The 40 year-old woman received five wounds of dagger from his excompañero, 20 years, reported to authorities of Madrid.
The authorities in Spain are investigating the death of a 40 year old woman at the hands of his former spouse, of 20, on facts that were recorded Monday night in the sector Rivas-Vaciamadrid, in Madrid.
the facts, which have caused the repudiation among the Spanish community, is accused Nelson M. of colombian nationality, who was separated from Matilde C. H. Nelson, who recorded a history for beating another woman, was arrested.
Matilda received five stab wounds of his former spouse which had reported in November last year by ill-treatment, according to the report from the Spanish press. The woman was a university professor.
Despite the allegations made by Matilda and the order imposed by the authorities not to approach him, Nelson went to his ex-partner, according to the account of several of the victim’s family.
according To witnesses, the night of the murder, they heard noises from the apartment of Matilda who at that hour he dined with Nelson. The man pulled out a dagger and he was wounded in the chest and abdomen. After the alert launched by the neighbours, the members of the Guardia Civil and Emergency services of Madrid came to the property.
Matilda was transferred in an ambulance to the hospital Gregorio Marañón, but hours after he died. The aggressor was caught in the act and is not resisted by the authorities in which he confessed that he would visit Matilda because she allowed it, which was denied by the relatives of the woman.
The Mayor of Rivas-Vaciamadrid condemned the murderousto and decreed three days of mourning. The delegate of the Government of Madrid, Concepción Dancausa and the secretary general of the PSOE, Carmen Pérez, condemned to the violent death of Matilda, and called concentrations against gender-based violence.
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