Thursday, June 18, 2015

Sanchez has established itself as a candidate for president of … – El Universal (Venezuela)


Tuesday June 16, 2015 1:34 PM

Madrid .- The secretary general of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE), Pedro Sanchez became Tuesday the candidate the Prime Minister of their training after failing to internal opposition in the party.

The Spaniard was the only deputy who got the necessary guarantees to become the presidential candidate of your awning. The Election Commission held today at Ferraz counted and validated to 27,249 signatures of militants in Spain, above the 9,699 required, the Spanish newspaper World reported.

The Platform Support Sanchez was responsible for coordinating the collection of signatures throughout Spain. At 50 provincial leaders had asked, in principle, a little more than 5% of the population of each territory, as Ferraz had no intention of accumulating many more guarantees than necessary. Finally, firms have far exceeded the necessary 5% of the membership of the PSOE and the PSC in Spain.

None of the alternative candidates announced their intention to bid managed enough signatures. By not getting enough internal support or Seville Sergio onion, or the canary Pedro Antonio Ibanez been able to compete with Pedro Sanchez.

On July 26, therefore , the date fixed for open primaries socialists, no vote. Sanchez has now won the primary by lack of internal opposition to lack Ferraz definitely confirm that all guarantees and confirm that there are no duplicate signatures. The final declaration will be on Sunday 21.

The outcome of the municipal and regional elections was final for the consolidation of Sanchez, although the PSOE He lost almost 700,000 votes in those elections, doubled its municipal power, from 100 municipalities govern more than 20,000 inhabitants to 186. At the regional level the jump was higher because the absence of definitive agreements, the PSOE wants to preside seven governments Autonomic when before had two.

These data have been definitive for the president of the Junta de Andalucía, Susana Diaz, decided not to face Pedro Sanchez and not encourage any alternative candidate. Both have signed from now until the general electoral truce that includes that he is the candidate of the PSOE to the Prime Minister.


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