Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Rajoy, on the 9-N: “My position has not changed and will change” – The Newspaper

Rajoy, on the 9-N: "My position has not changed and will change" – The Newspaper

Monday, August 25, 2014 – 16.32 h

The Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy , has insisted his appearance before the press by the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel , in which the Catalans will not vote the November 9 . Since Santiago de Compostela , the chief executive said, following the opinion of the Consell de Garanties Estatutàries that supports the Query law , which is not to “get into a legal debate “but he recalled that the national standard validated by five votes to four. In any case, its position is reiterated the usual: “My position has not changed and will not change.” “It is not going to hold any illegal referendum”, has ruled again.

“I maintain the same position I held when I heard through the media that an illegal referendum were called” Rajoy has said, because it would be “worrying”, he added, now change his approach. “Spain is a serious country, the rule of law” has been put forward to then appeal to the Law and Constitution , which invalidate considers the 9- N . “No it can he ask any prime

minister of any country in the world to organize an illegal referendum,” he reiterated.

“Laws aside,” he said, “is nonsense what is being proposed “. Again he recalled the sovereignty process is “extremely negative” for both the Catalans, as for the whole of Spain. National sovereignty, recalled, “It is a competition of all Spaniards” and “all Spaniards have the right to review his country.” “Your vote counts as much as mine and as the president of the Generalitat,” he noted.

Words with “very logical”

Meanwhile, Merkel said that is “a matter of internal policy of Spain”, but believes that Rajoy’s words have “very logical” and he “should support”. “I say,” he said, “with reseva a leader of another country” to think about an internal matter.


Ten provinces at risk from high temperatures … – ecodiario

Ten provinces at risk from high temperatures … – ecodiario

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A dozen provinces have activated Tuesday risk warnings (yellow) or significant risk (orange) or high temperatures for coastal phenomena, as reported by the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET)

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So, the major risk for high temperatures affect the province of Valencia, where it is expected reach values ​​up to 39 degrees Celsius. With risk warning, although temperatures of 37 and 38 degrees, are the provinces of Alicante, Murcia, Mallorca, Cordoba, Seville, Granada and Jaén.

Meanwhile, coastal phenomena affect the two provinces and the islands that make up the Balearic archipelago. In addition, the sky will be cloudy to mostly cloudy in Galicia and Asturias, with locally moderate light rain, which will be more intense in the northwestern half of Galicia, which may be locally

persistent. Also, these could be extended rainfall throughout the day, although weak and dispersed the rest of the far north peninsular form and may be stormy origin in the Catalan Pyrenees.

In the rest Peninsula and Balearic little cloudy or clear albeit with some cloudy intervals at dawn in the Straits, Melilla and Catalan coast skies are expected. As for the Canaries, AEMET cloudy skies expected in the northern larger islands relief and partly cloudy in the rest intervals and be middle and high clouds in the eastern islands.

As for temperatures, daytime experience a slight to moderate rise in the Mediterranean area and the Canary Islands and they fall in the middle peninsular northwest. The rest remain unchanged and night in light to moderate rise in the northwestern peninsula

Finally, the winds will be weak or moderate westerly in mainland Atlantic coast.; South Balearic and Canary Northeast. The rest will blow loose and variable winds will moderate intervals in coastal areas

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More rushes warns he will not accept any ‘plan B’ to … – The País.com (Spain)

More rushes warns he will not accept any 'plan B' to … – The País.com (Spain)

President of the Generalitat Artur Mas by the Republican leader Oriol Junqueras. / Consuelo Battista

President ERC, Oriol Junqueras, today has redoubled pressure on Artur Mas and has warned he will not accept any plan b the independence referendum Nov. 9 if, as seems likely, it suspends the Constitutional Court. The Republican leader has repeated ad nauseam in an interview in the regional channel 3/24, that “agreements are signed to meet them” and warned that if otherwise will never agree with Convergence and Union.

Junqueras has not cited any Nomentum or the president of the Catalan nationalist or federation but has insisted that “Republican Left will not reach new agreements that do not comply with those already signed. So of course” . The independence leader insisted, in response to a report published by El Pais, that “it is not another scenario imaginable” that does not involve holding the inquiry and was convinced that “no one will break the consensus.”

In Junqueras later acknowledged that he met with Mas on 7 August and will probably do so before the September 11th National Day. In that interview, the president of the Generalitat you could have announced their willingness to not take the polls to the streets if the Constitutional suspends consultation and agree a plan b going to advance the regional eleccions, with the possibility of a joint bid with Republicans, who have put on the table the condition that a unilateral declaration of independence was made.

The leader of ERC noted that traditionally

does not explain the conversations private and has said that his party “will evaluate future plans in terms of the present, in the same way that Rajoy constesta when he is asked what he will do on November 10 if Catalonia is independent.”

” Republican Left will not reach new agreements that do not comply with those already signed So clear “


“If the state will not let us vote we are to persist because the voting is over the views of some politicians. Not waive the right to vote in a query, because queries are not often make choices and yes, “said Junqueras before re-emphasize your message.

” People sign pacts meet them, “he said, referring to the agreement reached on 12 dicienbre 2013 by the parties of sovereignty block on the date and the question of the secessionist query.

” If the agreements are not met, imagine Which country can build, what future would “added Junqueras, who immediately afterwards launched a veiled warning to wonder if it is not met as agreed” how would approve a Budget. “ERC is currently the parliamentary partner CiU and withdrawal of that support would greatly complicate governance Artur Mas, who two years after the end of term, stay in minioría


” The right to vote is above the opinions of some politicians. “

In this scenario, the PSC has offered to parliamentary partner if the query fails. Rushes did not want to speculate on that assumption. “The alternative scenarios are endless. If anyone is interested in it, they evaluate him.”


Sosa’s proposal to join Citizens gaining fans in … – The New Spain

Sosa's proposal to join Citizens gaining fans in … – The New Spain

The proposed MEP Francisco Sosa Wagner joining Citizens for municipal and regional elections next spring UPyD winning followers, despite the rejection its dome, especially Rosa Díez and surroundings. The party coordinator magenta in Valencia, Alexis Mari, and number five in the running for the European elections, Enrique Calvet, supporters of at least shown, debate and study within the organization the initiative of Professor Sosa Wagner, closely linked to the Principality since taught at the University of Oviedo several years. UPyD Asturias silent.

Marí said would “worrying” that Sosa Wagner had raised discuss a possible coalition with nationalist groups “but I do not seem bad citizens” and ordered the MEP materialize its proposal UPyD internal organs. Meanwhile, Enrique Calvet, a member of the European Economic and Social and number five on the list UPyD European elections, has

published an article admits that the training is in crisis and calls for a possible alliance study with Citizens but clarifies that “I am not a fan of that idea.” Calvet even suggested the convening of an extraordinary congress to “restudy UPyD electoral strategies.”

magenta Party leaders in Asturias, for now, are silent on the proposal made by Professor Sosa Wagner. Neither the regional nor the deputy Ignacio Prendergast UPyD territorial coordinator, Armando Bartolome Fernandez, have publicly appreciated the approach of his team-mate.


