Saturday, February 11, 2017

SPAIN: The Government redoubles the pressure on the PSOE to approve the Budget – EntornoInteligente

the Five Days / The Government does not desist in its attempt to approve the General State Budget of the current year. So what has defended the Government’s spokesperson, Íñigo Méndez de Vigo in the press conference after the Council of Ministers. “It is not coherent to approve the spending ceiling and not to approve the Budgets,” he said in reference to the PSOE.

although rejected to threaten the electoral process in the event of not obtaining the approval of the accounts, Mendez de Vigo warned that having no Budget is negative for “all”, to the “citizens” and the “autonomous communities”.

The Council of Ministers has carried out an assessment of the first 100 days of mandate of Mariano Rajoy is to meet this Friday. Méndez de Vigo proclaimed that in this period of time the country has managed to pass “a climate of tension, uncertainty and instability” to another very different from “certainty and political stability.” So said the minister of Education and spokesperson of the Government, Iñigo Méndez de Vigo, during the press conference after the Council of Ministers, in which he emphasized that the management of Rajoy at the front of The Moncloa, has been allowed to turn around the economic situation, with three years of consecutive growth and the creation of more than a million jobs in the last two years.

he Pointed out that the Government of Rajoy is now facing a mandate “very different” to that which began in December 2011 after winning the first general elections in the midst of the economic crisis and congratulated the Spanish society because “they never threw in the towel” in the worst of times and were able to pass the necessary

reforms to reverse the trend. Méndez de Vigo pointed out that the priority in this legislature, without an absolute majority of the PP, is the “political dialogue” to agree on reforms with the opposition and made a call to the rest of the matches to be understood because it is “a demand of the citizens” in view of the result of the general elections of the 20 of December 2015 and 26 June 2016.

The Council of Ministers also approved the election of three commissions of experts to discuss the reform of regional finances , local finance, and dependency. Méndez de Vigo regretted that Catalonia would not have proposed any academic to discuss the autonomous model.

SPAIN: The Government redoubles the pressure on the PSOE to approve the Budget

With Information of Five Dias;n-sobre-el-PSOE-para-aprobar-el-Presupuesto

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Rajoy is studying the suspension of the autonomy in Catalonia – Telegraph

Addresses is an exceptional tool that will be used in the event that the executive keep its decision to hold in September a referendum.

Gorka Castle. A correspondent in Madrid

The tension between the government of Mariano Rajoy and the nationalists catalans is reaching a level of aggressiveness is unknown.

For the first time since the start of hostilities on the account of the aspirations for independence in Catalonia, the Spanish government has admitted that it does not rule out suspending the autonomy if the regional administration maintains the convening of a consultation of self-determination for next September.

But this threatening warning, unusual in the 39 years of Spanish democracy, has only served to make the president Catalan Carles Puigdemont throw more fuel to the fire by bringing forward the July 1 start to operate the new system of tax collection outside of Spain. It is a prior step to achieve real independence.

a Whole succession of challenges whose corollary is the trial against the former president Artur Mas and two of his closest advisors, Joana Ortega and Irene Rigau, for organizing the consultation on the independence held in 2014. The more you are exposed to a disabling policy copy if the court considers it guilty of the crimes of grave disobedience and transgression that charged.

at The same time, the spokesman of the Socialist Demòcrata Catalá (PDeCAT), Francesc Homs, knew yesterday that it will also be processed by the Supreme Court on the 27th of February on the same charges that they blame their peers.

The confrontation has come to a degree of incandescence that, unexpectedly, was displayed yesterday during the regular session of the Catalan Parliament.

After asking for the password and climb to the rostrum of speakers, Puigdemont launched one of the harshest diatribes that are remembered against the democratic system in Spanish, the label "ill".

According to the head of an autonomous region, "a democracy that sends to trial political leaders of the day as healthy and uplifting as that of the query 2014 is a democracy that has fallen ill, and comes of the transition," he said.

then gave a review of the scandals 'tolerated' by the State as the illegal wire-tapping ordered by the former minister of the Interior, Jorge Fernández Díaz; the millionaire funding awarded to the Fundación Francisco Franco or the private life of the king emeritus Juan Carlos I.

This atmosphere unbreathable captures the media’s attention to the rest of spain’s political life.

The minister of Justice, Rafael Catalá, said that the executive of Mariano Rajoy has studied the mechanisms at its disposal to solve this kind of territorial conflicts, and cited the exceptional article 155 of the Spanish Constitution that provides for the suspension of the autonomy effect. Unless the belligerent proved to be the negotiating officer of the government in this matter, the vice-president Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, who asked not to increase the drama existing and thanked the 'collaboration of the Spanish Socialist workers Party (PSOE),

and Citizens' in this complex challenge of independence.

The spokesperson of the manager socialist, Mario Jiménez, warned the nationalists catalans that "nothing can be done in Spain at the margin of the law," but blames Rajoy’s "lack of a prior dialogue that would have prevented this pulse that we now live".The leader of Citizens, Albert Rivera was aligned with the strategy of the government, and reproached the pro-independence "the epic of cheap lab."

The discordant note set by the secretary general of we Can, Pablo Churches, for whom it is grievous that you are judge More by putting polls while remains unpunished corruption," he said.

Nor what to say in regards to the trial against the former president of Catalonia is acting as the gasoline with which it tries to put out the fire. Embraced by thousands of followers in the street, Artur Mas stated before the magistrate Jesus Maria Barrientos be "the only one responsible for everything that has happened in the last few years."

