Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The new revelation that has completely destroyed the king emeritus Juan Carlos – Blasting News

Juan Carlos, former king of Spain

The previous king has always given that talk, that is something that everyone already knows. If something has characterized the former monarch is the controversy that has always revolved around his private life and all those rumors of infidelities that seem to have been resolved as time has passed. As if a hurricane were the royal family has lived with agony all the scandals in which he has been involved in the king emeritus.

The royal family is completely broken and that is something that everyone already knows. During the reign of the previous monarch many were the voices that cried that the marriage with queen Sofia was always a farce and a cover up, something that could not be broken until the reign had come to an end. So, last time, it has been shown that these statements were true.

As if a ghost of the past were, Barbara King has returned to be in the mouth of all the world, as numerous media are those who claim that such person was the mistress of the former king Juan Carlos, a information that has swiftly denied the accused, although all the tests seem to point towards the contrary. Recent reports claim that Juan Carlos and Barbara King kept their amorous encounters in a cottage provided to them by the Body’s own National Intelligence (CNI). These meetings occurred in a residential area of Madrid. Exact words of the actress were the following: “it Was a cold place, vulgar, and the fridge was always empty.” Thus, it appears

confirmed that a body such as what is the CNI provided that the monarch could be with Barbara King. Not all the problems of the former king are reduced to their love problems, of which it is suspected that there is more, but also to his life as head of State. As revealed by the chain Telecinco the old king could have pl ayed a very different role in the 23-F of the original version.

To Save me Deluxe was the biografa of Barbara King and the revelation that he made was so amazing that it left off with the mouth open to more than one. He said that on the eve of the 23-F the king warned Barbara King not to leave home for their own safety. To affirm this is when the doubts began to occur. Perhaps the king knew that it was going to be a coup? #Tv

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Opt for the excalde of Castro and two councillors for the tunnel at Mioño – The Farad

it Was one of the sites that suffered the scourge of brick, where before the bubble burst, ruptured in the form of a general cause against their rulers, and where, among the corruption scandals, marinas, covenants unusual and transfuguismo general, it ended up arriving before the rest of the cities, which was to be called the new policy, in this case with a broad representation of CastroVerde already in the previous legislature, and is now ruling the town.

But the story is not so far from Castro Urdiales stalking: the Criminal Court no. 1 of Santander has been sentenced to four years and three months of disqualification from public office of former mayor of Castro Urdiales, Fernando Muguruza Galan (ex-PRC), considering him to be the perpetrator of a crime
continuing trespass.

Likewise, the magistrate submitter of the resolution has condemned those who were councillors of Works and Industry during the tenure of the one, the Savior Iron and Jaime Díez Muro, for the same offence and has fixed a penalty greater: four years and nine months of disqualification.

The facts which have been considered criminal are referred to the way of acting, that the three condemned persons were deployed during the hiring process of the restoration works of the tunnel of Mioño and the installation of an elevator in the municipal market, both entrusted to the company of which he was manager, a brother of the condemned.

In a ruling dated and served on the day of today, the judge decides to acquit the rest of the accused: four council members, the secretary and the auditor, municipal, and the manager of the construction company.

In his judgment, it has been proven that the rest of the councillors and two public officials –who are accused of a crime of trespass – they had knowledge of the illegality of the procedure used for the award of the work.

Also exempts the constructor of the offence of traffic of influences that came to him accusing because it, considered the judge, it has not been demonstrated to exert "moral pressure or inducement" that condicionara the decision of the councillor responsible for Works, Salvador Iron.

The resolution, which is strong and against which it is necessary to appeal to the Provincial court recognizes the mitigating circumstance of undue delay (excessive delays in the judicial process), given the time elapsed since the incoaran preliminary investigation in September 2006.

The sentence declares proved that in 2004, the board of local government of Castro Urdiales unanimously agreed to approve the bids and award to the company IZETA of the restoration works of the tunnel of Mioño and the installation of an elevator in the municipal market.

Understand the judge that both the mayor, as alderman of works, Savior Iron, and the councilman of Industry, Jaime Díez Muro, had "full knowledge of the total absence of administrative record of engagement," as well as "bonds of kinship" between this last, and
the manager of IZETA, who was his brother.

in Addition, the mayor Díez Muro voted favorably to

the award, which evidence a "conscious and deliberate absence of abstention, with the quiet complacency, and the cover-up of the mayor and the councillor of works."

In those votes, the city clerk did not warn of the total absence of record, "although not known to have prior knowledge of the absence of the record, neither of the links concurrent".

