Sunday, November 30, 2014

More and Junqueras – HOME

More and Junqueras – HOME

On Tuesday the president Artur Mas presented his roadmap for the post-9-N and tomorrow Oriol Junqueras also solemnize their independence proposed in the Palacio de Congresos de Catalunya. In a week both politicians have wanted to formalize their particular leadership ratification: But as leader of Catalonia and Junqueras as leader of the Catalan independence

While the classical theory of elites, from the late nineteenth century had. a sharp political leaders and relieved vision, the elitist theory of democracy that emerged after World War II and based on empirical analysis of the centers of extraction and cursus honorum of the political elites in democracy, stressed the great influence of socialization agents or spaces in the formation of political leaders and the plurality of vital routes for configuring politicians with leadership skills. Catalonia, Mas and Junqueras corroborates these findings democratic elitism: these are two leaders with very different itineraries

Family environment.. More (1956) comes from a family linked to the industry (textiles by metallurgical mother and father’s side) while Junqueras (1969) is the son of a professor of the Institute and a nurse. Both were born in Barcelona, ​​but with only two years Junqueras moved with his family to San Vincente the Horts (Baix Llobregat), where he currently resides. The Mas family home, however, is located in the upper area of ​​Barcelona: Sant Gervasi neighborhood-Galvany. Both have children: Mas, who married at age 26, has three, and Junqueras had her first child without being married, a couple of years ago

Academic Background More and Junqueras they completed their high school studies in private and secular schools. The president at the French School and Classroom European School, and the leader of ERC in the Liceo Italiano; so none of them studied at the Jesuits or the escolapios, like much of the Catalan political elite of yesteryear. Both went to college; but he graduated in Economics and Business Administration at the UB and Junqueras, who also went through the classrooms of the Faculty of Economics of the UB, finished Modern and Contemporary History at UAB, and a doctorate in History Economic Thought.

Career and politics. Prior to positions of political responsibility Mas worked in a family business (private sector) material lifting, and from there began to up politically. In the Catalan government was technical collaborator (1982-1984), head of department (1984-1986) and CEO (1986-1988, and three months acting secretary general), Department of Commerce, Consumer Affairs and Tourism. He was also municipal councilor in Barcelona (1987-1995), deputy provincial (1991-1995) and member of the Parliament of Catalonia (since 1995). In the government occupied the ministries of Planning and Public Works (1995-1997), Economy and Finance (1997-2001, with government spokesman from 2000) of the Presidency and Conseller Cap (2001-2003), and from four years ago is the 129th president of the Generalitat.

Junqueras, meanwhile, began working the fields of almond and olive trees that had his family, worked in many media and trained as a university professor to occupy a professorship added (public sector). He began his political activity in 2003, appearing in the municipal elections of Sant Vicenç as an independent in the lists of CKD. In June 2009, also as an independent, he headed the Republican ticket in European elections and was elected MEP. Two years later, as militant ERC, occupied the mayor of San Vincente, and autonomic 2012 was a candidate for president of the Generalitat by ERC and became leader of the opposition.

political activism. The path Junqueras as militant ERC is meteoric. He started politics as an independent, later joined ERC (age 41 years) and in less than a year of militancy became president of the party (September 2011). Mas, who joined CDC at age 31 (in 1987), made all his political activity as a militant and has held numerous positions in the party: President of the Federation of Barcelona, ​​member of the National Council and the Permanent Secretariat Secretary General (2000) and president (2012).

The distant, strong, charismatic leader paternalistic and essential reference has given way to the next, vulnerable, permeable and collective leadership. In Catalonia we live with a dichotomous leadership and transition process. We have leaders like Artur Mas, with a classic profile, and others, like Junqueras, more universal features. We’ll see which one better attuned to the new social dimension of politics, the crida a country nou and the i temps decide to add.

Jordi Matas Dalmases is Professor of Political Science at UB.


Law fraud electoral fraud: the roadmap Mas –

Law fraud electoral fraud: the roadmap Mas –

Day 12/01/2014 – 2:58 a.m.

 Del fraud law to electoral fraud: the roadmap Mas

The president of the Generalitat, Artur Mas, during the opening session of the XIX Meeting of Economics S’Agaró


Iceta urges Rajoy y Mas to resume and dialogue and proposes a … –

Iceta urges Rajoy y Mas to resume and dialogue and proposes a … –

Barcelona, ​​November 30 (EFE) .- The first secretary of the PSC, Miquel Iceta, has urged presidents Government, Mariano Rajoy, and the Generalitat, Artur Mas, to resume “immediately” dialogue and suggested them an agenda, which highlights the negotiation effort deficit reduction and regional funding.

Iceta today launched this proposal through his blog “The Journal of Miquel Iceta” a day after the visit that Rajoy made a Catalonia , in which he said he did not think allowing ” put into question the unity of Spain “never fails that” nobody do it. “

In his letter, dubbed” urgent memo to the presidents Mas and Rajoy ” , Iceta justifies the need to “retake” dialog stating that “the passage of time has shown that the problem, far from disappearing, it will fester and margin to fix, far from expanding, narrows”.

“You can not go on and pretend that nothing is happening and think that for the sake of appealing to law enforcement will solve the problem alone,” he says.

On the agenda suggesting topics for Rajoy y Mas “approach positions” said executives Spain and Catalonia open negotiations on the document with 23 points as the Catalan president presented the Spanish last summer.

In addition calls for the distribution of effort to reduce the public deficit between the three levels of government and that the current funding model for assessing autonomic revision and under discussion in Congress about a possible reform of the Constitution.

The letter concludes summoning Rajoy y Mas to “resume the path of dialogue, negotiation and agreement as the only way to solve problems.”



The PSC urges Mas and Rajoy to resume dialogue “as the only way” – ecodiario

The PSC urges Mas and Rajoy to resume dialogue "as the only way" – ecodiario

Europa Press <- - google_ad_section_end (name = noticia_titulo)!> | 30/11/2014 – 19:23

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The leader of the PSC, Miquel Iceta, has urged Sunday the presidents of the Generalitat, Artur Mas, and central government, Mariano Rajoy, to “resume the path of dialogue, negotiation and agreement as the only way to solve the problems “


In a note on its website, entitled ‘Memorandum More urgent for presidents and Rajoy ‘and picked up by Europa Press, Iceta has called the parties and institutions to make proposals to strengthen a common project of coexistence, adjust to new demands and renew citizens to meet the challenges of our time .

