On Tuesday the president Artur Mas presented his roadmap for the post-9-N and tomorrow Oriol Junqueras also solemnize their independence proposed in the Palacio de Congresos de Catalunya. In a week both politicians have wanted to formalize their particular leadership ratification: But as leader of Catalonia and Junqueras as leader of the Catalan independence
While the classical theory of elites, from the late nineteenth century had. a sharp political leaders and relieved vision, the elitist theory of democracy that emerged after World War II and based on empirical analysis of the centers of extraction and cursus honorum of the political elites in democracy, stressed the great influence of socialization agents or spaces in the formation of political leaders and the plurality of vital routes for configuring politicians with leadership skills. Catalonia, Mas and Junqueras corroborates these findings democratic elitism: these are two leaders with very different itineraries
Family environment.. More (1956) comes from a family linked to the industry (textiles by metallurgical mother and father’s side) while Junqueras (1969) is the son of a professor of the Institute and a nurse. Both were born in Barcelona, but with only two years Junqueras moved with his family to San Vincente the Horts (Baix Llobregat), where he currently resides. The Mas family home, however, is located in the upper area of Barcelona: Sant Gervasi neighborhood-Galvany. Both have children: Mas, who married at age 26, has three, and Junqueras had her first child without being married, a couple of years ago
Academic Background More and Junqueras they completed their high school studies in private and secular schools. The president at the French School and Classroom European School, and the leader of ERC in the Liceo Italiano; so none of them studied at the Jesuits or the escolapios, like much of the Catalan political elite of yesteryear. Both went to college; but he graduated in Economics and Business Administration at the UB and Junqueras, who also went through the classrooms of the Faculty of Economics of the UB, finished Modern and Contemporary History at UAB, and a doctorate in History Economic Thought.
Career and politics. Prior to positions of political responsibility Mas worked in a family business (private sector) material lifting, and from there began to up politically. In the Catalan government was technical collaborator (1982-1984), head of department (1984-1986) and CEO (1986-1988, and three months acting secretary general), Department of Commerce, Consumer Affairs and Tourism. He was also municipal councilor in Barcelona (1987-1995), deputy provincial (1991-1995) and member of the Parliament of Catalonia (since 1995). In the government occupied the ministries of Planning and Public Works (1995-1997), Economy and Finance (1997-2001, with government spokesman from 2000) of the Presidency and Conseller Cap (2001-2003), and from four years ago is the 129th president of the Generalitat.
Junqueras, meanwhile, began working the fields of almond and olive trees that had his family, worked in many media and trained as a university professor to occupy a professorship added (public sector). He began his political activity in 2003, appearing in the municipal elections of Sant Vicenç as an independent in the lists of CKD. In June 2009, also as an independent, he headed the Republican ticket in European elections and was elected MEP. Two years later, as militant ERC, occupied the mayor of San Vincente, and autonomic 2012 was a candidate for president of the Generalitat by ERC and became leader of the opposition.
political activism. The path Junqueras as militant ERC is meteoric. He started politics as an independent, later joined ERC (age 41 years) and in less than a year of militancy became president of the party (September 2011). Mas, who joined CDC at age 31 (in 1987), made all his political activity as a militant and has held numerous positions in the party: President of the Federation of Barcelona, member of the National Council and the Permanent Secretariat Secretary General (2000) and president (2012).
The distant, strong, charismatic leader paternalistic and essential reference has given way to the next, vulnerable, permeable and collective leadership. In Catalonia we live with a dichotomous leadership and transition process. We have leaders like Artur Mas, with a classic profile, and others, like Junqueras, more universal features. We’ll see which one better attuned to the new social dimension of politics, the crida a country nou and the i temps decide to add.
Jordi Matas Dalmases is Professor of Political Science at UB.