Montoro will appear on September 2 in Congress to … – RTVE

Montoro will appear on September 2 in Congress to … – RTVE


Minister of Finance, Christopher Montoro will appear on September 2 in the House of Representatives to explain whether the ex-president of the Generalitat Jordi Pujol to the tax amnesty availed.

The Secretary of State for Parliamentary Relations, José Luis Ayllon, announced this date after speaking with the minister, whose appearance is discussed Tuesday at the Permanent Committee of Congress.

PP spokesman in the Congress, Alfonso Alonso, has clarified that the minister will attend the Congress at the request of the popular group to take stock of the fight against tax and no fraud on Pujol particular case, although intended to be treated this matter as will be discussed “other situations. ” And the PSOE had also requested the attendance of Montoro to treat Pujol case.

The will of the PP, said Alonso, is that Montoro realize “anything that might explain Under the law “ and was convinced that the minister will try to answer the” concerns “of the parliamentary groups.

And in this sense has admitted that there are” concerns “over Pujol in view of the groups have taken to the Permanent Council held on Tuesday.

If ICV Deputy Joan Coscubiela noted for his part that the

appearance of Montoro has serve to deepen the “once for all” on the impact of tax evasion in Spain , as the case Pujol has said, confirms that “the economic and political elites” of Spain were “conniving, if not costars and accomplices “of tax evasion.

Coscubiela recalled that his party denounced at the time the evidence of” arbitrary use of power “and rejected that attempt to” socialize responsibility “because” not everyone was silent in Catalonia. “

Meanwhile, Alfred Bosch, ERC, said that all cases of corruption come from the” economic oligarchy and political Spain “ and his party supports the request for hearing from Montoro because “many years, decades ago”, ask for “clean politics in Catalonia.”

The PNV also supports the minister explain this case in Congress, although in the words of his deputy Peter Azpiazu “major appearance” should be that of Jordi Pujol himself in the Catalan Parlament .


10% of elected UPyD and supports Sosa Wagner – The World

10% of elected UPyD and supports Sosa Wagner – The World

The open within UPyD after the results of the 25-M about the desirability of reaching a political alliance with Citizens to go to the next elections root formation continues despite discussion virulently position contrary to your address.

Over 200 members have already signed a text in which the arguments put forward in this regard by his headliner in the last European elections support, Professor Francisco Sosa Wagner , also in regards to regret “authoritarian situations” and to claim that the game Rosa Díez act “above personalities of one kind or another.”

The signatories, who are expected to grow in the coming days, are MEP Fernando Maura , the regional deputy in the Assembly of Madrid Alberto Reyero and 12 councilors, as the magenta training brunete reported that they had tried comprarla-, plus 30 other organic positions in Spain. There are four members of his National Political Council, a number of regional councils and numerous delegates and local coordinators.

Including Sosa Wagner, and 15 are elected officials who ask UPyD to your address agree to explore the possibility of reaching agreements with Citizens , about 10% of the 156 are there in the game, adding five national deputies 10 autonomous (eight in Madrid, one in the Basque Country and other in Asturias), four in the Brussels Parliament and 137 mayors across the country. In the municipal elections of 2011, the formation actually scored 152 councilors, but since then have left 15 UPyD differences or been expelled.

The text refers to the freedom of expression of the professor, as pointing that “unfortunately we regret that the proposal has been received Sosa Wagner inelegantly by various members of the leadership of our party.” “Some of them have been limited to attacking Sosa Wagner personally, instead of calmly discussing what he suggested. repudiate the offensive style of political discussion “they add.

” Others have stated that what you propose is impossible, based on what was agreed at our last congress (November 2013). The truth, however, is that there is no formal resolution approved there to prevent dialogue and, ultimately, some kind of pact with Citizens “continue, adding that” UPyD always been precious to be a different game to others ‘, so that’ we can not fall into the lynching of dissent. ” “The situation in Spain is found particularly serious, with anti-nationalist forces and parties-in the Background- harassing our still young democracy,” they conclude.

The initiative beats the feeling alert part of cadres and party members after the European elections, which means that UPyD grew below their expectations moderate voting collect fleeing traditionally majority formations, which plummeted. In that sense, among these critics fear not exceed parliamentary irrelevance in the next elections in the foreseeable fragmentation scenario surveys predict strong breakthrough can be seen, and the results are seen as Citizens eloquent, especially in Madrid. Concerned that UPyD has already approached what could be the electoral ceiling Rosa Díez.

Caustic response offered the party leadership’s proposal-the Sosa Wagner responsible for Political Action, Carlos Martinez Gorriarán , even said it is “pure political corruption” and the deputy I rene Lozano wrote will be difficult for anyone to match it in “meanness” – has caused deep unrest, deepening the already existing between that sector and therefore

considers internal discrepacias authoritarian responses.

Just this Friday UPyD Board meets, being entirely unlikely to change its position.

A few days ago, MEP Francisco Sosa Wagner UPyD in El Mundo published an article in which among other things, suggested opening a debate in our party to improve the regenerative work we are already doing. A work that has led us to become the benchmark for many citizens in the defense of the fight against corruption, against nationalism, against the devastating effects of the economic and political crisis.

The debate MEP Sosa Wagner had proposed to develop two main axes. The first, already suggested Fernando Savater our Second Congress and was hailed for it, and also a few days ago has reiterated, was that estudiásemos the possibility of reaching agreements with a game in many related senses (though not identical) to us: Citizens. The second was to address an analysis of how certain situations could be happening in our party authoritarianism, resulting in discouragement and curb our growth this could entail.

Regardless of the position of each us on those two topics for dialogue, we believe in freedom of Sosa Wagner, and any other member, to raise them at any time. No wonder our bylaws state that is one of our fundamental rights as members publicly express our “views on political issues” and so manifest our “agreement or disagreement with the official party line” (Article 7.10). We also believe that there are two debates necessary for UPyD continues to offer society a most sensible possible answer to their problems.

Unfortunately we regret that the proposal Sosa Wagner has been received inelegantly by various members of the leadership of our party. Some of them have been limited to attacking Sosa Wagner personally, instead of calmly discussing what he suggested. We condemn this offensive style of political discussion. Others have stated that what you propose is impossible, based on what was agreed at our last congress (November 2013). The truth however is that there exists no official resolution adopted to prevent dialogue or, ultimately, some kind of pact with Citizens. And our bylaws, there endorsed explicitly recognize the possibility of coalitions or pacts with other political forces at any time (Article 30.2.d).