According Iceta, 9N marked another milestone in the chain of misunderstandings of the Spanish and Catalan governments: “If the 9N has clearly shown that the independence sentiment, although very significant, is not a majority, it has also reflected, again, the deep dissatisfaction of a significant part of Catalan society regarding the current relationship between Catalonia and the rest of Spain “.

The margin narrows solution

In his view, the passage of time has shown that the problem, far from disappearing, it will fester and margin to fix tapers, while the lawsuit filed against Mas is “the last and most severe episode of a misunderstanding” they persist, can only lead to a confrontation which can not be derived benefit.

“You can not go on and pretend that nothing is happening and think that for the sake of appealing to law enforcement will solve the problem alone,” he thought Iceta, which has suggested a agenda of issues to bring positions as opening negotiations on the 23 points presented by Mas Rajoy at the end of July.

Conference of Presidents

Iceta been asked to review the distribution of effort to reduce the public deficit between the three levels of government that is putting unbearable pressure to all the Autonomous Communities and the municipalities.

You have defended convening urgently a Conference of Presidents to take measures to revive the economy and jobs involving the whole of the government, and creating a space for discussion of the content of a constitutional reform that solves the problems of a state of autonomies and to respond to the uniqueness of Catalonia



Saturday, November 29, 2014

Rajoy raises the pitch of Catalonia and warns it will not negotiate … – La Voz de Galicia

Rajoy raises the pitch of Catalonia and warns it will not negotiate … – La Voz de Galicia

Twenty days after 9-N, Mariano Rajoy traveled to Barcelona to meet, in an act of party, the independence challenge Artur Mas, whose new roadmap, which aims to Catalonia it achieved independence in 2016, described as “18-month journey to nowhere.” In a forceful and mitinero tone, weeding your hardest speech against the Catalan president.

Nothing new line

Front to negotiate rejection. There was nothing new about his position of absolute refusal to negotiate with Mas a referendum on secession. He warned just start talking in Catalonia. “No I come to you improvise a speech, or say anything that has not been said before,” he said. He made clear that he will never allow “put into question the unity of Spain, the right of all Spaniards to decide what they want their country, ie national sovereignty”. Although he said he is always willing to talk, marked diaphanous form what their red lines. “We do not want anyone to have to choose between being Catalan and Spanish, and that is not going to happen,” he said.


But can not speak for all of Catalonia. Rajoy boasted that Catalonia has visited 16 times as president, knows this community and know that it is very plural. So he said that “nobody has the right to speak on behalf of Catalonia”. He added that “less than one a ruler who has chosen to ignore two of every three Catalans’ who did not vote on 9-N.

The charges

Attack hard to Catalan president. Mas Rajoy launched a frontal attack larger and detailed than in the past. “Never a ruler had it generated so much confusion and had caused so much instability” he said. He argued that “it is not for Catalonia and its people” divide society, disregard the law, threaten or encourage media campaigns against companies. “We have to say, very high, we do not want a country of unique lists, only parties and only serve a single cause policies, please, a little respect to Catalonia” he said. “Catalonia needs now someone who is taken seriously and is dedicated to govern” he said.

The vote 9-N

Escape forward and failure in the making. He said that instead of engaging in Catalonia get the ‘ruin’ in that gave tripartite More It called elections in 2012, less than two years after winning the 2010 and since then “has done nothing but flee to his political survival outpacing increasingly Catalans’. He continued with 9-N, a farce in which he invested “its all energy, all his time, all the pressure that has been done on the Catalan society and so much money.” For Rajoy, was a “failure in the making”, since two out of three Catalans did not vote. Defended his action not prevent the vote, because “no delusions subside with riots.”


The advantages belonging to Spain. Two weeks ago, Rajoy said I should better explain their arguments in favor of the unity of Spain. In his speech yesterday he made explicit: Catalonia has contributed a lot in the development and progress of Spain, but also benefits of belonging to a great country. He stressed that the four capitals of Catalan provinces are joined by AVE. “If together we wrote this formidable success story, why do you want some end it?” He asked. Spain can not be understood without Catalonia and vice versa, he said.

Financial Aid

The Government saved Catalonia. One of the key ideas of his speech was contrasted to a Mas has not been devoted to rule with an executive who has turned to help Catalonia. Instead of working for the welfare of the Catalans, boost the economy and improve health and education, Mas “has been obsessively devoted to promoting the division of the Catalans, spreading false historical and political myths”. Instead, he said, the government avoided bankruptcy of Catalonia, made possible funding, maintaining its public services or the payment of salaries by the FLA, the Treasury or the plan provider. “We have worked and we will continue to do so,” he said. “I will not leave you lying to any Spanish, think what you think, ‘he added.


Thousands of people flock to the Marches of Dignity to ask … – RTVE

Thousands of people flock to the Marches of Dignity to ask … – RTVE


Thousands of people have taken this Later the streets of Madrid for order “Bread, work, housing and dignity” in a march that has passed without incident from Atocha roundabout to the central Puerta del Sol.

Calls for Dignity Marches have ripped past 17:00 from Atocha from several points of Madrid organized into nine columns , despite the threat of rain hovering over the capital.

On the road, particularly in the Plaza de Cibeles, have joined the march other columns from the northern part of the community for From all together towards Puerta del Sol by Alcala Street.

Various social groups

Among the protesters various social groups were , and affected Records Employment Regulation (ERE) of several companies, evictions or the cause of the stolen children, among others.

Also found r epresentatives unions CCOO and UGT Madrid , who organized a day of protest under the slogan “Dignity and rights” over economic and social policies.

Before the rally, the general coordinator of IU, Cayo Lara, stressed in a statement to reporters from his party supported the protests because the right to bread, ceiling and decent work are enshrined in the Constitution.

has expressed its belief that the demonstrations continue until there is a government in Spain “sensible” complying with promulgating the Constitution and has attacked the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, “bringing long “no go” to the unemployment lines “and” soup kitchens “.

” Violence is home to steal bread “

During the march The demonstrators, including people of all ages were accompanied many of your children or your pets, have uttered slogans such as “Long live the struggle of the working class!” ” Governments resignation corrupt prison “and have carried banners that could be read” They call it democracy and it is not “,” No to the payment of illegitimate debt “or” Violence is stealing home and bread. “

One of the participants, Carla, 26, said Efe that she went out because “ is the time to take back the country”.

“It have been charged public resources, employment, they are driving young university and this is impossible to build a life plan. Force young people to leave the country and young people we want to stay, “he lamented


Another marchers, Luz, 88, said Efe that He went by “the dignity of all” and claimed “freedom and equality” because “there is none”; “politicians can not be called politicians, are traffickers and stay with what they can,” he underlined.

