Friday, January 13, 2017

Detain two suspected jihadists in Ceuta, Spain – The Time


The Spanish authorities arrested today two persons accused of terrorism offences related to the extremist group Islamic State, reported the Ministry of the Interior.

authorities also announced that the police seized 8 thousand weapons yesterday and arrested five spaniards suspected of buying weapons unusable for reacondicionarlas and put them in the black market at the disposal of bands of organized crime and extremist groups international.

The two detained today in the Spanish enclave of Ceuta, in north Africa, had experienced a long process of radicalization, and were part of a group that worked for terrorist activities, said the Interior in a statement.

The police recorded six buildings in the city, bordered by Morocco on one side and the Mediterranean sea on the other, added the Ministry.

he had Not details available about the identity of the detainees in the first place.

Spanish police have arrested 180 alleged jihadists in the past two years, according to the Ministry, many of them in Ceuta.

Spain remains a level below the high alert of security from 2015, when there were several attacks important in Europe and other places.

The operation yesterday in which they seized weapons, derives from a research on the weapons used in the alleged attack jihadist against a jewish museum in Brussels in 2014, which killed four people, said the Spanish Ministry. In a first moment it was not clear if the police had determined that the weapons used in the attack came from the Spanish group.

The five arrested in that operation were found at various locations in the north of Spain.

The group was buying legal guns become unserviceable and repaired in order to sell them illegally, reported the Ministry.


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