UPyD always has prided itself to be a different game to others. We can not fall into the lynching of dissenting. UPyD always been precious to be a decidedly democratic party. We can not, at the mere suggestion of open democratic debate on certain issues, attack suggests that, rather than debate them calmly in a format that could be, for example, an extraordinary congress. The situation in Spain is found particularly serious, with anti-nationalist forces and harassing our games, at heart, still young democracy. It is time for dialogue and imaginative solutions. Above the opinion of each, above personalities of one kind or another, we must never forget that there is something more important that we required. Something we call Spain.

S e are a group of members and supporters of Union Progress and Democracy .


Will Spain and Germany, the locomotive of Europe? – Newspaper

Will Spain and Germany, the locomotive of Europe? – Newspaper

Tuesday, August 26, 2014 – 03.06 h

The alliance of convenience with Merkel and Rajol in defense of austerity that the Chancellor imposes Europe (despite warnings from the ECB, the Franco-Italian axis and left, in the stagnation economic and impoverishment of the Union) and the government crisis in the France Hollande and Valls for those cuts –with provides support the Chancellor of Germany President of the Executive of Spain to reject the consultation on the future of Catalunya – varied collage today at the kiosk .

Three newspapers put the focus on the covers of the first editions of the Journal Madrid and Barcelona on the support of his fellow Merkel to host the Catalan question (‘The Punt Avui’, ‘La Vanguardia’ and ‘The Country’). Three others emphasize the effect of austerity (‘Ara’, ‘The World’ and NEWSPAPER). The last (‘abc’ and ‘The Reason’) Two French crisis magnified photo of a lost Hollande glasses fogged by the rain because it strengthens the German-Spanish courtship.

The various editorials published today on the matter touch each disparate aspects of the problem: austerity, the French crisis, the Spanish-German harmony, commitment to convert Luis de Guindos Eurogroup president … And objections are rather rare. Of course, nobody goes so beyond as ‘Reason’, for which Spain and Germany are called to be “the locomotive of Europe” and lead the recovery in the eurozone.

Again with the blunderbuss

In addition, if ‘El País’ sharpens to More is incluina not take the polls if the Constitutional Court suspended the doctor’s 9-N, on the covers of the cavern fishtailing even if the trabucaires Cardedeu to the PP complaint –supuestamente– shot a mayor of his party. ‘Abc’ announcing the interview with the complainant executed, Jaime Gelada (“I felt like I got shot of truth”), and inveighs editorially the “nationalist thuggery in Catalonia”. Meanwhile ‘The Reason’ titled “ TV-3 reports two days after ‘shooting’ the PP but with Version trabucaires”. A complaint that editorialillo ‘executors’ are citizens first and the ‘shot’, second, what blame “the media and some public Catalan private.”

Holders covers

The Country :
“Merkel Rajoy wholeheartedly supports query against Catalonia”; “Carlos Lesmes Chief: ‘No more legitimate institution that Parliament to elect the

members of the judiciary”; “But abide unfavorable failure Constitutional referendum”; “Hollande takes French government opposed the cuts”; “Foley sent a message to his family fearing that he would die”; “The Spanish subsidiary Twitter report income in Ireland”

World :
“Merkel relies on Rajoy to maintain political setting.”; “Hollande supports Valls in his pulse with critics ministers”; “Spain: long bucket of cold water and little money for ALS”; “Kiev denounced the entry of Russian tanks to support the rebels”; “A 9 year old girl escapes kidnapping in Madrid”; “Refugees fleeing the terror of IS in Iraq Kurdistan overflow”

Abc :
“Sudden change of government in France to force cuts.”; “Germany is confident De Guindos to expect the Eurogroup against the crisis”; “Gelada: ‘I felt as if I had shot of truth”; “The Bernabéu Madrid oesar it to win (2-0) at Córdoba”

The Reason .
“The fall of the government of the tandem reinforces Hollande Merkel-Rajoy “; “Germany supports De Guindos to chair the Eurogroup”; “The effect Draghi encouraged bags and leave the Spanish bond at record lows”; “TV-3 reported two days after the ‘shooting’ the PP but the version of ‘trabucaires”

Ara .
“S’enroca in Europe l’austeritat “; “The Vietnamese porc shoots plague Senglars boscos als”; “Cortázar, 100 anys i s’apaga the foc no”

The Punt Avui :
“Merkel, Rajoy amb.”; “Valls prepares to Govern per l’austeritat”; “Nova planetary category ‘Megaterra’”; “Italy did not investigate els atacs aeris Barcelona 1938″

La Vanguardia :
“Merkel supports Rajoy in his refusal to see.”; “A government Hollande lasts five months”; “Those affected by ERE halve in the first half”; “The first story turíticos inspectors come to the Barceloneta”; “Beyoncé triumphed at the MTV Video Music”; “Hard punishment for Simeone: eight games”; “Womenswear in professional football”

“Rajoy approves Merkel delivers Eurogroup Guindos as a reward for the cuts.”,. “Hollande Valls suspends force a change of government after the anti-reform revolt.”; “The Encants prepare to open one Sunday a month”; “Simeone pay expensive campion”; “The Government detailing the logistical difficulties of a 9-N illegal.”


Monday, August 25, 2014

Germany will support De Guindos as president of the Eurogroup – Diario de Navarra

Germany will support De Guindos as president of the Eurogroup – Diario de Navarra

Mariano Rajoy and Angela Merkel sealed Santiago de Compostela , the hometown of Prime Minister, a alliance to defend in Brussels , and to governments Socialists such as France and Italy, the austerity and structural policies reforms that have governed the EU policy since the outbreak of the crisis.

During their joint appearance on the second day of his official visit, both leaders defended to the hilt the fiscal consolidation as the only way to combat the recession. Have these, defended both Rajoy as Merkel, which have allowed Spain to score four consecutive quarters of growth and start creating jobs. The speech resembled the two as two drops of water. “My position on the austerity policy is the same as when I got to the Government. Must follow policies of fiscal consolidation and reforms. Spain will continue to make reforms but sometimes they are hard and difficult to explain,” Rajoy said. “I agree with the Spanish president,” his guest replied immediately.

first tangible effect This strengthening of Madrid-Berlin axis is the appointment of Luis de Guindos as president of the Eurogroup , the board that meets once a month to the finance ministers of the euro area partners. The Chancellor announced that his country will support his candidacy, which in practice, and barring a last-minute veto by France and Italy, given by closed their choice.

With De Guindos Berlin ensures Eurogroup put forward a defense of economic assumptions driven by Germany. Merkel made that clear when he praised as “an excellent minister of Economy in Spain in hard times” and his ability to work with his German counterpart, Wolfgang Schaeuble.

The Government is targeting with this decision a victory after fighting in Brussels for months by the appointment of the Minister of Economy. With Spanish as head of Eurogroup, aspires to regain some lost prestige and influence during the crisis while erasing the image of being one of the ‘sick man of Europe’ countries.

