Monday, July 28, 2014

Rajoy announces a package of ‘very important’ to industrial action … – The World

Rajoy announces a package of 'very important' to industrial action … – The World

The Prime Minister and the PP, Mariano Rajoy, announced at the National Executive Committee of his party a new reform plan around summer, including a pack of “very important” job and a “social package “for seniors and dependence.

This was confirmed popular sources on the eve of Rajoy received in the Moncloa Palace to the presidents of the CEOE employers and Cepyme, Juan Rosell and Jesus Plywood, and Secretaries . general of the UGT and CCOO, and Cándido Méndez José Ignacio Fernández Toxo

Rajoy social agents offer the possibility of reaching agreement on three major aspects: a covenant income “well-functioning” system renovated and training measures for disadvantaged groups in the labor market.

The Prime Minister announced his own camera further reforms in the field “training, single market and reform government.” “It will go specifying” he said.

Rajoy argued before the National Executive Committee and Cospedal repeated to the press, that the PP government “has made the greatest effort to reform the world” in the first two and a half year term. “We will not talk about green shoots, we’re going to do, but not sporadic and timely data,” defended Cospedal Spain to insist that the recession has definitely left to give “beginning” to economic growth.

insisted that “we must continue on the path of reform,” because “we are beginning to see a change in the economic cycle and the labor market.”

stressed that, for the first time, annual employment was created in six years and placed the emphasis on the “importance of tax reform” that finally approved Friday the Cabinet and “will in the hands of taxpayers 9,000 million euros. “

According to popular sources, Rajoy moved to their own need to” do a lot of education “to the citizens now that” things are better “because the labor market cycle has changed.

In this line, the Prime Minister and the PP argued that fiscal consolidation has been achieved “maintaining the welfare state without lowering pensions.” “We resisted raise VAT to 23% hospitality” welcomed.


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