The former secretary general of Alianza Popular, Manuel Fraga, and after a militant of the Communist Party of Spain (PCE) and United Left (IU), Jorge Verstrynge, sits Tuesday in the bench of the accused for an alleged assault on a national police during a protest republican on the occasion of the coronation of king Felipe VI, on June 19, 2014.
The Prosecutor asks for him three and a half years of prison for a crime of attack on agents of the authority and other injuries, to the time complained of, in respect of civil liability, a compensation of 3,000 euros for the injuries caused to the Police.
in Addition, next to the expolítico, will be also judged two protesters, Ivan Torrico and Manuel Prada, for which the Public prosecutor asks two years in prison and a fine of 720 euros and 8 months in prison and 540 euros, respectively, for the offences of attack and resistance to authority.
The monarchy is a regime unjustifiable in a democratic system
however, for Verstrynge, the real reason this trial is part of the repressive policy initiated by the Government against the republicans: “The monarchy is a regime unjustifiable in a democratic system, because the democratic system which allows a people is a people choose their own arbitrators and not that the referee will come tax, either for a tradition or a finger”, he explains to RT.
“therefore, as there is a regime easily justified and, in addition, there are officials who exercise their duties with excessive zeal, all of this causes a normal situation of protests when there has been a coronation will result in a beating“, adds the professor in relation to the accusations against the protesters.
For its part, the Coordinadora 25S, the organizer of the concentration in the defense of the republic and the right to decide held the day of the coronation of Felipe VI, the arrests are part of an “repressive climate” and “orchestrated by the ministry of the Interior” throughout the process of abdication of Juan Carlos de Bourbon that culminated with the arrest of several protesters on the day of the proclamation of his son.
It was to stifle an ideology, a thinking republican
“That day there were 7.000 police officers in the street, restricted freedom of movement, they came up to the headquarters of a newspaper to dictate slogans and to several homes that had flags republican, the hundreds of people were detained illegally to not be able to approach the tour in the event that we had intended to do so, were prohibited four manifestations and, in addition to these three companions who now have the trial, many others were arrested”, writes Elena Martinez, a spokesman for the Coordinator of the 25S, in a statement to RT.
“It was to repress an ideology, a thinking republican. If the monarchy, by definition, is an institution undemocratic, in our case has the aggravating circumstance of having been imposed by the franco dictatorship, which still aims to sustain the basis of repression, as the whole of the regime of 78″ he adds.
Punishment for manifestations of anti-monarchical
So, the Coordinadora 25S has denounced through a press release, titled “Be a republican is a crime”, the charges, convictions, fines, and accusations of demonstrations against the monarchy or in favor of a republic since 2006:
1. May 2006: A convicted for flying the republican flag in a public building during a march for the right to housing.
2. May 2006: Two arrested for shouting “long Live the republic” during the visit of Philip of Bourbon to Móstoles.
3. June 2008: The president of Congress rebukes a represaliado franco for taking out the republican flag in the tribute in the Congress of the people assassinated nationalist leader.
4. September 2009: A convicted by replacing a franco flag for a republican in a public building.
5. March 2011: The European Court of Human Rights condemns the Spanish government for having imposed a sentence of “disproportionate” for a crime of grave insults to the king in 2003 to Arnaldo Otegi.
6. April 2012: Fine to a spectator who was carrying a republican flag in a game of handball.
7. August 2012: The rapper Valtonyc in freedom with charges for insulting the Crown in a song released by the internet entitled “Circus of the Balearic islands”.
8. March 2013: The colonel Martinez English is fined effected for 6,480 euros for criticising in an article the action of the king in the case Nóos.
9. March 2014: The Police attacked three journalists during the convocation of the Coordinadora 25S against the monarchy.
10. June 2014: Fine and the request of jail to 3 people by flying the republican flag in a roundabout of Granada.
11. June 2014: Eight arrested in demonstrations republican during the coronation of Felipe de Borbon.
12. June 2014: The Police forbids the passage by the Gran Via of Madrid a woman for carrying a sheet to a republican.
13. October 2014: Arrested Luis Ocampo and Doris Benegas in the mobilization “Monarchy is not Democracy, it is Dictatorship and Corruption”.
14. March 2015: Condemn two young people by threats of the king; one through a Twitter feed with 172 followers and the other with a banner.
15. January 2016: The mayor of Guanyar Alacant convicted for insulting Juan Carlos of Borbon after the publication of the photograph in which he is with an elephant he had shot in Botswana.
16. February 2016: the office of The Prosecutor of the National Audience sees a crime in the puff that occurred at the Camp Nou stadium on may 30 during the final of the Copa del Rey between Barcelona and Athletic Club Bilbao.
17. April 2016: A judge prohibited the hoisting of the republican flag in the City of Ayamonte.
18. April 2016: the Delegation of The Government is challenged by administrative dispute the hoisting of the republican flag in Cadiz.
19. May 2016: Year and a half in prison for joking on Twitter with the death of the King.
20. September 2016: Pablo Hasel declared in the National Audience for tweets against the monarchy.
21. December 2016: The Prosecutor’s office asks to 7,200 euros fine to a woman for insulting the queen Letizia in social networks.
22. December 2016: Trial in the National court to 5 people by burning photos of the king in a demonstration on the day of the Diada.
23. January 2017: Pablo Hasel, quoted in the National Audience for his song “Juan Carlos the Bobón”.
24. January 2017: Trial of Ivan Torrico, Jorge Verstrynge and Manuel Prada, arrested in the demonstrations of the coronation. The Prosecution asks for more than 3 and a half years in prison.
Almost all of the cases reported by the Coordinadora 25S have been produced in the last 5 years. To his spokesperson, the explanation is in the “weakness of the monarchy, and the monarchy as a key element of the regime of 78″: “All of these cases, repressive proves is the weakness of a regime, that for their survival the only thing left is the repression. Has given up fully to convince the citizenry, knows that there is no project that serves the social majority, but on the contrary”, concludes the spokesperson.
María Jesús Vigo Pastur
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