However, De Guindos still must wait ten months to take up his new post. It will not until the expiration of the mandate of the Dutch Jeroen Dijsselbloem, also once boosted the post with the support of Berlin, who then chose ahead of Spanish. Although it had considered the possibility that Dijsselbloem resign or be forced to do so after a year and a half punctuated by controversy, the German chancellor was now explicitly to ensure that support for the Spanish Minister materialize after completion “within” the current president Eurogroup, not



good understanding with Merkel has not served him instead Rajoy to Chancellor support explicitly in Santiago’s candidacy Miguel Arias Cañete to run a weight of portfolios in the new EU executive. Rajoy has played the chances of Spain on one card and has proposed to his former Minister of Agriculture and Environment as the only candidate for sheriff. His election is in the air and the lack of strong support from Germany can destroy the Spanish aspirations. Against Arias Cañete he weighs the rejection of European Socialists, who can not forgive the statements he made about his opponent in the last European elections, Elena Valenciano. After the duel both starred on television, Arias Cañete said that “the debate between a man and a woman is very complicated” because “if you make an abuse of intellectual superiority, it appears you are a macho and are rounding up a defenseless woman.” Today Merkel, the German ruling Socialists in a grand coalition, merely found so elusive that each country is free to propose their candidates.


In addition to appointments, alliance between Madrid and Berlin also resulted in the defense Merkel made the Spanish claim to create a energetic connection a Iberian peninsula to the mainland . For Spain would sell its remaining power in the European market. More important would be for the countries of Eastern EU opened a new gas supply route for the West, which would allow them to stop being at the mercy of Russian supplies. The main obstacle to achieving this goal is to France, but now could push Germany to Paris to unblock the project.

After two days in Santiago, Merkel and Rajoy strengthened the ties that bind them beyond their ideological affinities. The proximity showed that both approaches and matching anticipate that form a solid block in Brussels. Beyond the specific measures, the Spanish president could take heart from the economic improvement while the Chancellor was able to put Spain as an example of the economic prescriptions that has always defended beginning to show results.


Merkel guarantee German support for Luis de Guindos … – The World

Merkel guarantee German support for Luis de Guindos … – The World

The meeting of the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Santiago de Compostela has yielded concrete results. Merkel in a joint press conference with the Spanish president has explicitly backed by Economy Minister Luis de Guindos, to chair the Eurogroup. The Chancellor said that when I finished the current president “will support Luis de Guindos” is that according to the head of the German government “is an excellent minister in difficult times.”

The other asset of Rajoy, former minister Miguel Arias Cañete for Committee , has enjoyed only express ratification of the Spanish president has formally made the proposal “through a letter to President Juncker “.

In any case Merkel has said that is a” competition of the Spanish government “to propose candidates for commissioner.

The personal and political line of Mariano Rajoy and Angela Merkel was visible from the beginning of the public hearing of both leaders. The Chancellor began by noting that “I will never forget and I will remember for a lifetime” journey he made with a stretch of Rajoy Camino de Santiago . And is that the chosen scenario and the format of the summit between the two governments has led, as confessed, a “different” climate for addressing bilateral issues and the “great shared project European Union “.

The economic performance of Spain and positive forecasts for Germany also reinforced the ideological positions of the two leaders. Neither is recognized in the criticism of an economic project based on austerity and reaffirmed their commitment to the path started.

Mariano Rajoy has announced that “we must continue with fiscal consolidation policies, it is impossible to live with a deficit of 9%, further structural reforms to be done and we must work to deepen further banking integration.” Merkel in turn said: “I share the view Rajoy to continue fiscal consolidation and reforms.” Chancellor for the fact spending more does not generate growth and has proposed a major effort in “research and development to generate growth, must be directed vocational training in the right direction” and warned that “in Europe there are many laws and regulations and we must know that we need regulations. “

The appearance of the heads of government also has become the claim progress in Spain and Germany . Merkel explained that “created the foundations for the development of a prosperous

progress of Spain in the future as the financial strength and structural reform are two sides of the same coin.”

Rajoy and Merkel have reaffirmed its commitment to fiscal consolidation and policy reforms hours after the French government has submitted its resignation en masse by the discrepancies before the cuts.

Changing Spanish horizon and the positive outlook for Germany, due to the thrust of domestic demand, enable new challenges for the economies of the European Union . As he raised the Chancellor: “Europe must lead the global digital market because it is a nest of employment” and with his Spanish counterpart has invested in energy market reform: “Germany supports the reform and the interconnection of the Iberian Peninsula with France and Germany as an integrated market is more fair to competition. “

Finally the Prime Minister once again called for greater banking integration and express support of European Investment Bank SMEs.

International Politics

The continuous reference to a strategy shared by two nations “allied and friendly” also screened on existing geopolitical conflicts. Both Germany and Spain continue to support the Government of Ukraine in its defense of the unity and territorial integrity of the country. Opt for dialogue in the Arab-Israeli conflict and want the new Iraqi prime minister to succeed in the task that lies ahead to stabilize the country.

Visit to the Cathedral

The agenda for the visit has been modified on the fly. Chancellor visited the Cathedral before a press conference. Accompanied by the archbishop of Santiago, Julián Barrio , he was struck by the beauty of the temple.

During the tour a Spanish exile in Argentina Darío Prieto, confessed his intention to give a letter to the crimes of the dictatorship would condemn. The writer Manuel Rivas compared the scene as “a picture of the Middle Ages” and said that without memory there is no democracy.


The number of subscribers to the ‘V’ of National Day reaches 220,000 people – Qué.es

The number of subscribers to the 'V' of National Day reaches 220,000 people – Qué.es

A total of 220,000 people have signed up Monday to the concentration in a ‘V’ of National Day Preparing Omnium Cultural ANC and to help search on 9 November and claim Catalan independence.

In a statement, both entities soberanistas explained that although the number of entries has grown, it is necessary that the pace by joining people who will be “superior” to ensure the success of mobilization.

The ANC and Òmnium have argued that people must sign up ahead of time to ensure the formation of a mosaic as ‘Catalan flag’ and distributed throughout of the 11 km route of the ‘V’ by Barcelona.

Both associations maintain the call to increase the number of entries, as it is key to make this mosaic of “more than 200,000 square meters will offer the world a spectacular image. “



On August 13, the number of registered was 115,000, which led the ANC and Òmnium to admit it was a low figure for the success of the initiative. In just ten days has added 100,000 people.

This weekend have held 23 ‘V’ around the world in cities such as Santiago de Chile, Berlin, Buenos Aires or Boston, an initiative that aims to warm engine facing the ‘V’ final, which will be September 11 in Barcelona.


Blows and struggles to keep protests arrived at … – The País.com (Spain)

Blows and struggles to keep protests arrived at … – The País.com (Spain)

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Police attempt to disperse the protesters in Santiago. / Cabalar (EFE) / ATLAS

Protests Angela Merkel’s visit to Santiago and against the austerity policies met only a few hundred people in the vicinity of the square Obradoiro, where heads of Spanish and German government did a short walking tour from the place of its meeting to the Cathedral of Santiago. Although the demonstration was relatively peaceful, there was a tense moment when the -mainly group of leftist militants and nationalists tried to enter the square and struggled with the police cordon. The agents displayed their batons and beat some of those leading the march, which ended finally receding.

