Friday, January 13, 2017

The parents of Nadia to finish their statement before the judge by the photos of the lesser – Hypertext

The investigating judge of the Seu d’urgell has heard this morning, the explanations of the parents of Nadia on the pictures of sexual content found by the Mossos d’esquadra. Marga, the mother of the girl, has been the first to declare before the magistrate, and has done so for half an hour. His interrogation has begun with delay, given that the lawyers for the family have been seen before the image, in which the judge sees evidence of an offence of production and possession of child pornography:, as well as exhibitionism and sexual provocation. The second to testify before the magistrate has been Fernando, who has appeared for an hour on the court and after it has been taken back to the prison of Ponent in Lleida, where remains from the past December 9.

The parents of Nadia, ensure that the images do not exhibit a sexual nature and that were made to keep the illness of the child. The judge will decide in the next few hours if you change their procedural status

The family of the minor, through their attorney, have stated in various media that the photographs are not of a sexual nature and that were made for the follow-up to dermatological treatments for the rare disease you have. Both deny the evidence cited by the magistrate and his involvement in the alleged crimes, on which for the moment are not investigated-the legal figure that was previously known as the imputed-. The Court Superior of Justice of Catalonia reported that the judge was not a mere suspicion, “but the proof and evidence of the clear signs objectivated of participation of the person under investigation (the father) in the commission of the aforementioned crimes.”

on the other hand, the holder of the Court authorized the registration of thirteen pen drives USB, seven memory cards, three hard drives, and other storage media digital in which there might be more criminal content. The Mossos d’esquadra are currently looking at all of this computer file with the purpose of detecting new photos or deleted images that could be transferred to the magistrate in the pretrial phase. The police forces in catalonia are also investigating the possibility that some photos may have been distributed to third parties.

the captain of The Nadia, which is already drawing up the new car, you need to decide if you take action on the issue after the explanations of the fathers upon the photos found in a usb drive of the father. In addition, in the event that it is deemed necessary, the public Prosecutor may also request the adoption of preventive measures. In the last few hours it has been known that the Generalitat de Catalunya will attend as particular charges in the case and that the lawyer of the family values leave the defence of Fernando to focus on the mother of the girl. The decision is not taken yet, as noted in the entry of the Courts into the presence of the media.

The parents of Nadia are being investigated for an alleged fraud, after raising close to a million euros in donations for a medical treatment non-existent. The judge ordered pretrial detention for Fernando in December, a resolution confirmed by the Provincial court of Lleida, and left the mother of Nadia in freedom with positions. The magistrate I withdrew both the custody of the child, which considers a victim twice. In the next few hours it will be known if the parents are investigated by a new judicial case within the meaning of the photos found, and if you change the procedural status of the parents of Nadia.


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