Topics for freedom

Once in the Puerta del Sol, protesters have been received with the chords of the Orchestra and Chorus of Solfónica 15M, who played on a several stage themes for freedom, “real” democracy, abortion and against cuts , the PP and corruption.

Then, one of the organizers of the march has read a manifesto in which the organizers say that “in an extreme situation” and “social emergency” should be given a “response collective and mass of the working class, citizenship, and peoples “.

We demand that leave . That the PP is going and also all governments to cut and work with the policies of the Troika, “noted the statement.

The event this Saturday puts order one week fighting in which there have been various concentrations for decent employment, a basic income for public services and quality for the right to housing and payment in kind or for democratic freedoms.


Several witnesses Nóos declared in court that they were called to … –

Several witnesses Nóos declared in court that they were called to … –

José Castro

The judge investigating the Nóos case, José Castro. (EFE)

Several members of Board of Tourism Valencia Foundation who declared on Saturday in the City of Justice before Judge Jose Castro who instructs the case Nóos have ensured that they were called from the foundation to meeting to prepare returns.

This has been shown to journalists legal Clean Hands Virginia Lopez and PSOE Sandra Gomez, who exercise popular action , as he left the court premises after the conclusion of witness .

Gómez said that “several of the patrons” who have declared this Saturday have stated that “since the founding” and from the “environment” Deputy Mayor of Valencia , Alfonso Grau, “had summoned them to a meeting to prepare the statement.”

According literate popular action was two meetings , one in April before first statements and other last November 26, at 1900 hours, two days before his summons before the judge Castro.

The judge said Castro off the courts that “has not changed when the status of any witnesses, “although he added that” this cause us holds many surprises every day you say for now in anticipation, but for now everything is as it was “.

Asked if” there have been some surprises “in reference to the statements of the lawyers of the popular action potential false testimony of one witness, replied that ” no can reveal “ what has been said in the room.

On the possible opening of a Additional diligence , commented that” we must assess what has been said, “and that” if you have to take some enterprise will “, without specifying which.

Virginia Lopez has ensured that the depositions on Saturday” has been accredited by part of some witnesses “that from the foundation” were called and the first statement before coming to court, and become them to summon all the employers a meeting on November 26. “

According to Lopez, one witness said in court that at the first meeting that was called” the feeling I had, though formally to discuss questions they could they do and how they could go declarations “, was that the real reason was for ” unify criteria “ in their statements to the judge Castro.

The foundation wanted to talk with employers so that it could presumably change something to benefit Alfonso Grau According to counsel, this testimony could lead to the “opening of another cause perjury “and considered” unacceptable “that these facts” are shared by counsel. “

These testimonies, has added further demonstrate that” Mr. Grau wanted return to repeated these statements “and that these meetings” all makes sense. “

” The foundation wanted to talk to employers that you really could presumably change something benefit “of Alfonso Grau , has asserted Lopez, who has also reported that the second meeting was convened by the deputy director of the Foundation, by order of the director, José Salinas.

According to the lawyer, the witness “has denied” meetings but when he recalled that he could fall to perjury “has begun to assume that such meetings could have been done”.

Sandra Gomez has reported that the testimonies on Saturday “has become clear that the foundation is public” , that the agreement “ was handled irregularly ” and that “no control over the money given to the institute Nóos” or “justification”.

“Many employers and Salinas himself has confirmed that who presented the project the Board was Mr. Alfonso Grau “he added.

At the exit of the City of Justice, José Salinas has stated to the media that said that in his statement “has been limited to ratify the statements record” and that “it has clarified some concepts have asked the parties”.


Friday, November 28, 2014

The government launched the offensive and credited with saving a … – La Voz de Galicia

The government launched the offensive and credited with saving a … – La Voz de Galicia

Only thanks to financial support from the central government funding Catalonia has managed to pay for essential public services. This is the matching message yesterday launched the vice president Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría and general secretary of the PP, María Dolores de Cospedal, on the eve of the speech to be delivered today in Barcelona Mariano Rajoy in his first trip to the community after 9-N.

“Luckily the Government of Spain has been to meet many of the shortcomings of the Generalitat, ‘said the vice president at the press conference after the Council of Ministers. He asked whether Rajoy will today some “positive proposal”, replied that the Government is getting screened three years to the Generalitat, that “well what’s needed.” The principal said, could get financed to pay utilities, health, education, pharmacies and even payroll officials. He also recalled infrastructure investments, which have allowed four Catalan provinces are connected by AVE, which he said, have all communities; and that the Mediterranean corridor is a priority of the Government. He even alluded to the five million who last week went to the Teatro del Liceo. That is, the government has helped to try to Catalonia out of “financial morass in which it is” while Mas was not engaged to rule, but to deepen their independence drift.

Assume the consequences

About the complaint filed by the prosecution against Mas, said this knew he could not I could do after the suspension of the consultation by the Constitutional Court and “must now bear the consequences that might result from their actions” not only legal, but also political.

When he was stressed if Rajoy will propose today a way to solve the political conflict, Saenz de Santamaria said Mas has opened a dynamics that “increasingly knows less how to get and how to approach ‘and can not order now to others that give the solution to the problem it has created.

“I believe that the Government of Spain is very good for Catalonia ‘said Economy Minister Luis de Guindos. He noted that the economic policies of the Executive “have been particularly successful in Catalonia,” as shows that grows and creates jobs above the Spanish average.

Meanwhile, De Cospedal, in his opening address to the Conference on Stability and Good Governance in Local Authorities will close today Rajoy, stressed the same idea and noted that “the commitment of the PP in Catalonia has no expiration date,” despite what he described as “provocation” 9-N and maintenance by the sovereigntist Mas process. To argue the government’s commitment, stated that “he has sustained the economy” in Catalonia, which will continue to help because he still ‘funding problems. ” He stressed that it has helped, among other things, to make payroll pension in Catalonia and suppliers and ensured that 40% of state funds to the autonomous communities has led Catalonia. A total of 24,000 million euros, which he said the fiscal deficit exceeds claiming the sovereignist.

Change Strategy Rajoy

Although not expressly cited in his speech, accused Mas de ‘fracture Catalonia instead of engaging in rule “and asked him to remove the brake Catalonia, rectify and change direction. He also charged against those who want “to become myths prefabricated” and seeking “the subsidized applause.”

Rajoy today addresses a welcome speech after securing ten days you had better explain their arguments made against independence. Since then he has reiterated that two thirds of Catalan 9-N electorate abstained, ie they did not support secession.


