Vice President, the Senate on Tuesday. / ULY Martin
The Government has answered Artur Mas will not participate in any negotiations aimed at Catalonia held a legal consultation on independence. Vice President, Soraya Saenz de Santamaria in a very harsh tone, offered the first policy response and the Executive has made clear in the control session held this afternoon in the Senate that there will be negotiations. In response to a question from Senator CiU José Luis Cleries, Saenz de Santamaria shown sharp loud applause of popular senators and spoke not only on behalf of the Executive but also the PP, something not often do: “If they want is the Catalan inpependencia difiícilmente will agree, because neither the government nor the party will lend their votes for secession agreement “, said Santamaria in the first assessment of the executive public about alternative query 9-N. The tone of the vice president, the senator Cleries and comments on popular bench offered an image of great tension between the PP and CiU alternative after consultation and nothing like the pre-negotiation step.
The number two the government has rejected the idea that N-9 has been successful, it has spread even some members of his party, hitherto puzzled at the silence of the government. Santamaria Cleries answered: “You call what success has been a failure of the Government and his party of three Catalan Two, including children and foreign, have ignored them, his only political contribution is the division of citizens. “said the vice president, who has insisted on closing the door to the independence of Catalonia. “Legally, the right of self-determination that you want is not possible, neither this Constitution nor our environment,” Senator broached Santamaria CiU. To achieve this would require a constitutional amendment, explained the vice president, but the Executive and the PP will not accept it. “With this game and do not play with this government to negotiate with the Spanish sovereignty” has marred the Catalan parliament.
Earlier, in a tough speech, Senator CiU has accused the Government of its “intolerance” and “contempt” for the Catalans. “2,300,000 people voted 9-N in an act of democratic normality. We did despite his threats and his desire to create fear and confusion,” said José Luis Ceries. The Catalan senator has criticized that the government treats the citizens of Catalonia as “subjects.” “You do what is oppressing us,” he concluded. He also hit the vice president precisely where you criticize the most conservative wing of his party: “If what happened on Sunday was illegal why they allowed”
At the end of your question city, the vice president and government spokesman has left the Senate without addressing reporters. The Government has not responded to any questions from reporters since Friday, since the only hearing, the Justice Minister, Rafael Catala, on Sunday, was held without question, the mere presence of cameras in a room as the editors will not even let them in. The Executive have not officially confirmed, but it seems that finally the first response on this matter Mariano Rajoy arrive tomorrow when you go to Congress to vote the budget. The President will speak before the press to break the silence of the first three days that both critics even within his own party.
In line with the vice president, Finance Minister Cristobal Montoro he argued that “the democratic aspirations of the people of Catalonia have the answer for 36 years in the Constitution, which is what ensures the participation of citizens in politics.” Montoro has responded to Esther Capella, Senator ERC in the Working Group, who has also criticized the image of the party leader, Oriol Junqueras counting votes in a 9-N table. “Now that is a guarantee of legal and democratic security,” the minister ironically before insisting that “represent only a part of Catalan society”. “And the Government of Spain works for understanding the Catalans and all Spaniards,” reiterated.
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