But the nuance in the media of a judicial process that for some it is political and other propaganda that is causing constant friction between the judge and the defendant in the few days it takes to continue.

The most serious, no doubt, occurred yesterday when I tried to explain why it will not respond to the questions made by the prosecutor.

In that moment was interrupted by the judge with a blunt "you are not here to ask questions." A phrase that describes the distances that separate Catalonia and Spain today are abysmal. (I)

The trial of More

The office maintained yesterday, your request to disable it for 10 years at the former Catalan Artur Mas for the exercise of public office on the penultimate day of the trial for organizing the November 9, 2014 a consultation on the independence prohibited by the court.

The exvicepresidenta Joana Ortega and the exresponsable regional Education Irene Rigau also in question would be disqualified for 9 years.

query on the independence, that was not going to have legal effect, it was suspended by the Constitutional Court but was also held to gather 2.3 million participants, 80% of them voting for the secession of this wealthy northeastern region.

Some 40,000 protesters of independence gathered last Monday in front of the court to support their former rulers. The trial will run until today. (I)


Prohibit in Madrid killing animals abandoned –

The initiative against animal abuse #YoSíPuedoContarlo full network of networks with photos of pets rescued from the streets

The activation of a new ley for the Protection of Animals of Company, which prohibits the killing of pets that are in the kennels, from this Friday, takes effect in the reception centre of the Community of Madrid.

More than 150 thousand animals are abandoned every year in Spain, many of them end up euthanized in a “systematic” in kennels of the municipalities.

More than 150 thousand animals are abandoned every year in Spain, many of them end up euthanized in a "systematic" in kennels city

This rule prohibits the killing of animals by the fact of being in a reception centre, thus avoiding the “double condemnation of the pet” for being a victim of abandonment and sacrifice forced, has affirmed the Environment minister, Jaime González Taboada, who explains that the law calls for the sterilization to prevent overpopulation and abandonment.

in Addition, it is vetoed the abuse, by action or omission. It is prohibited to display animals in events intended for leisure or fun; or using them in begging, or traveling.

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Neither going to be given as a reward or raffle, or to use them in exhibitions or photo shoots for advertising purposes without authorisation, or leave them in vehicles without ventilation. Also he will veto the trigger or hit animals with firearms or compressed air, in exceptional cases,

just in 2016 there were more than 12 thousand actions to save the life of a pet and stopped to 490 people in operations against animal abuse.

breaking the new law will lead to sanctions which can go from 300 to 45 thousand euros.

The Law of Protection of Animals of company defends the “sacrifice zero” and gives a time limit of a year and a half to the pet stores to make reforms in order to continue to have dogs and cats in their premises, as until now.


Friday, February 10, 2017

PGJE has 4 complaints for animal abuse –

Gerardo Marquez Guevara, a delegate of the PGJEC pointed out that so far have submitted 4 formal complaints for child abuse and animal cruelty, they are in the stage of integration testing.

he warned that in Coahuila the abuse and animal cruelty is typified as a crime, which reaches up to 3 years of prison to be the fact.

WE RECOMMEND: Complaint to neighbor by poison to your pet

Are the protectors of animals who have been integrated and presented allegations that at the time it is served.

“Now that has permeated the culture of the animal protection associations, animal protectors have placed special emphasis on the observation of animals that are mistreated by their owners or by third persons”.

The most common causes of abuse, it is by no means sufficient for their support, other times it gives the ill-treatment or cruelty, however, is the competent authority which is responsible for determining any of these situations.

The official said that they have only received four complaints in the PGJEC region Lagoon, which are being investigated.

“In Coahuila abuse or animal cruelty is a crime that will be punished with a prison sentence, once that is credited, the person involved will be able to spend up to 3 years in jail”.

The last complaint was filed this week, is just integrating the folder of probes for in their time, define what needs to be done, according to see the animal protection law in force in mexican state of Coahuila.

The allegations are of abuse or cruelty towards canines and equines, the latter case it is two horses that are not being addressed, as they present higher echelons of malnutrition and their life is at risk, the authority competent to investigate and track these cases.

“In Coahuila abuse or animal cruelty is a crime that will be punished with a prison sentence, once that is credited, the person involved will be able to spend up to 3 years in jail”.

persons who wish to file a complaint, you can do so at the offices of the delegation in The Lagoon which are located on the periferico Raul Lopez Sanchez.



Tajani: “the European Union has broadened its foreign policy,” – Deutsche Welle

"we can’t leave Latin America to the interests of China," said the president of the European Parliament (EP), Antonio Tajani, adding that "the EU must change” to counter the populist parties and eurófobos.

Tajani, spoke at a press conference at the headquarters of the community institutions in Spain, where he makes his first official visit as president of the european Parliament. “In my judgment, a spaniard as a european, or an Italian, as a european, can be better defended in the EU that only in their own country,” said Tajani, who has had a profound impact on the rise of the populist parties and eurófobos in european politics.

“If there are many citizens who vote to populists, the problem is not the populist parties, but why the vote of the citizens”, has emphasized the president of the european Parliament and leader of the European Popular Party (EPP).

In this way, has underlined, “it is necessary to provide solutions to three major problems (in Europe): illegal immigration, terrorism and youth unemployment”. “You have to try to shorten the distance between the EU and the citizens. Now the citizens feel that Brussels is a castle where they work the bureaucrats, but not that it works for them”, he added.

on the other hand, Tajani stressed the need to “do more in foreign policy to help the construction of peace in the Middle East, in north Africa, in sub-saharan Africa. There is more to do in Latin america, we cannot leave this region so important to the interests of the chinese”.