Aznar calls for “clear action” against secessionism – Newspaper

Aznar calls for "clear action" against secessionism – Newspaper

A day before Mariano Rajoy, his predecessor as head of PP, José María Aznar, landed in Barcelona, ​​as usual, try to mark the passage. The former Prime Minister called on the Executive a ‘very clear against those who want to break Spain and independent action “because, in his view,” there is no middle ground between the break and the historical continuity of a country “. He did not specify what should constitute such “clear action”


Aznar not speaking at the conference that the PP held in Barcelona, ​​why not. ..


Aznar asks tackle corruption and warning against “nationalism … – The Courier

Aznar asks tackle corruption and warning against "nationalism … – The Courier

The former Prime Minister José María Aznar has called to “tackle corruption” in Spain and prevent it from curdling in the country “radical nationalism” or “populism” today, because if rooted, warned, ” failure is served. “

Aznar has participated in the opening of the international seminar organized in Barcelona by the Corporate Leaders Group (LIDE) Brazilian Joao Doria Jr. presiding, a forum which brought together 250 Brazilian and Spanish businessmen.

First, the honorary president of the PP has stressed that corruption “always undermines democracy and must be tackled decisively in any circumstances.”

“Apply the law and accountability is very important,” he said, while warned that a “hyper”, ie excessive control of public life to avoid corrupt behavior, all you can do is encourage corruption.

“If you do practically impossible that an intelligent person can engage in politics, then it is encouraging corruption. This is to ensure transparency, accountability and make who commits an unlawful act, justice take care of him, “he said.

Moreover, a day before Mariano Rajoy visit Catalonia, Aznar also been implicitly referred to the sovereignty derives from the Catalan President, Artur Mas.

“When someone proposes independence for Catalonia and uses institutions which receive legitimacy, not to respect the Constitution, but to violate it not only makes a political mistake, but a serious disloyalty and endanger the fundamentals of coexistence between Spaniards, “he warned.

The Most

as 50

In his view, “there is no middle ground between the rupture of a country and the historical continuity of a country”, said Aznar, who has made an appeal to the “strengthening of the state” without going into further details, and has added: “When politics takes those limits, action has to be very clear”

Also, in a time when the whole of Spain polls predict the input force we in. Congress, Aznar has cautioned “against waves of populism looking archangels exist in public life rather than human beings” because “can do more harm than good”.

In his view, bet on “class struggle” or the radical nationalism “,” the rhythm that moves in the world “, is derived in failure” fast and extremely painful. ” Before an audience of Brazilian and Spanish businessmen, the Honorary President of the PP has defended austerity and economic orthodoxy as a guarantee of success of a country, and gave as an example to Brazil.

Also he commented that the commitment of Spain for Brazil is “merit” from his stage Government and claimed that the Latin American country “needs a second reformist impulse” that allows you to build the great majority of the past and send the world a clear message . credibility, responsibility and willingness and determination to be a true global player

This forum has met the Minister of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade of Brazil, Mauro Borges; Ambassador of Spain in Brazil, Manuel De House; the Brazilian in Spain, Paulo César; or personalities like former vice president Narcís Serra or entrepreneurs as the CEO of Abertis, Francisco Reynes.

Also participating in the forum, which will establish contacts with businessmen from both countries, the general director of Turespaña Marta Blanco and CEO of ICEX, Francisco Garzón. Minister of Civil Aviation of Brazil, Wellington Moreira Franco, has exposed the program which has launched its government to 95% of citizens have an airport within 100 kilometers of its population.

Moreira Franco has said that the current Brazilian airport network is “totally inadequate” and that the aim is that in future years the country has 270 regional airports. For its part, the CEO of ICEX, Francisco Garzón has encouraged Brazilian companies to settle in Spain on the grounds that this country is the “gateway” to the European market and stressed that their labor costs are lower than the European average.

In tourist key, the Director General of Turespaña, Marta Blanco, said that Brazil is a “priority” for Spain, market partly by the level of spending of its citizens when traveling abroad.


Thursday, November 27, 2014

Kill blows her daughters in La Arena and then pulled from the … – The New Spain

Kill blows her daughters in La Arena and then pulled from the … – The New Spain

A heinous crime, the heart-rending. A long-term unemployed, José Ignacio Bilbao Aizpurúa, 55, ended a fight with the lives of their daughters Amets and Sara, 9 and 7 years using a crowbar to the Civil Guard would find later completely bloodied, together the disfigured bodies of small, inside the apartment the man had rented in Los Quebrantos Avenue in San Juan de la Arena (Soto del Barco). “Iñaki Basque”, a natural man Vizcaya, reserved and difficult character, who had once been hit girls in the street, later headed the viaduct de la Concha de Artedo and threw herself. So he paid a heinous crime, which will take to forget, as the small Imran in Oviedo.

Bilbao had been married to pixueta Barbara García Martínez, mother of small, with which he had lived in Novellana (Cudillero), and later in Soto del Barco. When they divorced a year ago, the man returned to the Basque Country, but returned about three months ago, in August or September, and rented an apartment on Avenida de Los Losses in San Juan de la Arena. Was entitled to see small Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00 to 18:00.

Yesterday came the six p.m. and man gave girls the mother, who contacted the Civil Guard to report it. Just at that time, “Iñaki Basque” was launched from the viaduct de la Concha de Artedo. The agents of the Civil Guard Cudillero identified the man and found the apartment key in his clothes. They alerted a neighbor for him to look if there was anyone in the apartment of man. She heard nothing in the house, but warned a detail that put the willies and agents made them think the worst. Bloodstains on the doormat of the apartment, located on the first floor

Dante Picture

Agents of Piedras Blancas, with a warrant, entered the house and found there the unthinkable, a gruesome spectacle, with blood stains everywhere. The area was later displace agents of the Judicial Police and Criminal Investigation to examine the crime scene. Agents of the Civil Guard inspected containers next garbage to the apartment to see if the alleged murderer had thrown there any weapons.

The mother of small was driven to the main post of Piedras Blancas, not you allowed closer to the scene. The officers took statements and were preparing for the worst news of her life. A team of psychologists waiting outside the facility, at the stroke of eleven at night time when they told the woman what had happened. The effect was devastating, both the woman and the grandmother. Something is never exceeded.

As the news was devastating for neighbors, teachers and neighbors Soto del Barco and Cudillero. Three neighbors said they had heard many noises and voices inside the house during the afternoon. After hearing what happened, dams great nervousness, decided to spend the night with relatives of La Arena, because they could not stay in their homes knowing what had happened in the same block.


