not solved by “mitigating measures”
One of the officers who serve shrugs, he also passed the long days of the last days. “There is nothing to do, we have no ability to manage it all. We try to document them, copy the name they give us, whether true or false, and took them to the tracks. From here go to the CIE or NGOs. Once in the street, you’re supposed to identify them for being expelled. When we see these images of the boats, we drop the heart sink. ” Privately, other agents warn of chaos.
From Vilanova de Arousa (Pontevedra), where he spent a few weeks on holiday, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said yesterday that Italy, from the presidency of the European Union, will lead a “strong policy against illegal immigration, but also helps people who want to leave their countries.”
The Mayor of Tarifa, Juan Andrés Gil, PP, sued European “cooperation policies also Africa can develop and these people do not have to jump into the water in boats.”
Gil played down the “dysfunctions” in monitoring recognized by the Moroccan government and assured that the problem is global and is not solved by “mitigating measures.” “Morocco can not do much more,” he added. “I put myself in the shoes of my friend the mayor of Tangier, which has 10,000 undocumented immigrants there. The European Union must adopt measures of truth. We deserve this change and Africa also have a chance. “
In the breakwater Rate Rescue boats enjoyed this first week of a peaceful day. They had to rescue a single boat toy.
The deputy Minister Cadiz, Javier Torre said last night that the Ministry of Justice will strengthen its workforce of judges and clerks to output the records of immigrants
Relieving the head of the Guardia Civil in Ceuta
Lieutenant Colonel Andrés López García, head of the Command of the Guardia Civil in Ceuta, has been moved to Seville, as confirmed by sources of the Ministry of Interior. This officer was in charge of endowment Ceuta when on 9 February there was an incident at the beach Tarajal, which drowned 15 immigrants while officers threw balls into the water.
Management fact that crisis, which caused a great public impact was disastrous. Initially, the director general of the Civil Guard, Arsenio Fernandez de Mesa said that the officers had not used shotguns to throw balls near where splashing sub-Saharan tried to reach the shore. Then Interior Minister, Jorge Fernandez, had to admit otherwise in the Congress of Deputies.
Lieutenant Colonel Lopez was not in charge of that device, but it was the head of the military institution Ceuta and who should provide the Government with accurate information on the disaster.
Interior Sources claim that his transfer to the staff of Sevilla because Ceuta Command will be commanded by a colonel. This, so far, is not named.
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