The police were stationed at all entrances to Obradoiro without impeding the passage of pedestrians, although recorded bags and backpacks while taking steps to ensure that no protests were registered within the plaza. A group of activists of the Association for the Recovery of Historical Memory, attempting to deliver a letter to German Chancellor agents confiscating a banner.

A few hundred meters on the square de la Quintana, across from the cathedral, were concentrated hundreds of people with banners and flags Galician nationalists. They were mostly leaders and activists of BNG, as its spokesman in the Galician Parliament, Francisco Jorquera, but also included members of United Esquerda among them their leader, Yolanda Diaz and social groups as a retiree, returnee migrants from other countries which are in conflict with the Treasury for the payment of the corresponding taxes on pensions received from abroad. There were banners in German, with slogans against the Troika and austerity policies, and disguised Merkel and Rajoy, with the figure of Chancellor dragging the Spanish chairman of a millstone around the neck strap couple.

incidents occurred when the group left the Quintana in order to bring the protest to Obradoiro, just at the time that Merkel and Rajoy offered their conference in one of the buildings in the square. “Freedom of expression”, “want to get into our place!” Protesters chanted. The police clubbed

avoided. Among those who took a blow was BNG spokesman in the city of Santiago, Ruben Cela. After police intervention, pulled up a few feet and not rush back to try more.

The heads of government had changed the program officially announced and went to the cathedral, across the Obradoiro from the Hostal dos Catholic Reis, half an hour ahead of schedule. They filed for lacing hall, after which a few dozen people were posted, most tourists who merely watch and photograph the scene. There was some scattered applause and a man shouted in English Merkel: “Your Policies kill people” (“His policies kill people”).

There the small group of activists was also found by historical memory, and no banner, led by a man of 94 years, Galician-Argentine Darío Rivas. Son of the last Republican mayor of Castro de Rei (Lugo), killed by the Phalangists, Rivas was the promoter of the complaint in Argentina for crimes of Francoism. His purpose was to deliver a letter to Merkel to demand that you apologize for the support of Nazi Germany to the military rebels against the Second Republic. “I do not want compensation or anything. Apologize just that,” explained the old man, clothed, among others, by the Galician writer Manuel Rivas. “I know Germany, respect for Mrs. Merkel and I think can do it.”

Darío Rivas stood in the front row behind the cordon and when Merkel and Rajoy past him, called them. Both did hint to stop, but the guards prevented them hand over the letter, which, among other things, said: “We have repeatedly hearing about months of payment of the Spanish debt to Germany, but there is a huge debt the country from which you is Chancellor for the victims of the Franco dictatorship in Spain. “


Merkel supports Guindos to chair the Eurogroup – The País.com (Spain)

Merkel supports Guindos to chair the Eurogroup – The País.com (Spain)

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Rajoy and Merkel following their joint appearance. / AP / REUTERS-LIVE!

German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday offered a resounding support for Mariano Rajoy in various fields. The most clear and present, so that the Economy Minister Luis de Guindos, the next president of the Eurogroup. “It was an excellent economy minister in Spain in hard times. We support chairing the Eurogroup, “Merkel said after his meeting with the Prime Minister in Santiago de Compostela.

Rajoy, who used the meeting to negotiate the new distribution of power in the EU, also defended the former Minister of Agriculture Miguel Arias Cañete is commissioner. He explained that he has already sent a letter to Jean-Claude Juncker explaining that Cañete is your candidate. Merkel supported neither expressly rejected Cañete, who might have difficulty passing the filter of the European Parliament following his remarks about sexism. The chancellor is simply noted that Spain decides which candidate proposed for the Commission.

Merkel’s visit was a political boost for Rajoy and his economic policy, and both defended their commitment to austerity and the “hard and difficult” reforms. But the chancellor, which always showed a great Rajoy as his ally, did not stop there and supported him even in matters of domestic policy, such as the Catalan crisis. “This is a matter of Spanish domestic politics, but what he says Rajoy on Catalonia is logical that should be supported, but I say that with reservations being a head of government of another country.”

position of the Spanish president, who spoke immediately before, was blunt: “Not going to hold any referendum illegal, in any way. Spain is a serious country, the rule of law, there is a law and a constitution and one of the basic duties of a Prime Minister is to ensure that the law is enforced. It is nonsense what is being proposed right now, and it is profoundly negative for the Catalan society and the Spanish society. “

Merkel had already shown in July its support for Rajoy on the subject, in a statements in Germany, where it was even clearer. “We defend the territorial integrity of all states, which is something totally different regions to become independent and they are organized. I agree on this point the position of the Spanish government. “

Rajoy also took a question to make it quite clear that it intends to proceed with its proposed reform of the electoral law to make it more directly elected mayor vote if over 40% of the vote, even without the support of the PSOE.

“Some are criticizing the reform before it arises. This matter came to be in the program of the PSOE [posed a double round] and is the system they have in some EU countries. It will not be so bad. I’m meeting with the members of my party, try to talk with other political forces, but it better be mayor chosen by the citizens that one result of an agreement between three, four or five games. It is much more respectful of the will of the people “


Never will modify the electoral law by majority. There is a basic consensus that we must preserve “

Mariano Rajoy

These statements, pointing to a reform even loneliness that many in the PP wish, in contrast to what the president said in February 2013: “I never will modify the electoral law by majority. I can raise or lower the income tax, but in any case the electoral law. There is no basic consensus that must be preserved, “he said then. Now the PP tries to convince the PSOE, but if it does Rajoy looks set to go ahead with an initiative that has recovered after the European elections, following

the success of the can and drop PP and PSOE, which predict an uncertain outcome municipal May 2015.

The press conference with Merkel drew a kind of partnership both in favor of the policies of austerity and reforms, compared to debates in France and Italy. In fact, Merkel repeatedly used Spain as an example of the “difficult reforms” that is, the recortes- give results. Rajoy endorsed this idea: “In Spain we begin to see the fruits of the reforms we have carried out in close collaboration with Germany and other partners.” Merkel claimed in particular the Spanish labor reform.

As they gathered, came the news of the government crisis in France precisely because of divisions over austerity. Both showed their support for François Hollande, though he made clear message to stick with the settings you have promised. “I wish you every success in Hollande courageous steps being taken and the fulfillment of their commitments,” Merkel said. “Do not go into the problems of France, but I believe the will of Hollande and Valls, because I have said, to make reforms and fulfill their commitments,” he concluded Rajoy.

After several years policy of austerity, the euro zone grows and even German GDP fell 0.4 points in the fourth quarter, while Spain grew 0.6. Asked by this fall and requests to give a twist to the austerity policy, both Merkel and Rajoy defended line maintained until now.