Tajani highlighted, also, that Spain “is going to be a most important country in the EU”, in particular after the “brexit”, so you’ve been invited to “assume more political prominence”. “I like what you’re doing Spain in many sectors, and I invite you to assume political prominence. Spain should get ready to play this match as the holder. Can’t stay on the bench”, he said.

Tajani: “Malloch may not be U.S. ambassador to Brussels"

on the other hand, the president of the EP has been overwhelming with respect to the controversy sparked by the appointment by the president of the united states, Donald Trump, Ted Malloch as ambassador to the EU, although the positions extremely critical of this and in full support of the “brexit”.

Malloch cannot play the position of ambassador to the EU because “it can’t be a lord that comes to destroy the house,” he underlined Tajani, who has pointed out that this has been the position expressed by the European Parliament by a large majority.

“The problem is not with the united States, a country with which we share values, languages, and with that there is a trade very important to and we can’t forget his support for democracy in Europe”, he stressed Tajani.

With regard to relations with the new Government of the united States, Tajani has stated that “we are going to see” your development. Trump “is a partner” and “we need to see what is proposed to the EU”. “I think that all of you can criticize a friend and also be hard with friends but we can’t be below anyone. A friend is a friend, not a boss,” he underlined Tajani.

JUV (efe, abc)

1830. The building of 50 meters high was built in 1905. The city of Brussels put it in the hands of the German Mission to the EU for this facility in light of the ceremony of the reunification.

  • The German reunification, was dressed in lights

    Artist of light

    The Dutch Martijn Adema, events manager of the agency “Vision Impossible” produced the video of eight minutes that was projected on the arc. For him, "the biggest challenge was to install the spotlights, most powerful of Europe".

  • The German reunification, was dressed in lights

    The war divided

    Project of Hitler and the horrors of the Second World War on this memorial belgian state was bold, but necessary, said Matthias Zeckert. The war as the starting point of the division of Germany opens the show.

  • The German reunification, was dressed in lights

    Blue against red

    The Iron Curtain between West (blue) and East (red) divided Europe until 1989. The images of Churchill, Kennedy and Gorbachev are passed by the Arc de Triomphe.

  • The German reunification, was dressed in lights

    The Wall falls

    The Arc de Triomphe is transformed into the Berlin Wall, with guard towers and everything. But the inhumane barrier falls. The crowds erupt in jubilation. Also the historic stutter Günter Schabowski rumbles in the Park of the Jubilee: “from what I know, the order of step free governed from now…".

  • The German reunification, was dressed in lights

    Europe shines

    After Germany is also Europe joins more and more. Eastern european countries enter the European Union. It makes the idea of a home, a family, the freedom to travel and to pay with a common currency.

  • The German reunification, was dressed in lights

    The spectacle of lights will not cover the crisis

    Europe was shaken by the euro crisis and 2008 economic. Only with difficulty Germany and Europe manage to overcome it. The President of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, wants to do everything possible to save the euro.

  • The German reunification, was dressed in lights

    New challenge

    The challenge most recent to Germany and Europe is that of the refugees by the thousands are seeking asylum in Germany, preferably.

    Author: Bernd Riegert (JUV/)

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    Lawyer of former Catalan rejects desobedeciera to Constitutional – Terra Chile

    The lawyer of the former president of the Spanish region of Catalonia, Artur Mas, tried by a consultation independence in 2014 suspended by the Constitutional Court of Spain, argued today that this body would not be bound to prevent the vote, and therefore, not disobeyed.

    During the last session of the trial against the Catalan political and two members of his former executive in the high Court of Justice of Catalonia, the lawyer Xavier Melero focused their argument on the “lack of concreteness” of the high court before the query.

    The three are accused of an alleged crime of trespass and disobedience are severe for allowing the above-mentioned vote on November 9, 2014.

    on That day, the regional executive of Mas allowed a consultation on the independence of Catalonia, which was attended by 2.3 million people of a census of 5.4 million, despite the fact that the Constitutional overturned the call.

    For the defense of former Catalan regional, the communication of the Constitutional “did not impose a positive duty to prevent” such a query is pro-sovereignty, so that not disobeyed.

    For his part, the prosecutor Emilio Sánchez Ulled, which maintains its request for the ten-year ban for Mas, stated in its final conclusions that if the politician would have accepted that questioning at trial, he would have shown the text of the constitution that suspends the query.

    One of the main

    lines of the indictment of Sánchez Ulled is based on Mas and his two counselors, Joana Ortega and Irene Rigau, “decided on a whim to dispense with the constitutional mandate,” which suspended the vote on the 9 November.

    in view of the criticisms of the nationalists catalans, who qualify this process of attack on the democracy by preventing the people to be expressed, the prosecutor stated that it was not judging the “popular will”, but a “serious breach” of the rules of the democratic game and the peaceful coexistence.

    Insisted that he had no “indication” on the part of the Spanish Government, who was the one who complained to the Constitutional Court the query of catalonia.

    The prosecutor’s office is an institution with a hierarchical, headed by the Attorney General of the State, which appoints the Government.


    Hooters is coming back to Spain with their ‘features’ waitresses… but more moderate – Merca2.0

    Known for its waitresses with physical attributes lush, this chain of restaurants american, he returned to Spain in July, to try their luck in the commercial center Vilamarina in Vilamoura, located in Barcelona, after his first attempt in Gran Canaria, where he worked from 2007 to 2010.