Days after the meeting of local government where it was agreed that the awarding of the works to the lift, specifically the December 31, 2004, the intervener city recognized an obligation of 20% of the cost for the works of the lift in the municipal market. A day later, on 1 January 2005, conducted a reconnaissance of the remaining 80%.

he Understands the judge "has not been duly accredited that your action has a different purpose to prevent the loss of a subsidy granted to that", given that the works are finally executed months later.

The prosecution requested the sentence of all the selectmen, and also of the public officials for a continuing offence of trespass, with sentences ranging from nine-year disqualification for the three selectmen who have been sentenced to seven years for the two public officials.

however, the judge considered that only committed a continuous crime of trespass which were the councillors of Works –who received offerings and presented them before the municipal council – and Industry –brother of the manager of IZETA and not abstained in the votes-, as well as the mayor –who knew both the absence of treatment as family ties.

The rest of charges, and public officials are acquitted since it has not been demonstrated that they knew that the hires were made to toe-off.

The public prosecutor also accused the manager of the company that executed the work, because he considered him to be the perpetrator of a crime of influence peddling that he should be punished with nine months of imprisonment and 10.000 euros fine.

Finally, as to the absolution of the manager of IZETA, points out the sentence that does not consist of "positive action and intentional pressure to the councilor or to the others involved, aimed at provoking a process of decision vitiated by fraud to gain unjust decisions". Therefore, understand the judge not committed the offence of traffic of influence
of which he was accusing.


Rebellion shows us 6 minutes of Sniper Elite 4 – Meri Station

Rebellion has publiado the trailer 101 of Sniper Elite 4 where the study of Oxford offers us a review of six minutes through the various modes and forms of game play of this shooter focused on the simulation of the multiplayer.

In the video we can see the campaign, where we have to explore the Italy of 1943, and fight alongside the Resistance to knock down a weapon that threatens the Allies; we will be able to play this mode with a friend in co-op.

We show, also, how we have to be careful with the direction of the air, the distance and the gravity to shoot with our sniper, and how this will not be our only weapon: we will have shotguns, explosives, and traps to break the enemy positions. To do this we will also run various perks that appears at the beginning of each mission, such as an increase of the look or stability in the targeted.

there will Also be a way co-op to four players, with maps designed exclusively for him, and a multiplayer with 7 competitive modes for up to 12


Sniper Elite 4 will be out on PC, PS4 and Xbox One the 14 February.

Sniper Elite 4 (PC) screen Capture


Spanish civil servant had 10 years to earn her salary, and never worked – Publimetro Chile

In the General File and Photo of the Provincial council of Valencia is known to the head of the Unit of Action Acknowledged as 'The man who never was there': he was hired in 2006, has collected nearly 50,000 euros a year for more than 10 years without taking never his job, according to published the medium of English The world.

The officer, identified as Carlos Recio has followed the same ritual from a decade ago: it has marked the entrance to the 7:30 in the morning and goes. Later, between 15:30 and 16:00 I returned to the place to mark his time of departure, without taking their place of work.

The local authorities were stunning before the fact. The deputy of General Administration and Transparency of the Provincial council of Valencia, Pepe Ruiz, confirmed to The World, that no order was given to begin the research in order to "clarify the employment status of the employee of the corporation.

The deputy also reported that the director of the institution, María José Gil, no "has been communicated in an official manner the situation that existed in the department", despite the fact that the absence of the chief, dating back to march 7, 2006.


Measures of Trump: government of Spain would prefer not to paste “screams” – Ourplanet.hn

Madrid, Spain
Spain will make it clear to their principles without falling into “screams” or harshness to the measures antimigratorias of Donald Trump, who has generated a wave of criticism in the world, said Tuesday the spokesman of the government, Iñigo Méndez de Vigo.

But Méndez de Vigo denied that Spain has maintained a conduct “discreet”, when you remember that last week called for a climate of understanding between Mexico and the united States, whose relations were strained to the intention of the president of the united States Donald Trump to build a border wall paid for by its neighbor to the south.

“There are other parts of the world looking to make a lot of noise, we seek the continuous work, efficient, saying things like we think,” said Méndez de Vigo during an informative breakfast in Madrid.

“What are we going to do to make it clear which are our principles, but also not hitting shouting or being too loud,” underscored the spokesman.

“relations with The united States must be excellent, but (…) between friends have to say things clear”, said to journalists the Foreign minister, Alfonso Dastis.