The opposition amendment 277 times anticorruption laws Rajoy –

The opposition amendment 277 times anticorruption laws Rajoy –

The parliamentary groups of the opposition in the House of Representatives have been a total of 277 amendments to the two bills that the President Rajoy has presented himself in Thursday morning before the full House as its measures to combat political corruption: the draft organic law control the economic and financial activity of political parties and the draft law regulating the exercise of the high office of the General Administration.

These legislative initiatives have also been presented in a totally unusual way, several amendments to the EPP group itself that supports the Executive . Was the same president who Rajoy surprisingly announced these amendments s, which in particular have been 20; three of them to the project that regulates senior and 17 to the text on the financing of political parties.

In parallel, the most important parliamentary groups have also presented a lot of amendments to the current law of the Criminal Code after the government’s decision to open a reform of its current wording to increase penalties for those at immersed in political corruption case. In total there were 888 amendments, of which slightly more than a hundred has made them popular group and the other formations of the opposition.

In short, the measures proposed by the different parliamentary groups in their amendments are these:

Socialist Group (183 amendments)

– Democratizing the functioning of political parties, with the implementation of the primary system for choosing the top leaders

-. prohibit donations to parties of legal persons (ie companies) and notify the Court of Auditors exceeding EUR 25,000 individual donations.

– Remove the privilege of deputies, senators and officials to testify in their offices as witnesses in court cases

-. Set sentences between two and six years in prison for those managers parties from accepting donations outlawed and force them to return the money, with fines of up to six times the illegal entry. These measures will apply to those making illegal donations

-. Lowering a fraud from the current 120,000 euros to 50,000 euros as a limit beyond which is considered tax fraud

– Establish penalties from two to four years in prison for policymakers formations involved in the distortion of the official annual accounts to be published

-. Reform of various articles of the Penal Code Act aimed clarify criminal offenses related to corruption, increase existing penalties, extending the statute of limitations for crimes related to corruption and extend disqualification to hold public office those affected and the National Court is the instance to investigate and considers corruption offenses

Group Plural Left.

– Fix the public financing of political parties according to the votes received and no based on the seats awarded

-. Include foundations linked to parties in the criteria and limits to perceive subsidies and exclude legal entities (companies) as donors.
– Exclude properties donations and limit to 50,000 euros per year donations from individuals.
– Eliminate public subsidies to parties that have not submitted their annual accounts on time to the Court of Auditors.
– Limit 60% of the employee’s salary for one year termination benefits in a public activity, in cases provided by law, with a maximum of two years, provided that the salary received by the Prime Minister in that year is not exceeded .
– Increase to five years incompatibility for assignment to work in public or private companies in the same sector which has developed office.
– Post in the Official Gazette and on the website of each party’s internal audits of annual accounts

Group UPyD.

– Eliminate funding for postal items in electoral campaigns because currently only those formations that have parliamentary representation benefit, which is of dubious legitimacy.
– Refinement of the aspects to be included in the enactment of annual accounts of political parties, which in any case must contemplate finances all territorial structures, from Europe to the City of every party.
– Detailed list of reasons why those responsible of any political party loses the status of repute and hence the ability to perform their duties .
– Concentrate on the Court of Auditors exclusivity to monitor the finances of all political parties.
– This group argues that foundations with less than 600,000 euros of revenue in two years and who do not receive subsidies Public lie outside the control of the Court of Auditors.

-PNV Basque group:

– rigorous increase in annual accounts of all political parties. – Limit the Court of Auditors audit the finances of each party and not the management model to perform.
– Expand until June 30 the deadline to submit to the Court of Auditors the financial statements of each party.
– Change the composition of the Court of Auditors will have 12 members and at least one representative of each parliamentary group in the Congress of Deputies, except the mixed
– Appearance of all political formations managers. before the Joint Committee Congress-Senate for the ECA if agreed not selectively depending on certain majorities. or tosdos or no

Meanwhile, the mixed group who has more amendments are presented ERC (the majority formation Amaiur has not submitted any). These include:
– Prohibit donations to political parties and their related foundations of legal persons for profit
– Publish on the website of every party account balances and results of each year..
– Travel in economy class for all types of public office, whatever the responsibility to play.
– Eliminate complimentary treatments for high public office.
– Delete the official cars as general rule:.. only allow those that are justified for reasons of safety or economic efficiency
– Limit salaries for any public office to which each year sees the Prime Minister
– Regular operation lobbies

Meanwhile, PP amendments to both government projects basically focus on the following:

– Prohibition. of party donations from legal persons and entities without legal personality
– Prohibition of forgiveness of debts that keep political parties with financial institutions. Neither will be allowed to negotiate loans on favorable terms compared to the market.
– Reduced € 50,000 limit on private donations from individuals as well as inform the Court of Auditors personalized all those individual donations exceeding 25,000 euros. The same grant shall be published on the website of the games.
– The parties must return to donors or to the Treasury sums improperly.
– Obligation to appear before the House of Representatives of the managers of parties after publication of the annual reports of the Court of Auditors. Also, a catalog of economic sanctions for serious, less serious and minor infringements of legal rules is established.

As for the senior, the amendments to the popular state that must submit a statement of assets and income to start your responsibility and at the end of it. It also defines more concretely labor incompatibilities in public or private companies belonging to the same economic sector positions for the following two years of leaving the function. From now on these two bills are processed, after the formation of the corresponding paper to “marry” amendments “to the Constitutional Commission;. The reform of the Penal Code will be discussed in the commission of Justice Subsequently, the process goes to the Senate .

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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Great as Rajoy is today called Ana – The World

Great as Rajoy is today called Ana – The World

It all happened like a whirlwind. Turning and turning, and many laps gave that what at first appeared upside down over the right end and what was painted black to white dessert came. Carambolas of fate, crossing accidents or even some lovers of dark forces, hidden hands that move threads in the shade.

The fact is that today, Mariano Rajoy, who will appear in Congress to address a debate that was presumed sour and hard about the many cases of corruption that plague public life, may enter the Chamber clad in the robes of cleaning and surrounded by the aura that provides the regenerator example. His ace has female name. Her name is Ana.

The former Minister of Health and longer-what will be the triumph last night that President fencing in this battle against an opposition that yesterday rubbed his hands in sight of the last Judge auto Ruz , which is cited as “participant for profit” of benefits earned her husband, allegedly illegally, under the plot Gürtel .

Rajoy explaining its policy against corruption, trying to be credible, dodging the blows of the enemy, while very weak Mato, grieving his misfortune, he sat listening from the blue banks would have been a real gift for opponents of the president. They could not imagine a better, suitable to give knockouts against very bored PP sac stage.

