With one hand on the Magna Carta and the other on the Bible, the leader of the Popular Party (PP) promised to “faithfully fulfill the obligations as president of the government, with loyalty to the king; save, and do save the Constitution as a fundamental norm of the State, as well as to maintain the secrecy of the deliberations of the Council of Ministers”.
this Is the first time that king Felipe VI, who was crowned in 2014, takes an oath to a president of the government, while for Rajoy the process is not new, since it managed to re-validate his mandate, as did their predecessors.
After the signature by the monarch of the royal decree that designates Rajoy and the publication in the Official Bulletin of the State, which refers to Rajoy, the conservative politician is the president of the government to all of its effects, putting an end to more than ten months of interim.
Rajoy made history last Saturday by becoming the first president of the government invested thanks to the abstention of the main opposition force, the Socialist Party (PSOE), which allowed it to be also the least votes against received of the history of democracy.
The leader of the PP received 170 votes in favor of the PP, Citizens, and coalición Canaria, and 68 abstentions, while the remaining 111 deputies of the left opposition, some socialists, basque nationalists and pro-independence catalans and basques voted against it.
After more than 300 days of political blockage, the political turn of the socialist party -he abandoned his veto by the abstention to avoid a third election-allowed him to get to Rajoy’s re-election, but his government will be in minority in the Parliament, which compels him to seek allies and to make every one of the laws that you want to get ahead.
it Is expected that when the Thursday to announce his new cabinet shows signs of its commitment to political renewal, bringing new faces and leaving the ministers more questioned as to their past times, as the holder of the Interior, Jorge Fernández Díaz, who was involved in a phone hacking scandal to the leaders of Catalan.
The influential newspaper The Country, which is the most sold in Spain, called for Sunday in an editorial a “profound renewal” of the members of the government to build bridges with other parties.
The December election of 2015, opened a phase of political fragmentation and showed the PP, which has been the party most voted in two elections in a row, more isolated than
Rajoy will have to take forward reforms and laws are urgent, as are the budgets of 2017 to be submitted to Brussels.
During his inauguration speech the leader of the PP was open to dialogue, aware that you will have to search for the “governance” each day, but also signaled to its rivals what are the “red lines” that will not happen.
“it makes no sense to liquidate all of the reforms, we will strengthen what is memorable. I agree the government to persevere. Some want to give back to the policies that we’ve been given. But do not ask me to betray my own political project,” he said.
The opposition socialist party, the leftist podemos and its allies calling for a repeal of the last reform of labour and of education law and a constitutional reform, while Citizens adds to that latter claim, and ask other substantial changes.
The liberals signed with the PP-a document with demands to change their vote between the ones that include electoral reform and measures of regeneration democratic as the creation of a parliamentary commission to investigate the alleged illegal financing of the PP.
Rajoy also made it clear he will not negotiate with the pro-independence catalans to have a referendum secessionist, but who is willing to talk about other issues such as regional funding.
The president Catalan, Carles Puigdemont, has planned to call in the next few days to Rajoy to ask for a meeting to demand the referendum, as confirmed today by the councilor of the presidency and spokesperson of the regional Executive, Neus Munté.
The expectations are not very good, since the leader of Catalan noted that the Rajoy government does not offer dialogue, but an “imposition.” “Only allow to talk about what they want, only the question of funding,” he said.