    These establishments, who are accused of sexist because that has been calling itself since its inception in 1983, as a brestaurant (mixture of English words in breast (chest) and Restaurant), since 2011, Hooters claims to have a new policy regarding women serving the customers, by accepting, as stated by Julio Arias, director general of expansion of the company in Spain and Portugal, to females with physical varied.

    The chain plans to open 15 new stores in Spain over the next seven years, and after the first in Barcelona, will be followed by one in Madrid and another in Seville. As is the tradition in Hooters, the total of the personnel attending to the clients, will be women, while the recruitment of men will be to positions in the kitchen and organization.

    From Hooters point out that the waitresses will be able to choose between two uniforms that qualify as 'sports', the traditional t-shirt midriff tops and short-shorts or leggings, color of flesh and a tracksuit, both options

    available in all sizes.

    The announcement of his return to Spain has filled the social networks of negative comments, to what Arias has responded that: "If we were talking about Hooters in the 80′s and 90′s, I wouldn’t go there." To which he added that the chain, after being sold by Coby G. Brooks, son of the founder, to the fund H. I. G Capital, has changed, so that no one could talk about "brestaurant", "junk food," or hiring without experience based on their physical attributes.

    Hooters has a presence in several countries of Europe such as Germany, Austria, Uk, Switzerland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Russia.


    Logged in Spain the explosion of a mortar in a field manoeuvres of the Army – RT in Spanish – international News

    The explosion of a mortar in the field maneuvers of San Gregorio, in the province of Zaragoza, has left this Friday at least four slightly wounded, according to local media cited by the Delegation of the Government of Aragon.

    The wounded, a captain and three cadets at the General Military Academy, attached to the Army of Earth, have already been transferred to the military hospital of Zaragoza. Sources in the Army have reported that the wounds are splinters, and “in principle, your initial assessment is mild”.

    Also, from the Academy have warned that it is still unknown the cause of this explosion that occurred during a series of maneuvers that were being made in the field.

    The General Military Academy celebrates this month the 90.Anniversary of its establishment in Zaragoza by a Royal Decree of February 20, 1927, as well as 135 years since its establishment in Toledo in 1882. This

    week, between the 6th and the 10th of February, your cadets are conducting maneuvers in the field of San Gregorio and in the town of Canfranc (Huesca) after finishing the tests.


    Entrepreneurs admit to having financed illegally PP valenciano – teleSUR TV

    the confessions of the businessmen involved in financing illegal of the PP committed to the head of the Spanish Government, Mariano Rajoy.

    The anti-Corruption Office of Spain reached an agreement in accordance with the nine entrepreneurs involved in the trial for the illegal financing of the Partido Popular (PP), which will begin the next 13 march in that country.

    The entrepreneurs admitted that they financed illegally for the PP in the last municipal and regional elections of 2007 in Spain and in the 2008 general, including several acts of the president of the Spanish Government, Mariano Rajoy, in the province of Valencia.

    This agreement occurs under similar conditions to those already signed by three other entrepreneurs repentant involved in the case Gürtel. These three, joined by six others who will come this Friday to the headquarters of the anti-Corruption Office in the capital,

    Madrid, to sign the agreement.

    you Also must testify representatives of the PP as the former mayor of the municipality of Gandia, Arturo Torró; the deputy regional Rubén Ibáñez or Adela Pedrosa. Among the above-mentioned, as a witness, and at his own request, is also the extesorero popular Luis Barcenas.

    >> Rajoy delayed State Budget for the PSOE did not vote


    5 year-old child dies after hard punishment for bed-wetting – Channel 44, The Channel of the News

    FRANCE.-A little 5 year old was severely punished by her stepfather after wetting his bed, an act that later would cause him death.

    According to the newspaper Le Parisien, it came to pass in the last Sunday night in the department of Passage of Calais, in France. According to the authorities, the corpse of the child was located in a nearby canal to a population. Apparently, the man of 30 years would have forced the child to run down the street wearing only underpants and socks.

    The harsh punishment that resulted in the child a cardio-respiratory arrest, what would have been the cause of the death. However, the body also had blows to the head, which police sources say they will not match with a fall.

    Both the stepparent and the child’s mother, 23-year-old, still are investigated. She could

    spend up to five years in prison for having done nothing to prevent the death of his son.

    The prosecutor’s office has reported that the stepfather does not seem to be aware of the gravity of the facts, while the young mother confessed that the punishment that his partner was engaging in the best were "for their own good" and "to order their ideas in the head."


    Thursday, February 9, 2017

    Punishment for wetting the bed cause the death of a child – Hora Cero Web

    For bed-wetting and a child of five years was severely punished and beaten by her stepfather, to the extent of causing death.

    The newspaper Le Parisien reported that the last Sunday night in the department of Passage of Calais, in France, the authorities found the corpse of a child in a nearby canal to this town.

    The investigations of the French Police threw the man 30 years forced the child to run for a avenue wearing only underpants and socks.

    however when you perform the autopsy also revealed that the body of the small had bumps on the head, same sources police say they will not match with a fall.

    The child of five years died due to a cardiorespiratory arrest, however, both the stepfather and the mother of 23 years, being are investigated.

    The amazing thing is that the mother of the child confessed that the punishment that his partner was engaging in the child were "for their own good, and

    with the objective of to order their ideas in the head."

    given this situation, the woman could be sentenced up to five years in prison for having done nothing to prevent the death of his son.

    While the prosecution continues to gather evidence to sentence the stepfather have reported does not seem to be aware of the gravity of the facts.


