Friday, February 3, 2017

Violence is not power – The Universal

gradually, women are going to occupy spaces that seemed reserved for boys: with pain and courage in one’s own home, where, at times, and for different reasons will serves as father and mother; with effort and stands on its own merits in the social, academic and work.

however, it seems that far from moving in the much sought-after equality of opportunities, we are moving backward in the enjoyment of our fundamental rights.

The femicides in Mexico are evidence of the grave danger posed by the extreme violence towards women, the origin of which in the great majority of cases is found in the stalking and harassment. Recognize the problem of violence requires confronting it from the spheres of home, school and work.

three days Ago, the Citizen Observatory against Gender-based Violence, Disappearance and Feminicide in the State of Mexico (MexFem) reported that this disease occurred last year 263 femicides.

At the request of the state administration, there is declaration of Alert of Gender in 11 municipalities; there have been 88 longer sentences to 40 years in prison, responsible for the crime of femicide, there is a solid legal framework, hostels, and a free online care for victims of violence and their families, among other advances.

In the Secretariat of Education of the State of Mexico was formed from November 2009, the Equality Unit, which to date has instrumented 587 services in 98 municipalities, covering 33 thousand 17 students.

significant Progress, yes, but not enough. Recognizing it and at the proposal of the same citizen observatory, the governor Eruviel Ávila instructed some months ago to implement a subject in schools for children and youth mexiquenses can learn to live together in harmony and under the basic principles of respect and equality between men and women.

In one of the many meetings with specialists, the Secretariat of Education of the State of Mexico has had to fulfill this objective, Martha Alicia Trunk put in our hands the Model of prevention, attention and sanction to eradicate bullying and harassment in the areas of employment and school of the educational institutions of the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN).

Created from the Unit Polytechnic Management with a Gender Perspective, this ongoing program consists of four axes: Institutional Commitment, Process, Prevention, Process of Care and Process of Punishment, each one with their respective strategic lines of action.

it Is urgent to multiply innovative practices and successful efforts to promote coexistence in gender equality, in a framework of full respect, free of violence and non-discrimination, but we can’t leave it in isolated actions, processes and policies of management, because the reality is impossible to obviate:

Data from Inegi released in November of last year indicate that partner violence is more prevalent among women who got married or before the age of 18 (52.9 percent), unlike those who did so 25 years or more (43.4 percent) and 63 of every 100 women 15 years and older, have experienced at least one act of emotional violence, physical, sexual, economic or patrimonial, either by the couple, the husband or boyfriend, a family member, classmate or work, someone in authority in school or the workforce, or well, by acquaintances or strangers.

Any conduct of violence towards girls and women, or towards any man, is unacceptable. In the State of Mexico, we will implement the course in different levels of education and work to ensure that each of our levels and subsystems of education consider as a priority the prevention of violence and provide them with tools to get out of that hurtful cycle that damages our society and that, unfortunately, starts many times in the homes.

Secretary of Education of the State of Mexico



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