But things will not be so eventually. Yesterday, after two hours of conversation at La Moncloa, the Prime Minister took the step that never would have wanted. He sacrificed Ana in the general interest, in this case coincides went really miraculously with his.

Mato has committed many mistakes, perhaps the first remain indifferent or unwilling to see what your ex husband was up, but the fact remains that the judge does not attribute to it any crime and even the accused, and that there is really nothing new in his car, nothing that the Spaniards did not already know, no substantial change. New packages of confetti, no more birthday parties, or luxury cars in the garage or other travel Disneyland with children do not appear. There is what there is and all is well known.

Whatever. What is new is that the head of Ana is the best offering today to atone for the sins of corruption. Mariano Rajoy, who had resisted to withdraw confidence multiple times, yesterday realized that the minister put on a platter a great opportunity

If things get ugly in the Chamber and to the prospect of a new war with weapons “and you more”, the Prime Minister will not have hardly respond. Not even you will need to bring up names like the two presidents of the Junta de Andalucía, Manuel Chaves and José Antonio Grin , in the prelude to the judge Alaya , but for which neither Peter nor Susana Díaz Sánchez have dared so far to make a decision.

A Mariano Rajoy will suffice with pointing her seat left empty . It will be clear proof, out of the blue, the commitment you sign the president with the cleanliness of democratic life. Ana, in fact, today will yield a final and unpayable favor.


Ana Mato: A minister in the spotlight since the beginning –

Ana Mato: A minister in the spotlight since the beginning –

Day 27/11/2014 – 2:47 a.m.

 Ana Mato: A minister in the spotlight since the beginning

The Health Minister Ana Mato during a press conference at the Ministry


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Mas conditional election to a sovereigntist list may not … – La Voz de Galicia

Mas conditional election to a sovereigntist list may not … – La Voz de Galicia

Seven years ago, Artur Mas ended the autonomy CiU stage and hugged the right to decide next target of Catalan nationalism. Two weeks after 9-N, Catalan president gave a new twist to set the course for the independence of Catalonia. He suggested early elections, but only if the sovereignism is coupled with guarantees to achieve an absolute majority

Titled After 9-N. Time to decide, while adding, Mas yesterday delivered a lecture to 3,000 people in the auditorium of the Barcelona Forum, where he spelled out the roadmap proposed by the sovereigntist parties to make Catalonia an independent state. “We must complete the process started two years ago. We made way, but not all. It is the most crucial and the most difficult part, “he said. The first step posed Artur Mas is to convert the regional elections in a referendum on independence. He hoped to hold a consultation with the Scottish, but he said, unable to agree on the vote with the central government, is forced to use the last legal recourse left.

” The hour has come for, “he said. Yes, said they are the games you have to convert those developed regional elections in a referendum, so he clarified that only advance if the sovereigntist parties agreed to a singleton list that converts election plebiscite and founded expectation of obtaining a absolute majority without discussion. “The result should be crisp and clear,” he said, for the international community to understand unequivocally the verdict of the polls.

To do this, said that although the parties spoke in generic but at all times meant the union between Convergence and Esquerra- should agree a program focused on independence. This list, your proposal should include politicians and members of civil society that would commit to a very short term. According to the nationalist leader, the terms of this coalition, if it won an absolute majority, would be to prepare within half the ‘proclamation of the new state. “

So, after elections The first initiative of the new government would move the state its intention to form a new state, then call for the opening of negotiations with the central government to set the terms of the constitution of the new country, creating structures necessary state and end 18 months intended to promote a constituent elections culminating in a referendum to ratify the “proclamation” of the independent Catalonia. “At that time, ejerceríamos sovereignty with the endorsement of the polls,” he said.

Your last elections

Mas takes months driving this list of supporters of independence and in recent weeks has accelerated a round of contacts with the sovereigntist parties to test what support could have, but the novelty brought yesterday is that ran for head it and also to otherwise. That is, he was not even willing to champion the list. In any case, would be his last election. “If I lead and wins the nomination itself, I will not stand for election planned at 18 months,” he said. “We are in a time of adding” a term that served to justify the singleton list is not proposing to save himself personally, but responds to a target country. On the timing of the elections, would not give clues. “Today not tell the date of the election, because neither I know,” he said.

After the proposal Mas, who have the ball in your court are the leader of Esquerra, Oriol Junqueras, and Carme Forcadell, the president of the ANC, both present at the conference the president of the Generalitat, with a prominent business representatives and civil society. Both Junqueras as Forcadell demanding immediate elections, although they know that if they go to the polls in the first quarter of 2015 will have to accept the offer of Mas. Junqueras not put a good face in no time and end up not applauded, although greeted Mas.

Elections. Bid mixed with figures of civil society and parties. The program would be independence. Artur Mas is willing to lead it, but also to give.

Legislature. It would be one and a half. The Catalan Government communicated to the State, the EU and the international community intends to statehood, and prepare the structures and the future Catalan Constitution.

Elections constituents and referendum. 2016 to be held to ratify the proclamation of the Catalan state.


Pablo Iglesias explodes with machismo to Tania Sanchez … –

Pablo Iglesias explodes with machismo to Tania Sanchez … –

                         Pablo Iglesias explodes with machismo to Tania Sanchez, while IU ugly behavior of its regional deputy

                         The government sector UI, behind the information of the cave on the “girlfriend leader can”

                         José María Garrido | 25/11/2014

End posttitle -> <-


From left to right, Julio Anguita, Pablo Iglesias and Isabel Sánchez in an act of the Civic Front are Most Córdoba. Photo: FCSM Forum

From left to right, Julio Anguita, Pablo Iglesias and Tania Sanchez in an act of the Civic Front are Most Córdoba. Photo: Forum FCSM

Although the Sunday Tania Sanchez could become the candidate of the United Left in the upcoming regional elections, the political leader through one of its most difficult moments in politics . All this because of being in the spotlight of the media cave based on the sentimental relationship with the leader can, Pablo Iglesias. Some attacks, however, are sponsored by the government sector of the United Left, fearful that a hypothetical victory Sanchez in open primaries held this Sunday may facilitate the “absorption” of IU by can.

Adjudications his brother
So, in the last hours Tania Sanchez has proven as his name is being associated with dark chapters of political management of United Left in Rivas Vaciamadrid, municipality Madrid over 75,000 citizens governed since 1991 by the formation of the left. Without going any further, on Monday the daily ABC reported that Tania Sanchez won his brother 137,000 euros in Rivas by musical workshops. He did, the newspaper of Vocento, after hiring the Aupa cooperative in 2008, when he was Councillor for Culture.