    Woman prostituía to his daughter of 13 years old to buy alcohol and tobacco – The Journal Ecuador


    - Or -


    Rajoy delayed State Budget for the PSOE did not vote – teleSUR TV

    The Government of Mariano Rajoy hopes the election of the new secretary general of the PSOE to present a new national Budget.

    The president of the Spanish Government, Mariano Rajoy, is willing to slow down until the beginning of summer, the handling of the State Budget, to which the Spanish Socialist workers Party (PSOE) do not have to vote before the holding of your congress, the 18th of June.

    Rajoy and Finance minister, Cristóbal Montoro, pose to generate a delay in the timing of processing of the Budget until it is concluded primaries of the PSOE in June and get to know the new secretary-general.

    >> Rajoy wants to mediate between Trump and Latin America why?

    The Rajoy Government holds the conviction that if the new socialist leader is Susana Díaz, will be possible to get agreements and a forbearance final of the tolda red to facilitate the approval of the Budgets. But if you win Pedro Sánchez will be difficult to reach an agreement with the PSOE, and would have to call new elections, indicate official sources.

    The president of the Government pointed out the 9th of January before the Executive Committee of the Popular Party that the intention is to present a new Budget at the end of march of this year.

    According to the sources consulted by the

    newspaper, what is important is that in a Eurozone convulsed by general elections in the Netherlands, France, Germany and possibly Italy, Spain, offering a signal of stability.

    The minister of Finance pointed out that "the current situation of the Budgets carried over has to end as soon as possible". "If we didn’t have a few updated quotes difficult to understand what kind of legislature or what kind of political stability we are referring to".

    Montor said that is a political issue more than an economic one, because the extension budget ensures the compliance with the deficit target more easily than having to negotiate likely new items of expenditure with the PSOE in an eventual negotiation to achieve his abstention.

    >> trial Starts in Spain against former Catalan Artur Mas


    Guillen speaks at the Committee of the Regions, communications, water and agriculture – EntornoInteligente

    the Expansion / Among the points that will be discussed is the incorporation of young farmers to the primary sector in europe.

    The councillor of Presidency of the Government of Aragon, Vicente Guillén, attend this Wednesday and Thursday when 121 plenary session of the European Committee of Regions, which will be held at the headquarters of the European Parliament in Brussels. Of the more than 20 items on the agenda of this plenary session of the European Committee of Regions, three of them have a special importance for the Autonomous Community of Aragon.

    The first of them is an own-initiative opinion on “The lack of connections of transport in the border regions”. Already in the session of Thursday, the plenary will discuss two issues relevant to Aragon. This is an opinion on “An effective system of water management: an approach to innovative solutions” and, finally, a third opinion on “Support to young european farmers” in which it is expected the attendance of european commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Paul Hogan.

    The European Committee of Regions is an advisory body which represents local and

    regional authorities of the 28 member States of the European Union. The full Committee is composed of 350 members.

    Guillen speaks at the Committee of the Regions, communications, water and agriculture

    With Information Expansión

    Follow us on Twitter @entornoi


    Entrepreneurs admit to having financed illegally for the PP – teleSUR TV

    the confessions of the businessmen involved in financing illegal of the PP committed to the head of the Spanish Government, Mariano Rajoy.

    The anti-Corruption Office of Spain reached an agreement in accordance with the nine entrepreneurs involved in the trial for the illegal financing of the Partido Popular (PP), which will begin the next 13 march in that country.

    The entrepreneurs admitted that they financed illegally for the PP in the last municipal and regional elections of 2007 in Spain and in the 2008 general, including several acts of the president of the Spanish Government, Mariano Rajoy, in the province of Valencia.

    This agreement occurs under similar conditions to those already signed by three other entrepreneurs repentant involved in the case Gürtel. These three, joined by six others who will come this Friday to the headquarters of the anti-Corruption Office in the capital,

    Madrid, to sign the agreement.

    you Also must testify representatives of the PP as the former mayor of the municipality of Gandia, Arturo Torró; the deputy regional Rubén Ibáñez or Adela Pedrosa. Among the above-mentioned, as a witness, and at his own request, is also the extesorero popular Luis Barcenas.

    >> Rajoy delayed State Budget for the PSOE did not vote


    Far-right spaniards are protesting against Starbucks for hiring refugees – Sputnik World

    “Hogar Social Madrid performs an action to protest the hiring of the chain Starbucks to 10,000 refugees while in Spain unemployment is over 20%,” said the organization through a press release.

    The protest action consisted in covering the windows of the coffee shops with placards with messages like “here is hire refugees while you’re unemployed” or with mounts that replace the female figure in the logo of the company by a woman covered with an islamic veil under the inscription “Starburka”.

    The HSM justified their industrial action ensuring that Starbucks “gets economical profitability in Spain” which then “does not revert in the set of the Spanish society”.

    “The Elites that generate conflicts in various parts of the globe and, in turn, produce cheap labor, to degrade the labor conquests that european workers have been wrought with much sacrifice over the decades, taking advantage of the majority of the immigrants have

    little awareness of trade union and fight for the rights of workers,” said the right-wing group.

    Subject: EU Measures on refugees

    Finally, the HSM accused Starbucks of “covered good advertising and false solidarity” to “use the mantras of thinking politically correct with their “Refugees Welcome”.


    Almost 170-thousand ecuadorians in Spain suitable for elections in your country – Prensa Latina

    08 February, 2017 13:44Madrid, feb 8 (PL) A total of 168 thousand 435 ecuadorian residents in Spain are entitled to vote on 19 February in the general election organised in their country, informed today the embassy of that nation in the andes.

