Friday, February 3, 2017

Participates in Morelos, the most important food fair of europe: Lunch – The Sun of Cuernavaca (press Release)

Repeated representation of Mexico in the living Room Dining

it Is part of the bet promotion designed into the Board of Directors of FITUR Morelos

For the second year in a row, Morelos participates in the International fair of Tourism and Gastronomy Lunch in Spain with a procession which, on behalf of Mexico, positioned the culinary richness of the state.

The first five February, the flavors of Morelos converge along with 11 countries of the world in Galicia, Spain, where they offer the dishes and food that are more representative of the municipalities.

The Government of Graco Ramírez, through the Secretariat of Tourism (Sectur) reported that with the agreement of the entrepreneurs and providers of services, the resources devoted to the promotion of the entity are translated into strategies to attract new markets.

After Morelos were invited to a special Lunch in 2016, on this occasion a procession will be high culinary art mexican side 232 exhibitors, of restaurants of high kitchen and the governments of Spain, Portugal, Canada, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Paraguay, France, Peru, Cuba and Argentina.

There, the cecina of Yecapixtla, the itacates, the mole pipián, green and white, as well as the ingredients, basic kitchen tlahuica will be combined with the fusion food, to be enjoyed by more than 20 thousand people per day.

Sectur said that the bet for the diversification of tourist markets responds to the goals proposed by the Board of Trustees of the Trust Tourism Morelos, at the crossroads of society, government and private initiative, always under the principles of transparency and optimal exercise of public resources.


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