Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Thousands of people fill the seats Catalan against the decision of … – Deia

Thousands of people fill the seats Catalan against the decision of … – Deia

barcelona – Several thousand people gathered yesterday in the Plaza de Sant Jaume de Barcelona shouting “we want to vote” to reject the suspension of the Constitutional Court of the query sovereigntist November 9, a protest that took place simultaneously in other Catalan towns. With this rejection, which was developed in steady rain and with the participation of leaders of CiU, ERC, ICV-EUiA CUP, also starts the campaign for the yes to independence under the slogan Ara és l’time (now time) , driven by the Catalan National Congress (ANC) and Omnium Cultural favor of the referendum.

In the same scenario where on Saturday the call for consultation by the president of the Generalitat was celebrated, Artur Mas, again crowd the Plaza Sant Jaume several thousand people with flags estelades -the independentista-, posters shaped urns and chants of “we want to vote”, “will vote” and “independence”. The event, which started at 19.00, attended the respective presidents of the ANC, Carme Forcadell, and Omnium Cultural, Muriel Casals, and other relevant political leaders. Not surprisingly, it could be seen, among others, the leader of ERC, Oriol Junqueras; the general coordinator of CDC, Josep Rull; EUiA general coordinator, Joan Josep Nuet; UDC leader and secretary of Universities of the Generalitat, Antoni Castellà; ICV coordinator, Joan Herrera, and the leader of the CUP Arrufat Quim.

“are sovereign” In the course of the concentration in the Catalan capital, the actress Sílvia Bel read a manifesto in support of Unit 9-N in which criticized “the State intends to mute the Catalan people” through a TC that has, as noted, “Total dependence on the executive” and “disrespectful to the democratic rules.” Meanwhile, Carme Forcadell considered that no court may “curtail the future of Catalan” because “we are sovereign.” E also warned: “Nobody is going to stop.” “Before the assault on democracy TC, the answer is more democracy,” he added Muriel Casals.

The event culminated with the deployment of a giant canvas for Consultation 9-N and music Cant the Reapers , anthem of Catalonia. At the same time concentrations of many other Catalan towns were made to the municipalities of Tarragona, Lleida and Girona, as well. – Efe


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