    The vote of the ecuadorian community living in this iberian country represents 41 percent of the total votes abroad, and 71 percent of their electoral constituency, which covers Europe, Asia and Oceania, with 236 thousand 669 electors in assembly.

    in Addition to this, there are two other constituencies: the united States and Canada, with 110 thousand 524 voters, and Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa, with 31 thousand 99.

    Each of these jurisdictions elects two assembly members, that is to say, six of the 137 that make up the National Assembly (parliament) of Ecuador, explained at a press conference the ambassador of Quito in Madrid, Miguel Calahorrano; and the consul general, Lorena Escudero.

    Calahorrano underlined the increase of ecuadorians registered in Spain to exercise their right to vote, which increased from 134 thousand in 2013 to almost 170 thousand current, this increase attributed to a growing democratic attitude of that group of migrants.

    Both the ambassador as a Squire suggested to his countrymen to go to vote early, with the aim to avoid congestion and to facilitate the participation.

    The polling stations will be open from seven in the morning until five in the afternoon in 19 cities and towns distributed by all the Spanish geography.

    Of all the jurisdictions electoral, Madrid, with 61 thousand 709 enrolled, is where the greatest concentration of ecuadorians will vote in the exterior, which will have 124 tables where exercise a right that is earned, said the consul general.

    on Sunday, February 19, the citizens of the south american nation will elect the president and vice-president of the republic, members of the National Assembly and their representatives in the Andean Parliament.

    During that same day, will participate in a popular consultation on the so-called Covenant of Ethics, in which they will express their position with regard to the tenure of property in tax havens on the part of their elected positions.

    The proposal of the Covenant of Ethics, raised in July of 2016 by president Rafael Correa, received the approval of the Constitutional Court of Ecuador on the 15th of November last.



    In democracy, the Spanish judges the former president of Catalunya for doing a citizens ‘ consultation – The Mule

    it Was cold, minus 9 degrees, were not yet 8 in the morning and 170 buses came to the center of Barcelona, explicablemente the accesses to the city were collapsed. Forty thousand people from the 4 provinces of catalonia, lying in the vicinity of the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia, was the day on which it began the trial of Artur Mas, the former president of the Generalitat, who dared to give voice to his people. And his people came to support him.

    it Was Monday, working day and 40 thousand people -according to the guardia urbana of Barcelona – had put aside their duties for a great show to the rest of Spain than in Catalonia, as in Fuente Ovejuna, "all". And is that to Most he is accused of “grave disobedience and transgression,” for having permitted to carry out the consultation of November 9, 2014 (9N). Through the same was sought to know if the catalans wanted a referendum to ask for the will of independence from Spain.

    for a few years, each September 11-the day of your national holiday – Catalonia, goes out into the streets to demonstrate peacefully to demand the independence of their territory and after a series of social actions, education and policies, carried out during all this time; the catalans feel that the time has come to know for certain how many of their citizens want independence. However, this is impossible. The central government under the Constitution is denied Catalonia the right to hold a referendum in conditions.

    to Be Catalan and ‘indepe’ is almost considered a crime of treason by the bulk of Spanish. They say that Catalonia is showing, because it calls for an "economic agreement" with Basque, or one that allows you to manage their own resources, and also branded as fascist and a small town for wanting to live in Catalan and demand the respect of their cultural traits. And there are those who think that their rulers are criminals and that they are better off on the bench of the defendants that in making policy.

    "as long As I’m president of the government, no one will break the unity of Spain (Mariano Rajoy dixit, November 8, 2014)

    For phrases such as these, or as one that was made famous during the Franco dictatorship, "Spain, a large and free" -the current rallying cry of the groups of the extreme right in spain – from Spain’s deep, things look less welcomed. “Pressure, shtick, show”, these are some of the adjectives from the central government and from the traditional parties like the PP and the PSOE, were devoted to the massive support offered to the former president of the Generalitat.

    But it is not the only one sitting on the bench of the accused, former vice-president, Joana Ortega, and the former councillor for Education, Irene Rigau, are also being prosecuted for “disobedience and transgression”. Ortega is judged to be the right arm of the former president and Rigau because it allowed colleges to open their doors for the catalans would vote despite the Spanish Constitutional Court (TC) had prevented the realization of the process proposed by the Catalan government.

    however, if the consultation was conducted was because of all the prohibitions, political and judicial, the government of the Generalitat gave the consultation to the people. The 9N was made possible due to the work of 42 thousand civilian volunteers who took up the baton and continued with the work of making the appointment, which would be at an informational event, as the quibbling legal had made her lose its binding character.

    "The policy initiative was mine and that of my Government. The guidelines came from me." (Artur Mas dixit, February 6, 2017)

    In this quote from justice, But which warlord who seeks to go down in history as the president who listened to a significant part of his people and fought by his side for the independence, assumed full responsibility for the query. He knows, among other things, that the more you defend the process, the better you will be in the eyes of those who may soon have to choose a new president in Catalan.

    If all goes as planned for the roadmap to independence, before the end of this year, despite who gets upset and disobeying the Spanish, there would be the real referendum and the mandate of the current president of the Generalitat would end up with a new electoral process in which Mas has stated that it could participate as well was sentenced by the Spanish courts.

    If Mas is found guilty of the process made the 9N, has

    already signalled that it would resort to the judgment before the european courts. The sentence faced by the former president is 10 years of disqualification from any public office. For your "partner necessary" justice calls for 9 years. In addition, they could not be elected, even, to occupy the chair, secretariat or delegationship of any humble board of neighbors.

