lla, Aug 14 (EFE) .- After nearly two hours perched on the fence of Melilla, the six immigrants who were in the top of the mesh antitrepa this morning after trying to access the federal district, were forced to down in the area between fences and delivered to the Moroccan gendarmerie.
Some of the SSA have been carried on wings by police and handed over to the Civil Moroccan forces Guard, according to Efe been found in the area, but has not been able to confirm if injured.
The six sub-Saharan were part of a larger group about 07.15 in the morning tried to jump the fence of Melilla.
Media dozen immigrants climbed over the fence, where they were beaten and harassed by Moroccan police to force them down, while in the Spanish Civil Guard side has made a major deployment, with twenty vehicles.
The agents of this body have also come up with steps to try to convince immigrants to abandon their positions.
One of the SSA, according to investigations by Efe, managed to escape the race between the two fences, but has finally been captured and carried on wings by agents of the Guardia Civil and delivered to the Moroccan troops, like other immigrants.
The new attempt to enter Melilla has been produced by a stretch broader understanding perimeter border between Chinatown station and the airport, police sources told Efe.
This was the third consecutive day that the sub-Saharan Melilla try to access through the fence. Yesterday about 600 migrants trying to reach the city, of which more than 70 remained perched for hours on Tuesday and were about 750 in three separate attempts, of which around 80 they succeeded.
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