The council flat
Also on Monday , The Reason unveiled Tania Sanchez received a council flat shortly after the then sold IU spokesman in Rivas, Curro Corrales. This is a property located in a promotion in which live more than a dozen counts of IU and family. In this information adds the forward by the newspaper Voice Populi , which speaks of “clerical errors” in managing Tania Sanchez as Councillor Rivas based on the award that the municipality has made the company Tennis Professional Service SL.

Can militants voting IU
As if that were not enough, last week the Commission Elementary IUCM (related organ and contrary to the government sector the covenant can, are called IU) proposed the exclusion of some 2,000 of the 8,000 registered supporters in open primaries that the formation of the left held this Sunday in Madrid. A decision defended before suspicions that can militants could vote in favor of the candidacy of Tania Sanchez.

The defense of Tania
All these news are putting in Tania Sanchez troubles, complicating, as recognized from their environment, their election as a candidate of IU to the Community of Madrid. And all this despite ensuring that contracts processed from the Department of Sánchez were made “according to procedures contest, open, fair and transparent”. The problem is that a sector of Izquierda Unida de Madrid “appears ready to use and disseminate any information that might get in trouble Sánchez”. All this based on the fratricidal war that exists in the organization before the unstoppable rise can.

Your home protection
About the subsidized housing, from the environment Sánchez clarified that 80% of the housing stock of Rivas is public housing, many of them promoted by cooperatives. In 2011, Tania Sanchez started the sale process in compliance with the law: notification of the intention of selling to the Community of Madrid, see the legal price per square meter at the time of sale, waiting time set in the Community can exercise its right of first refusal and last time sale for the price established legal procedures and the payment of all taxes. Finally added that “when you sell public housing and not speculate with it, but sells at the price legally established prefer to sell it to a friend who knows he will not speculate with it.”

Friendly Fire
A few explanations have not yet earned the parliamentary group spokesman IU in the Assembly of Madrid, Gregory Gordon, who this Monday said that the sale of council flat by part of Tania Sanchez you think you think “presentable”. In his opinion, “this type of issue is not in the speeches of transparency, if different to others, but favors other speeches, therefore, my opinion is not favorable”.

Silence in IU
Interestingly, the valuation of Gordo was the only one, at least until the time of publication of this article, has occurred by a leader of United Left. In fact, Alberto Garzón, candidate for the overall coordination of IU, has refused to rule on the matter. And all this despite the media cave has returned to bring out his machismo featuring Sánchez (which takes a lifetime in politics, occupying numerous public office since he became of age) as a “bride Pablo Iglesias”.

Pablo Iglesias tired of machismo
Pablo Iglesias himself has addressed this Monday with a journalist when he has in the European Parliament asked their opinion on the information affecting Tania Sanchez. “It is striking that, besides being a woman, fall into this kind of sexist attitudes when you’re a journalist (…) Shout at IU. To me there is no doubt the honesty of Tania Sanchez, “said visibly angry Pablo Iglesias



Monday, November 24, 2014

All earrings roadmap reveals today the president … – La Voz de Galicia

All earrings roadmap reveals today the president … – La Voz de Galicia

Two weeks after the alternative query, which is kept alive in the courts, the Spanish policy is pending Artur Mas pronounce conference today in Barcelona. Titled After 9-N: time to decide, time to add, the president of the Generalitat insist on claiming a referendum on Scottish and set a new course for the sovereignist process led for two years. But not expected to announce the date of an election deposit in Catalonia, but could give clues about what your intentions are, once you have got the better of substitute voting and figure as independence leader has reinforced the complaint filed by the prosecution.

The tone and content depend the answer Mariano Rajoy will give on Saturday in Barcelona. For the first time since 9-N, the Prime Minister will travel to Catalonia to fix its position and give the go-ahead to its strategy to try to convince the million Catalans no turnout fortnight ago. It remains to be seen whether Mas leaves open any door they can grab Rajoy to try to rescue the dialogue or is geared towards early elections today. And it remains to be seen, moreover, if the Prime Minister intends to make a move with any concrete offer -financing, transfer of state institutions in Catalonia and competence- shield as he claimed much of the Catalan parliamentary spectrum and economic world. Also the Catalan parties and the leader of the PSOE, Pedro Sanchez, who kept on hold its draft federal constitutional reform as a possible third way to disable increased independence, look forward Mas conference to outline their positions.

Offer to Esquerra

In principle, according to spokesman Francesc Homs said a week ago, yet he has no plans to take A final decision on early elections until Christmas. His idea is that just will advance Sounds 8 February- if elections are plebiscitary character.

But is expected to launch today an offer to Esquerra to form a unitary set list objective independence. The brand Convergència no longer sells and President of the Generalitat wants to lead a candidate with CKD and civil society figures, bringing together the votes of pro-independence and become the definitive autonomic referendum, by his own definition. But two plus two does not always equal four in politics and, according to one survey, CDC and ERC would add more if it is entered into separate lists (58-60 deputies if they are together and 63-67-above 135- if they are separated). Esquerra also not just trust the independence Convergència bet.

The key to a possible alliance between Mas and may have Carme Junqueras the Forcadell and the Catalan National Assembly, spent months demanding elections. A support of the ANC force Oriol Junqueras to join. the project. The denunciation of the prosecution, in any case, has wings Mas, has turned the polls, which were always in favor of ERC, and the figure of the president of the Generalitat has gained authority in the world sovereignty, which could be a stimulus for its decision on whether or not the elections forward.


Barcelona rejects statue Blas de Lezo –

Barcelona rejects statue Blas de Lezo –

After Madrid a statue of military Blas de Lezo is placed, the City of Barcelona asked to withdraw this monument of who is considered by the Cartagena as an advocate for heroic.

“Blas de Lezo had a prominent role in the siege of Barcelona, ​​the Spanish captain attacks port role,” said Joan Laporta, Democracy Catalana , in Caracol Radio. For this reason, he said that the statue is “inappropriate for their connotations in a political moment already quite complex and poisoned.”

Laporta also commented that “historical memory must have respect for what which means, especially since the war there was a Spain up. “

Despite the disagreement with the statue, Ana Botella, Mayor of Madrid , responded in the newspaper country “at any time, under any circumstances and in any case contemplated remove the monument to Blas de Lezo, it is the truth, against oblivion and against the manipulation of those who seek to change the history of a great nation like Spain “.