    "What of the morning is not a referendum , nor a consultation, nor produces any effect" (Mariano Rajoy dixit, November 8, 2014)

    however, the result of the 9N if produced "effect", we took the pulse of the pro-independence and this showed measured and robust, well, something more than 2 million catalans-despite the fear that tried to disseminate the Spanish government – they came free and excited to vote; and 80% of them vote YES to the referendum. It was then when someone in The Moncloa, or perhaps the very same Rajoy fell into account that the independence is not the dream of four sleepless; he had then to fight it with all the artillery.

    And the machine political court started to ride a more refined and powerful than ever, it was announced the trial of Artur Mas and it was made clear that all who stand in opposition to the plans constitutional would be prosecuted. It doesn’t take in to fall the president of the Catalan Parliament which will also be prosecuted for “disobedience and transgression”, in your case, for allowing a vote that according to the central government aimed to "open a constituent process, making an accurate plan for the secession of Catalonia”.

    But the machinery is not only deployed in the political sphere and the judiciary, and also transfer to the plane of the intrigue as in June of 2016 discovered a conversation between the then minister of the Spanish interior, Jorge Fernández Díaz, and the director of the anti-Fraud Office in Catalonia, Daniel de Alfonso. In conversations recorded by the own of Alfonso, in the purest style of Vladimiro Montesinos, listening to Fernandez to ask Alfonso, anything that could incriminate him in a case of corruption to any member of the Catalan government.

    Another YES say

    Consulted Pablo Iglesias, leader of Podemos, on the trial But said: "we do not seem to us well-that is to judge no one for putting the polls. Speaks badly of the Spanish democracy that this occurs, at the time that there has been levels of impunity, scandalous corruption,". And in that corruption, she would dance up the own Rajoy. "Be strong Luis" wrote to him, Rajoy and Luis Barcenas, the former treasurer of his party, when the latter was arrested for possible irregularities in the financing of the PP. "I’ve been strong for Mariano," he answered Barcenas Rajoy, on his way out of the prison.

    Spain is a country where Justice is NOT judge a president, when the former treasurer of his party (PP) -responsible of the accounting ‘opaque’ of the same – he confessed that he also had delivered to Mariano Rajoy, one of the famous envelopes with ‘bonuses’ that would have gained high positions in the party. However, it is allowed to prosecute a former president of an Autonomous Community, by allowing their citizens to go to vote.

    The trial has just begun, and if the government of Mariano Rajoy remains determined to discuss the politics, the race towards the independence of Catalonia will not stop, so claim to civil-society organisations from catalonia and the politicians that support the process. Just weeks ago the current president of the Catalan government, Carles Puigdemont, I reaffirm the willingness of conduct the referendum for independence before the end of 2017. And the people related to the cause so requires.


    The sad end of a child forced to run half-naked to do ‘pee’ in the bed – Channel 44, The Channel of the News

    France is shocked by the terrible discovery of the corpse of a child of 5 years in a channel close to the population of Aire-sur-la-Lys, located in the department of pas-de-Calais. According to the researches, the cause of all was a punishment to the small child identified as Yanis, who had urinated in the bed hours before.

    inquiries point to his stepfather, 30-year-old, who would have forced his little running during the past Sunday through the streets of the city, dressed only with underwear and socks. So reported the daily Le Parisien on its website.

    The hypotheses about his death indicate that the child may suffer a paralysis cardio-respiratory fitness, but also knows that had a head injury, which does not rule out that the small have been heavily beaten before going for a run. "There were several impacts on the head, some of which are inconsistent with a fall," says a source judicial.

    By now the mother of the child (23) and her partner are being investigated. She would be sentenced to 5

    years in prison and will have to pay a fine of 7500 euros for not having done anything to prevent the crime against the small.

    Pascal Marconville, prosecutor in charge of the case explained that the partner of the man accused justified the recurring mistreatment of the latter to his son because "they were for their own good" and to "order their ideas in the head."

    The stepfather and mother have been banned from having any more children to his charge.

    With Information of


    Mother prostituía daughter of 13 years old to buy alcohol and tobacco – Diario Extra Costa Rica


    a Woman was arrested, Almeria, Spain

    A woman who forced her daughter of 13 years to engage in prostitution to keep her brother from 9 and buy alcohol, tobacco, and food was detained by the National Police in Almeria, Spain.

    according To Spanish media, the woman is of Russian nationality and is charged with an offence of abandonment of the family. In appearance he offered his daughter to men in exchange for €15 or €20 euro, alcohol, tobacco or food.

    in Addition to a 59 year old man, who had a history for sexual abuse of minors, was also arrested for maintaining relations with the child.

    After receiving confidential information, the agents conducted a surveillance device on the minor and his brother, checking that they were out of school, in a state of disrepair and most of the time roamed the streets of the place.

    The mother was arrested as the presumed author of the crime of abandonment of the family, however, the trial Court decreed freedom with charges for the wife and a restraining order.

    The children were moved to a protection center.

    JOURNALIST: Monica Matarrita Mora

    CREDITS: ABC, Antena3.


    Wednesday, 08 February, 2017

    TIME: 08:48 PM



    Wednesday, February 8, 2017

    They hire pushers to the people fit in the Metro of Madrid –

    life is a constant struggle.

    Best proof of this, is that we wage a daily basis when to move from one side to the other on our public transport system.

    Phrases like "turn up turn up there are places", "what If we upset if it travels part way to the back please?" or "do not bring change?" have become our mantra every day.

