Thursday, June 18, 2015

SPAIN: The replacement of Alaya is ‘premieres’ knocking his car … – EntornoInteligente

SPAIN <- - AUGURE_NOTICIA_INICIO!>: The replacement of Alaya is ‘premieres’ knocking a car from its predecessor / World / The new head of the magistrate court 6 Sevilla for two days, Maria Nunez Bolaños, has issued an order in which revokes an order issued on June 15 by the previous holder Mercedes Alaya, on the extension of the charging to exconsejero Angel Ojeda.

Providence “revokes the order of June 15 and instead remembers official communication to the Central Operational Unit (UCO) to to submit report on the state they are in different lines of research marked “in a crowded. The new judge in Providence, calls on the UCO to provide them with a schedule of different reports produced.

Among the initiatives Alaya car, which had not yet been notified, it included developing a report on the network of companies exconsejero Angel Ojeda spent in training, receiving 33.3 million euros of state aid in a year and a half, according to Alaya.

On 15 June, the previous head of the court, which intends to continue reinforcing instructing the macrocausas, also issued an order in which it complained that two socialist exconsejeros Andalusia, Manuel Recio and Antonio Avila, in the case of training courses.

that car, which accused the exconsejeros of a continuing offense of trespass and a misappropriation of public funds, Alaya extended the complaint to exconsejero Antonio Fernandez and also accused the former managing directors of the Andalusian Employment Service (SAE) Antonio Toro Alejandro Rueda and Pedro Eugenio Gracia.

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