The Chancellor said that the fall of German GDP is somewhat timely and trusting that throughout the year it will grow; So they blamed the fact that in the winter they grew more than expected and so now there is a small dip. “Spain will not have to worry,” he said to ward off the possibility that the slowdown of the German motor can harm the Southern Europe.

The president defended Spanish austerity. “My position on the austerity policy is the same. We must continue with the policies of fiscal consolidation and reforms. Spain will continue to make reforms, although sometimes they are hard and difficult to explain. ” “It is sometimes erroneously said to have more money is needed growth. With less bureaucracy can generate growth, “he explained Merkel


Sanchez invites Rajoy more jobs and less “place” ministers


The leader of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, Mariano Rajoy has asked not worry so much about “placing” the minister Economy, Luis de Guindos, former Minister of Agriculture and Miguel Arias Cañete in the EU, but by “put to work all institutions to create jobs for all.”

The socialist leader has also criticized between candidates proposed by Rajoy for responsible positions there are no women, and has dismissed the meeting between the two leaders “autocomplaciencia exercise.” In his view, a change in the policies of austerity across Europe, which only cause “more suffering in the form of unemployment” is necessary.

The secretary general of the PSOE has asked that begins to force the European Central Bank to focus on job creation rather than on ensuring price stability. Sanchez claims that public investment in the EU is increasing in countries with a higher unemployment rate to 15%, and that the warranty plan for youth employment is extended to 30 years.


Merkel thanked Rajoy stay “very nice” in Santiago – ecodiario

Merkel thanked Rajoy stay "very nice" in Santiago – ecodiario

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Angela Merkel’s visit to Santiago de Compostela, birthplace of the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, has culminated in the invitation of German Chancellor Galician leader to know in their district of origin, the World Heritage Site, Stralsund

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The German dignitary thanked the Spanish leader stay ” very nice “who has lived in the Galician capital, where they have maintained a work schedule with room for informal events such as the route of about six miles along the pilgrimage route and private dinner Sunday night.

“Dear Mariano, I wholeheartedly thank the invitation of friendship,” said Merkel at the beginning of his speech, in which he said that has allowed him to “know Spanish history” and “special atmosphere” that lives on the road, although only transitasen by a “short” section.

The German president, who has completed his agenda with President Rajoy with a meal at the Hostal de los Reyes at which invited President of the Xunta, Alberto Nunez Feijoo, the sources consulted by Europa Press, has said that a “souvenir for life” takes.

For the president of the German Federal Republic, this meeting is “has clearly differentiated from the

meetings” which are usually held in Brussels, where “no time” to address bilateral issues calmly. It also highlighted the “special atmosphere” that has been surrounded to keep these meetings, and emphasized the Parador and the history of the Cathedral.

Also the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, has stressed that it was a “special meeting”, and expressed the “double pleasure” of being able to show the chancellor, “one of the landmarks” in the city where he was born, and touring together a stretch of Route.

The governor has emphasized that the Path, “for centuries”, has received the footsteps of “millions of pilgrims from around the world, including countless Germans.” “A Path has different routes but one common destination, Santiago de Compostela” has abounded.

Rajoy, who stressed the “cordial” and “productive” encounters with his “good friend” German , has stressed that this meeting has allowed them “to reflect quietly without the formality of meetings” European, as well as address issues of the future as partners and “most important joint project, which is the European Union.”

In addition, said that meetings with German Chancellor “have always served together to find ways of satisfactory solution to situations sometimes difficult, especially in recent years”, which have had to face, he added, ” . together “and with” colleagues in the European Union “

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Merkel supports Guindos to chair the Eurogroup – Newspaper

Merkel supports Guindos to chair the Eurogroup – Newspaper

Monday, August 25, 2014 – 16.32 h

Mission accomplished. The Spanish Government has made the chancellor, Angela Merkel, support the economy minister, Luis de Guindos to chair the Eurogroup. The German leader said this morning in a press conference that a “ excellent Minister of Economy ” and support their aspiration to replace the Dutchman Jeroen Dijsselbloem when he finishes his term in June 2015 .

However, according to Spanish government sources, that relief could be sooner if Dijsselbloem became director of Unique Mechanism of regulation of the banking union, a post he holds the rank of Vice President of the European Commission.

Guindos has developed a very good relationship with the German Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schauble, in many European meetings had to be held in the last two and a half years, in which Spain skirted total bankruptcy .

Mariano Rajoy had planned Merkel’s visit to Galicia with an eye on the distribution of charges in the European Union, especially the Eurogroup. The president has defended his meetings with the chancellor that Miguel Arias Cañete holds a strong portfolio of the European Commission, as Competition, Economic and Monetary Affairs and Foreign Trade, though Merkel has ignored this possibility and no He has given his public support. Cañete is more complicated to enter the Commission sexist statements made in the European campaign after discussion with Elena Valenciano. The PP politician said he had not wanted to show their

“intellectual superiority” during face to face with the Socialist leader to not seem like a “ male “.


The new president of the European Commission, Jean Claude Juncker , not disclose the composition of his team until early September, after the European summit next Saturday to be held a meeting in which the leaders of the Twenty-eight will assert its power to pressure the former Prime Minister of Luxembourg. That meeting also will advance to decide people replace British Catherine Ashton as High Representative for Foreign Affairs and the Belgian Herman van Rompuy in front of the European Council. The puzzle of European leadership must conform taking into account gender balance, geographical and political color that weigh such decisions.


Merkel also expressed support to the Spanish proposal to create a single European market in the field of energy allowing greater competition and integration. The European Union recommends that the interconnection capacity of each country equivalent to 10% of their production capacity, while Spain is currently at 3%.


The PSOE-A blemish Policy PP-A as “cortijera” and criticizes … – Reuters

The PSOE-A blemish Policy PP-A as "cortijera" and criticizes … – Reuters


The coordinator of the Inter-PSOE-A, Miguel Ángel Heredia, said Sunday at Malaga in Andalusia “no can expect anything from the ‘popular’ of Andalusia “. So, has described the policy of the PP-A as “cortijera” and criticized the president of the ‘popular’ Andalusians, Juanma Moreno for “submit willingly” to the form of opposition from his predecessor, Javier Arenas .

The socialist has said that, although since the PSOE “always going to claim democratic dialogue and consensus” on issues that affect citizens, “are not going to have the PP A, they do not know what dialogue or consensus nor want to know. “

In this regard, has criticized the ‘popular’ Andalusians are” executory arm of the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, and Arenas reappeared –actual the Deputy Secretary General of Regional Policy and Local PP– “. “The opposition of the PP in Andalucía is the same as always, lies and dirty politics,” he added.

Heredia been cited as “proof” that Moreno Arenas follows the steps of the president of PP A “met in Almería secretly with employers” and that he did at the farm of President of the Almeria Council, Gabriel Amat Ayllon, who is “unconditional squire Arenas.”