    Even, we could say that it is precisely in the public transport where you have given the greatest examples of transparency and honesty, every time someone climbs through the back door, and you have to send the of their passage from hand to hand throughout the unit. Thus, we see as it replicates "will be upset if you pay for two, please", a message that along with the money is passed from hand to hand until it reaches the driver with the "pay two" what if it were a miracle of all the Saints! For his part, the driver returns the homage by sending the change back, what happens to the new account for all hands, without which no one will steal a single peso!

    Who said that mexicans are not honored?

    things change when it comes to the Metro or Metrobus, where the rise and fall in the correct season, it becomes literally a gridiron of american football. Fourth and goal at the line of scrimmage. One fits all that it has to accommodate, the doors are opened and to push as much as possible until entering the promised land.

    But if you believed that the saturation of the public transportation was a unique problem of our country, are more than wrong.

    so much so, that in Madrid have created the job of the future.

    And that is after the close of the 8th line of the suburban railway in the Spanish capital, various stations of the metro have experienced one important increase in the number of people passing daily.

    And what is it that makes a good government, when it sees that the demand for public transport is being surpassed daily?

    An option would be to build a new subway line, even though the experience of the line twelve, tells us

    that it is very problematic… you know, inaugurate it and then stop it there for a year, and end up spending triple the budget referred to….. hello Marcelo!

    The other option might be to enable more trains to meet the demand in peak hours…or failing that, create parallel routes of trucks so that people could have alternatives, but why, if that is too mainstream?

    The government in madrid has put the view in the future, inspired by it, neither more nor less than the highest japanese technology to recruit it to pushers of people in the subway!

    If lord, or at the very Doctor Chunga would have thought of such a brilliant project… which consists of placing five or ten employees in the hallways of the stations are saturated -that is, if, very well uniformed, pa I do not say – and whose work is more or less in charge of pushing people to the inside of the wagons, for which sardines, all fit on the subway and the train can close its doors without any mishap.

    Something like what you showed us Patrick Star in a chapter of Sponge Bob

    of course, that in the face of criticism, the city government has said that it has hired "pushers" but from people who are in charge of "helping the service to be as agile as possible."

    life is a constant struggle, and when it comes to apañarse a little place in the metro, you have to take all the pounds!



    Dakota Johnson makes yoga and fitness for ’50 Shades Darker’ – Economí

    Nuria Hernández – 14:18 – 8/02/2017

    Is coming to the cinemas the second installment of one of the most successful sagas and critiqued. Starring Jamie Dornan and Dakota Johnson, ’50 Shades Darker’ (50 Shades Darker) promises to be a new blockbuster as it already happened with the first part of the movie based on the popular novel.

    And as on the tape there is more of an erotic scene, the main character wanted to get in shape several months before so that everything was on your site during the shoot and your body look in a perfect state throughout the film. The daughter of Melanie Griffith has told Vogue what has been your daily routine of exercises at the side of the guró of the sport in Beverly Hills, Gunnar Peterson.

    it Is one of the personal coaches more famous on the other side of the puddle, and next to it, Dakota has worked for more than half a year every day of the week. According to the actress, their training sessions are focused on three parts of his body that needed to be perfect: buttocks, arms, and abs.

    To get tone muscles and that Dakota will feel lighter in their movements, and so much more sexy during the filming of the scenes more ‘spicy’, the personal trainner designed a workout plan that combined yoga classes with a 45-minute personalized workout that included stretching, exercises with dumbbells and barbells to improve

    the balance.

    it Seems that this routine has taken effect, and the beautiful Dakota is so delighted that now continues to practice sport in order to continue improving your physique. In his last public appearance this Tuesday in Hamburg for the premiere of the film, we have been able to see radiant in a dress of black sequins with the one that bragged rear turning and upturned and even dared to hposar back to the photographers with the gesture flirtatious and very sexy.

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    A 13 year-old girl prostituía for 6 dollars to buy alcohol at his mother – Ecuavisa

    A girl of 13 years and her brother of 9 have been rescued from a messy business that involved sexual abuse through a small plot orchestrated by a 59 year old man who has been detained as the alleged perpetrator of the crimes of corruption of minors and sexual abuse. According to the police investigation, the mother, permitted the prostitution of his daughter to get alcohol and tobacco.

    During the course of such research has also been arrested a businessman of hospitality, a man of 32 years, as the alleged perpetrator of a crime against the rights of workers, as they had working at the young age of 13, in its local business in exchange of 5 euros per day, (almost 6 dollars) .

    Offered his daughter for 15 0 20 euros

    According to police sources consulted by RT, the investigation will start “as a result of a confidential information” about a woman who offered to men in the company of your daughter in exchange for 15 or 20 euros, alcohol, tobacco or food.

    The police proceeded to deploy a surveillance device on the girl, and in a short time they discovered that the minor and his brother of nine years were out of school, in an evident state of abandonment, passing the greater part of the time wandering the streets of Almeria. The research revealed that her mother forced the girl to take responsibility for your brother, and to provide it all the days of

    alcohol and tobacco. The police were able to verify that the victim was a 59 year old man who already had a history for sexual abuse of minors. The mother of the children has been arrested as the presumed author of an offence of abandonment of the family, and later a local court has ordered his release with charges as well as a restraining order of its children.

    The two children are children of the same woman, but they have different parents. According to reports the Spanish newspaper ’20 Minutes’, “the father of the girl, of Russian origin, would have died during a war, while the father of the child of nine years old, of Spanish nationality, would not have occupied your custody.” The two brothers were transferred to a centre for the protection of minors.