Sunday, November 23, 2014

The complaint alter plans Mas de no early elections – HOME

The complaint alter plans Mas de no early elections – HOME

President Artur Mass vote in the referendum of 9-N. / CARLES RIBAS

The lawsuit filed by the Attorney General of the State against the president of the Generalitat, Joana Ortega Vice President and Minister of Education, Irene Rigau, for organizing the 9-N has changed the way I thought follow Artur Mas. The Nationalists had dismissed the electoral advance with intent to capitalize on what they considered a success of citizen mobilization by over 2.3 million people went to vote and the repeated refusal of the Government to negotiate what Mas called the “definitive” referendum. However, the filing of the complaint on four counts against three members of the Catalan government can lead to Mas to decide at the end for early elections.

In the coming days will begin to clear the way and if hold the positions of the actors involved. The Catalan president will deliver a lecture tomorrow at the Auditorio del Forum in Barcelona under the title After 9-N: time to decide, time to add . The event invited various representatives of civil society and other parties and shall read as supporting the figure of the president of the Generalitat, that since the filing of the complaint has not stopped receiving messages of support.

No one in Convergència knows the content of the speech of Artur Mas morning but completely rule that you can announce early elections. Yes is expected to put the emphasis on the need to develop a unified list for the upcoming elections and that will intensify the pressure on ERC, which resists that scenario. Republicans reject the idea, insisting that “no alternative” to electoral advance, within insisted yesterday Marta Rovira, number two Party, who claimed back elections to decide “what new state” want the citizens.

“The lawsuit is a consideration,” admitted a leader of CDC. Their analysis is convergent if Esquerra considered as urgent the election date, Mas would be willing to call elections in exchange for the joint list that is integrated ERC but also prominent members of civil society. What in CDC called “a list of country” would not be easy to breed because the nationalists consider it vital that the spearhead Mas. “We want to make the list of yes-yes , not an electoral coalition that is the sum of CDC, Union, Esquerra and socialist bounced,” the same nationalist leader.

Catalan president also hopes that the Catalan National Congress (ANC) is over becoming an ally of your strategy. This partnership will decide on 29th its position on the political situation in Catalonia and could support the thesis Mas in favor of a joint list in elections with plebiscitary character. That same day Mariano Rajoy will travel to Barcelona to participate in an act of game that will explain its strategy to the Catalan political situation.

If the election were anticipate, should be convened not later than the end of held in January and March. On May 31 there will be local and the possibility to coincide with the regional is discarded because CiU has always wanted to be held apart from other elections.

A conference Mas morning and the pronouncement of the ANC next Saturday will follow Oriol Junqueras on December 2. The leader of Esquerra speak at a ceremony at the Palacio de Congresos de Catalunya titled Call to a new country: the Catalan Republic . That same day, the Catalan government presented in Parliament the draft Budget, which until now has not secured any support outside the deputies of CiU. In recent days there has been speculation supported by the PSC, but the scenario is unlikely because the Socialists require Rather than leave the sovereignism.

The movements of nationalists and republicans fit the announcement made ago few days the Minister of the Presidency and Spokesman of the Government, Francesc Homs, who explained that both parties a “truce” were given until December 15. By then it is very likely that the Superior Court of Catalonia and has ruled on the complaint of the attorney for 9-N. The current situation will have changed and nothing indicates that the strategy will be to harm you decide Artur Mas.


PAH calls for social housing to women of 85 years is given … – La Vanguardia

PAH calls for social housing to women of 85 years is given … – La Vanguardia

Madrid, November 23 (EFE) .- The Platform Affected by Mortgage (PAH) today called on the Madrid to grant a social housing “of the thousands that are empty” Carmen Martinez Ayuso, neighbor Vallecas 85 years evicted after five decades living in the property.

Speaking to the lawyer Platform Affected by Mortgage (PAH) in Madrid, Manuel San Pastor, has reported that have violated the rights of the woman, which has been denied access to legal aid and has been the victim of unfair terms of a mortgage loan.

Carmen Martinez Ayuso, neighboring Vallecas 85 years was evicted on Friday after five decades living in your home for a debt of more than 70,000 euros for his son.

In this situation, Paco, coach of Rayo Vallecano, has announced that the club will to “pay rent until you get institutional support” is already being processed.

“We feel very good so far Rayo Vallecano and entities who want to help, but the responsibility lies with the powers public, both the mayor of Madrid, Ana Botella, as President of the Community of Madrid, Ignacio González, leaving in utter helplessness to this woman having thousands of empty houses, “he complained San Pastor.

So, has announced that they will pressure the government to give housing “of the thousands who have empty” in the Community of Madrid.

kot-mop / jj


Saturday, November 22, 2014

Three killed and a woman injured in Vigo and inhalation Burgos … –

Three killed and a woman injured in Vigo and inhalation Burgos … –

Poisoning in Vigo

Image Voyage two Rosais in Vigo, where they have died poisoned a man and a woman. (GOOGLE STREET VIEW)

Three people died on Saturday, two in Vigo (a man and a woman) and one in Aranda de Duero (Burgos) for carbon monoxide poisoning. There is a woman injured in the event of Burgos.

The National Police are investigating the facts and awaits the results of the autopsy to confirm the cause of death In Vigo, A man and a woman were found dead on Saturday afternoon at home possibly due to inhaling gas from a brazier .

This has been pointed out to police sources, which clarified that there was no apparent signs of violence in the house where they were found and found a brazier, which point to a possible inhalation of gas.

The two people have been located inside his home, located in the crossing of the Rosales in Vigo by a neighbor, who first alerted the CAE 112 about 17.47 hours on Saturday.

The National Police are investigating the facts and awaits the results of the autopsy to confirm the cause of death of these people. However, the same police sources have indicated that “apparently” was due to inhalation of gas from a brazier.

A 63 year old man has died and a woman of 61 has been hospitalized for Santos Reyes Aranda de Duero (Burgos) by carbon monoxide poisoning, apparently by poor combustion of a brazier , has informed the Emergency Service 112.

After receiving notice, was a UVI health emergencies of Sacyl which warned that when accessing the address in the Street Ballena of the Burgos town of Campillo de Aranda, little before eight o’clock on Saturday, had jumped the carbon monoxide detector, which related to a brazier that was in the house.

Firefighters Park Aranda de Duero and the Guard Civil also involved in the incident. Practitioners of Sacyl confirmed the death at the same address of the man, who responded to the initial JVB, and sent the woman to the hospital, with initial MDPB- de los Santos Reyes of Aranda de Duero in a medicalized Emergency Unit.


Tragedy in Fuensalida mortal Atropello 3 girls returning to … –

Tragedy in Fuensalida mortal Atropello 3 girls returning to … –

Day 23/11/2014