“Moreno hides for a private meeting at a friend’s house and only comes out to take the photo of rigor and accusations and lies against the Board, “has been criticized, while assured that it” is the policy that you are comfortable with the PP The policy cortijera Arenas practiced for

so many years and assumed Moreno. “

The socialist leader has emphasized that the ‘popular’ Andalusian ‘have a lot of explaining,” insisting that ” still expect “the deputy spokesman of the parliamentary group, Antonio Sanz,” clarify what you know about the irregularities of training reported by the company Quality Food in Cadiz. “

” There is evidence to indicate that Sanz known for a long time that public resources could be misused ago “, said Heredia, who has urged the ‘popular’ to clarify” if received information of alleged crimes and why has remained silent. ” “The silence becomes an accomplice of these alleged irregularities in Food Quality and Cadiz,” he insisted.

In this regard, has criticized Sanz has “no moral or political authority to demand explanations to anyone” Moreno and “no” because, as specified, “continues without forcing his deputy parliamentary speaker to tell what he knows.” “That explains why Moreno pact of silence has with Arenas and the core of the PP for inaction, still without explanation,” he concluded, insisting that the two leaders “do have a lot to shut up.”


Sunday, August 24, 2014

‘Let’s win Madrid’ seeks alliances with We, equo or IU for … – 20minutos.es

'Let's win Madrid' seeks alliances with We, equo or IU for … – 20minutos.es

Ganemos Madrid

Assembly ‘Ganemos Madrid ‘. (AP)

They’ve been working but was in June when they changed their name. Inspired by the Guanyem Barcelona of Ada Colau, they became ‘Ganemos Madrid’ and now seek to create a space for citizen participation from the inviting United Left equo or can to create a joint bid for mayor of Madrid.

Two hundred people are active in ‘Ganemos Madrid’ to build a citizen movement able to present a Alternative a confluence of political parties, citizens, and social movements, says Guillermo Zapata, a screenwriter and journalist who is part of the promoter group of the platform.

Two hundred people active in ‘Ganemos Madrid’ But renounce the aim of building a application if groups like IU, we, equo or X Party not added to the project : “If parties-they-do not want to be, we will not implement processes of competition: we will not create a application, because would seem ridiculous and impoverishing. “

formal contacts with the directions of the formations has not been but ‘Ganemos Madrid’ no militants UI or equo and also people who are part of circles can

“We had meetings informal . we see equo with enough interest

in IU are participating and recognize the space but have not made a decision and can not comment until I can not hold its public meeting in October, “Zapata concrete.

Yes there starting points set forth at Ganemos Madrid ‘as anyone can be presented to the open primaries of choice of candidates, but there are other aspects that have yet to be decided, such as whether also give battle in elections for the Presidency of the Community of Madrid.

“I have to decide soon,” admits Zapata. And remarks that in the case of Madrid, unlike what happens in Catalonia regional elections and municipal celebrated at once, so it could take advantage work in major cities to attend the regional with a common agenda.

“The problem is that Community manages more resources but the level of complexity to make the citizen candidacy is also High “reflects the spokesman of the movement, explaining that other municipalities in Madrid and not just the capital are creating similar networks.

For the moment, ‘Let’s win Madrid Celebrates in the capital monthly meetings will be intensified from September and look beyond the electoral agreement, weave a network in neighborhoods that allows high levels of citizen participation aimed to joint problem solving.


A woman dies 57 years after falling off a cliff in Muskiz – The Courier

A woman dies 57 years after falling off a cliff in Muskiz – The Courier

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The Canary Islands government says the consultation surveys … – 20minutos.es

The Canary Islands government says the consultation surveys … – 20minutos.es

Paulino Rivero

The Prime Minister Canary Islands, Paulino Rivero, during the press conference. (AP / Christopher Garcia)

President of the Canarian Government, Paulino Rivero , has ensured that the consultation on the prospecting oil in waters near the islands “is legal and will do”, also regretting that try to “ridicule” the “rejection” of the islanders at the polls.

This was stated by most regional leader in the last post from his personal blog, in which he said that canaries have to express their views and the initiative “adheres scrupulously the constitutional framework “.

” The canaries will not lower the arms will not step back from Madrid because some voices loaded against us. Hundreds of thousands of canaries will not step back . Quite the contrary, we grow, “he said.

In this regard, Rivero reason wondered that since the peninsula is lashing out against canaries for rejection of oil , and yet “enthusiastically applaud” the Balearic .

Approval Process

In addition, the canary President recalled that in recent days the approval process of the surveys had three episodes Approval of the Environmental Impact Statement on the eve of Canary Day, the release of the Ministry of Industry in the August bridge and statements President Mariano Rajoy for Balearic defending what does not advocate for the Canaries, “he said.

“The reactions to such approval have been numerous and relevant. Regardless of the Canary Government itself, voices like those of the presidents of the affected councils, tourism employers, environmental groups and citizens, and the vast majority of the Canarian society have

expressed their deep rejection and denunciation what clearly indicates that it is a whimsical and flawed process. “

Rivero added that the Government of the Canary Islands” will not sit idly “and that the Currently there are three way in place to continue the struggle for the stoppage of the polls. juridical, political and social

“Three-way fight”

Here, from the point of view Legal , said that there are two procedures . Firstly, an incident of null with the Supreme endorsing permits and, if no response if negatively, amparo before the Constitutional Court. Secondly, An appeal with the Secretary of State for Energy, Ministry of Industry and subsequent application to court for the adoption of precautionary measures.

Hundreds of thousands of canaries will not step back. On the contrary, we grow While in the Politically , the president noted the continuing challenge has requested meetings with the King and Rajoy himself. “I hope that both can be held in the September , since the respective cabinets are right now working to finalize the dates,” he said

“Philip VI. – destacó- must know first hand what is happening with the Canaries. Rajoy must state clearly what is position to the clamor of the territory of the Atlantic. “

Similarly, the Governing Council has asked the Canarian Parliament holding a extraordinary full the first week of September to discuss a communication on authorizations.

Finally, in the social context , Rivero said he would go ahead and increase contacts and meetings with all parties and civil society “to reinforce that this common front against attack “.


The PP Cardedau denounces “trabucaires” by simulating the … – La Rioja

The PP Cardedau denounces "trabucaires" by simulating the … – La Rioja

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Dies crushed by the truck mechanic repairing Zozaia – Noticias de Navarra

Dies crushed by the truck mechanic repairing Zozaia – Noticias de Navarra

pamplona – Rafael Fernández Sánchez, mechanic Hormillos (La Rioja), 43, died yesterday in an accident occurred at 17.24 hours at the rest area Zozaia scale at kilometer 39 of the N-121-A. The incident occurred when the victim was repairing a truck parked in the parking lot of the rest area. For reasons that Provincial Police are investigating the elevator holding the vehicle yielded knocking the truck over the victim. The living SOS emergency management crews mobilized Navarre Park Fire Oronoz and the medical team of the town guard and two ambulances, one medicalized, and a helicopter from the Government of Navarra. They were about to move the victim to the hospital area but the worker died at the scene. Provincial Police sent patrols Public Safety Commissioner Elizondo and Traffic

Pamplona and Judicial Police units and Scientific take over the investigation of the causes of the accident were made. The body was taken to Navarro Institute of Forensic Medicine for autopsy will be practiced.