Since his arrival at the White House on 20 January, Trump has announced a series of controversial measures on immigration, the last of them a decree prohibiting temporarily the entry into the united States of seven muslim-majority countries.

This unleashed a veritable avalanche of criticism, from many countries, such as Germany, France, or

Iraq, and agencies, from the UN or the International Air Transport Association (IATA).

Without taking a position before this last decree of Trump, the conservative government of Spanish has referred only to the growing tension between Mexico and the united States, calling for “mutual respect” and the dialog.

The president of the government, Mariano Rajoy, hoped that it will impose “common sense” and “common sense” between the neighboring countries.

beyond the caution of the government, the opposition parties in Spain have criticized the actions of Trump, and even the mayor of Madrid, the leftist Manuela Carmena, came to compare in a veiled language Monday to Trump with Adolf Hitler, who was “initially supported by many fellow citizens,” and ended by promoting a genocide.

“silence is sometimes guilty”, finished off Carmena.


A Spanish civil servant charged with 50,000 euros per year and is not going to never work – RT in Spanish – international News

One of the heads of unit of the General File and Photo of the Provincial council of Valencia is called Carles Recio, and his salary is close to 50,000 euros. Each working day, tab your entry at 07:30 and its output from 15:30. None of this would be unlikely if it were not for an important ‘detail’: Carles Recio does not play absolutely no role, doesn’t work, nor even remain in his workplace during his working hours.

How is this possible? As the newspaper ‘The World’ he explains in his note to the context, in this case “can be simplified as an official for which created a position ‘to finger’ and never exercised or worked in the functions entrusted to them despite the fact that it has always received a paycheck for them“. In the Relationship of Jobs of the File consists effectively Carlos Recio as the head of the Bibliographical Unit, but it is the only trace of its connection with the institution. Your name doesn’t appear in any edition or publication of the center.

“Other evidence of the service of the provincial archives do not count in your template with Rushing is that in the directory of workers of the web page the background of the documentary does not appear any mention of this official. In the directory you justify each and every one of the functions of the job: from the direction, passing by the archivists, technical, administrative, and responsible for room and deposits, up to the fellows”, informs ‘The World’.

Excuses vague

That same newspaper called several times to the centre where you work Carles Recio and asked for it. The employees there confirmed to him that “this worker is not ever in your place of work or have any type of relationship with the rest of the employees because it only goes to the center to negotiate the holidays”. Later they managed to contact with the Carles Recio. In another article, detailing the answers that they obtained from him, almost all cryptic and evasive. The official in charge of work is explained by saying: “I’ve only done what I have asked you to do”. When asked

why he has dedicated all these years makes vague references to who is “developing projects” and limiting these explanations to point out that “when the time comes, and the place will justify everything he has done in the Deputation”.

According to his own explanation, does not provide documentation or evidence relating to its alleged task during the past 10 years “for reasons of confidentiality”. Finally, it makes a kind of promise that seems to contain a shade threatening: “Some day I will tell why I was sent to File” describes the official in, what seems to be a direct allusion to a situation that was experienced in 2006, when the then president of the Council, Fernando Giner, dismissed from the post of Head of Publications and sent the File as a retaliation for a previous dispute.

it Seems that, in the end, there has been so harmed. Collect 50,000 without having to work does not seem precisely a punishment very hard. In any case, is an example of a situation that may be more usual than we think. That kind of official appointed ‘to finger’ (by the so-called ‘system of free designation’), which contained nominally and collect their salary without performing any function, is a form of public corruption that has been detected recently in Spain with some frequency, and has been the subject of numerous controversies.


Fitur 2017: experiences and results for RD – The Caribbean

The International Fair of Tourism, mounted in the centre Ifema in Madrid, from the 18th to the 22nd of January, it leaves a unique balance of experiences, results and agreements of the business to the Dominican Republic, as a consolidated tourist destination as the Caribbean’s leading.

by the numbers: 5 recognitions and international awards; 34 tourist companies located in the country, including two local airlines, 17 hotels, 9 agencies and 5 tour-operators, conducted dozens of rounds of businesses, including banks – two of which (Reserves and Popular) conducted special meetings for national investors, and spaniards, and proclaimed the amount of their financing; four awards to the country through their personalities in the industry and 18 media professionals to perform one of the most extensive coverage of this event, which opens the circuit of the great international fairs.

Fitur edition XXXVIII served to proclaim, by the disposal of the International Organization of Tourism (OMT), the International Year of Sustainable Tourism and to highlight the new profile of the tourist of the present, characterized by its use of the technology, prior to the purchase of the travel ticket, new conditions that compel the countries of inbound tourism to develop their better conditions of service.