At km 40.3 of the same road at 20:11 there was another accident. A 34 year old man was slightly injured after falling off his moped. He was taken to CHN with scrapes and contusions on the wrist and ankle. – E. Beltrán


Albert Rivera, “Pujol was the boss of the band and it’s hard to believe that … – ABC.es

Albert Rivera, "Pujol was the boss of the band and it's hard to believe that … – ABC.es

Day 8/24/2014 – 3:41 p.m.

class="photo-prod clearfix">
alberto ferreras

Citizens President, Albert Rivera


Increased extortion during the crisis by the need to charge … – 20minutos.es

Increased extortion during the crisis by the need to charge … – 20minutos.es

National Police

National Police in an image file. (Gtres)

The need to collect outstanding debts has led in recent years to many people to take the justice into their own hands and use extortion to get their money. This is demonstrated by the experts of the National Police engaged in combating such activities, they say, have experienced a rise since the start of Crisis economical.

“There is a rise especially extortion more hostage incidents or without them. Having a lot of debt, there are people trying to get money so no legal “. Who is expressed and is responsible for the National Negotiation Team National Police for seven years has had to deal with numerous cases of desperate people resort to drastic situations derived from economic problems.

In his service there are cases of people who have opted for end solutions as layoffs, long-term unemployed, unable to deal with the mortgage or people who will be denied an economic benefit.


“In today’s society, many of these problems are solved by putting the ear and able to listen. The we do is listen and send down the emotion , which again give reason and Alternative “he says. However, ensure that these cases have not increased during the crisis have done so as extortion.

The last case that faced the man who was after dig for 20 hours in a bar in Zaragoza ended suicide . According to this police officer recounts, this was a different case that is part of a “ passionate component “. “He asked nothing, little could negotiate, answering in monosyllables and his only ambition was to be face to face with her ex,” explains

Despite the fatal outcome in Zaragoza. Negotiation Team National Police shows a large success rate in their interventions. Only in so far this year have overseen 80 cases of which 79 ended successfully. Enter them are even resolution kidnapping abroad, some media as was the abduction in Mexico Basque band Delorean in October last year.

Cases without hostages , easier

For the resolution of this case, the National Negotiating Team had to travel to San Sebastian to

home of the families of the hostages was where the hijackers communicated to ask the rescue. . “For days life becomes with families There is a personal involvement and emotional like it or not,” he admits while not hiding there bitterest cases “in Venezuela disappeared person and we have news of her and her kidnappers. “

A negotiator will never start a verbal confrontation with the person who is entrenched Difference between cases in which no hostages and which, he says, are “easier” unless the person concerned has any mental illness . Also, in cases where the hostages there there are nuances.

According to him are different cases in which “a man has come to rob a bank and want to get out and take a hostage but has nothing against him because his only goal is to get out “than others more passionate cases in which, for example,” a man has a woman and therefore already has what he wants. ” In the latter, negotiating skills is lower.

“A negotiator will never initiate a verbal confrontation with the person who is entrenched. By Generally what you can not confront him or give illegal things as a drug, for example, “he says.

National Network negotiators

National Negotiation Team consists of five inspectors of the police, but also there is a national network of negotiators that at least also have to be inspectors and passed a course lasting two weeks. “We look for a profile with torque capacity to talk and connect, worship, socially warm for near and emotionally cold to not be swayed by emotions.”

This network of negotiators is currently composed of 25 effective spread throughout the Spanish geography for greater responsiveness. “In the time jumping a matter call us. They go to the site but call us and we coordinated and a kind of brainstorming is done. Besides all templates have a phone that is of call 24 hours and know they have a duty to call when a case of these “occurs.

In this way the negotiator who is on the ground are never alone and also forms part of a Police device with other larger units like Citizen Security . “We tell them if the situation is entrenched, whether or not advance, but we do not decide on the operation.”


Moreno political season opens with the attack on Diaz by corruption – Diario de Sevilla

Moreno political season opens with the attack on Diaz by corruption – Diario de Sevilla

The president of the PP-Andalucía, Juan Manuel Moreno, demanded yesterday the president of the Junta de Andalucía, Susana Díaz, his appearance in the Andalusian Parliament to give explanations on corruption cases pertaining to the community, referring specifically to the Edu operation on training and records of employment regulation (ERE).

“If Diaz wants transparency and consistency has to take charge and appear in the Andalusian Parliament to give explanations to all citizens about corruption,” said Moreno, who reloaded against the general secretary Andalusian socialists, whom he accused of “inconsistency”.

Moreno premiered yesterday the political course of the PP meeting in Málaga with the steering committee of the popular Andalusian accompanied by the Deputy Secretary General of Organization and Elections PP, Carlos Floriano. Arguing by corruption flag, Moreno alleged that Diaz continue “to obstruct justice, attacking judges investigating cases covering corruption and in many cases actually defending those responsible.”

The leader of the popular Andalusian suggested the existence of a “secret pact” between Díaz and the secretary general of the PSOE, Pedro Sanchez, who does not allow this “accountability” to the first cases of corruption are investigated, and wondering if Sanchez is “hamstrung, unable to deal with corruption.” Therefore, Moreno demanded explanations and information to the socialist organization, which also invited to “hear the voice of the citizens.”

Meanwhile, Deputy Secretary General Organization and Elections PP, Carlos Floriano, demanded both Andalusian president and the secretary general of the PSOE, Pedro Sanchez, who explain “the existence of an organized system the Junta de Andalucia to take public money for the unemployed.

According to the leader of the PP, this system would have three bases: “The training, the records of employment regulation (ERE) and the funds for the re-industrialization”.

The president of the council of Malaga and PP-A spokesman Elias Bendodo, also said that the PSOE Malaga claim framing explanations related to the training courses, the Edu case, the investigation began in the province of Malaga, where the prosecution is investigating 17 companies have been arrested and 40 people.

“The Socialist leaders Miguel Angel Heredia and Francisco Conejo have to stand up for this huge scandal that shames us that originates in our province.’s The time to explain to citizens how mounted and why has its origin here and if you knew him, and in that case, why not allow it, “said Bendodo.

Apart from corruption, Moreno announced that the PP-A will introduce this fall, with the start of the new political course, a package of fiscal measures that have as objective “to make attractive and safe from Andalucía the legal point of view and make it a land of investment to create jobs, prosperity and development. ” Moreno also cited health and education among the tasks of PP-A for the new political course. “We will work for a better future for Andalusians” generating for this “social majority capable of producing alternating in Andalusia” he said.