The main general lesson that leaves Fitur is the validation that has been made of the sustainable tourism and manager, in function of defending and promoting its greatest asset: the environment, which – to be affected – would leave the countries of the tourism experience, without anything to offer.


Dominican Republic managed to make their pavilion in the front of the entrance of hall 3 (which housed the countries of America), next to the Mexico pavilion and next to the guest of honor (Argentina), close to the united States, Cuba, Colombia, and Peru. It is one of the best locations, obtained in the step of the DR for this, the most important tourism fair in Spanish.

Present business

34 private companies in the dominican republic 4 banks, 2 airports, the two national airline and an energy company, and the Tourism Cluster of Puerto Plata. Particularly Fitur was particularly important for the projection of the line Pawa (who managed a module in front of the pavilion dominican general) and Dominicans Wings, another of the projects of air transportation from the capital criollo.

The modules of sales were occupied by:(In Punta Cana): Vista Sol VH Hotel&Resort and Karisma Resort&Club, the Hard Rock Hotel. There were also the hotels Amsa Marina, Casa de Campo, Crowne/ Plaza-Hollydays Inn, CHC Hotels&Resorts, Ifa Villas Bavaro, Lifestyle Holydays, Vacations, Resort, VIK Hotel Group Hodelpa, Puerto Plata Village, Viva Windham and the Blue Beach.

there were Also Dominican Airports (Aerodom) and the active airport of La Romana; travel agencies and tour-operators, BD-Travel, KM Destinations, Domitur, Nexus Tour, Prohotel, Otium International, and the Energy Consortium Punta Cana-Macao.

The cultural

The delegation cultural dominican is supported in three of its forms: the craftsmanship excellent nationwide (with exquisite jewels in amber, larimar and accessories in horn, leather and other materials ) which were offered by two artisans; the tobacco produced in front the public, by an expert craftsman, and the group Dances Foklórico of the Ministry of Tourism, who gave presentations on day-to-day charge of the body of eight dancers (four men and four women, and its director), bringing the music and dance indigenous to the environments of the Fair.

the official Delegation

The presence of the dominican

The delegation of the Dominican Republic at FITUR, headed by the minister of Tourism, Francisco Javier García, and includes a representation of the business tourism of the dominican republic, where are the president and the executive vice president of ASONAHORES, Joel Santos and Andrés Marranzini Grullón and personalities as Frank Rainieri of the Puntacana Group; Rafael Blanco Canto, the Chain Viva Wyndhan; Edmundo Aja, chain HODELPA; Luis Lopez, the chain Amhsa Marina; Ernesto Veloz of the Association of Hotels of the East; Simon Suarez, a past president of Asonahores; and Roberto Casoni, president of the Tourism Cluster of Destiny Puerto Plata; Monica Infante of AERODOM and Lorenzo Sancassani, the provincial director of Tourism of Puerto Plata, and the mayor of Port-Door, Walter Musa, the latter with a style that is very low profile.

Delegation of journalism

This edition of Fitur 2017, received a wide coverage in the national press, thanks to the

presence of 18 communicators (among journalists, cameramen and photographers), invited by the Ministry of Tourism which included a delegation of five members and leaders of the Association of the Dominican Press Tourism (ADOMPRETUR) Rafael Rodriguez, Odiles Cesarina Ravelo, Margaret Ramirez, Ysmeli Nairobi Viloria, Guillermo Tejeda, Nestor Estevez, Moises Gonzalez, Nelson Peralta, Maria Mercedes (Daily Metro), Miguel Susana, Demetrius Sarita, Sandra Guzman, Antonio Almonte de Leon (News 37, Puerto Plata), Hugo Cesar Gomez G. By Adompretur were invited: Wendy Almonte (Grand Prize Epifanio Lantigua 2016), Luis Jose Chavez, (president), José Rafael Sosa, Cristian Mota (Adompretur Young).

it should Be noted the care attention that they received from the staff of the Department of Communication of the Mintur, which led Napoleon Of the Cross, and his colleagues Xiomara Payano Liberato and Theodore Infant, as well as the staff of Tourism office of Paris (which he paid attention to the group that was 19 hours in the French capital) and the new director of the office of Tourism in Spain Leila Boasier-Budecke.

Taking into account that he had to leave very early every day from the hotel to Ifema, to comply with a program that included successive activities (news coverage, press conferences and signing agreements), lunches or dinners, the behavior of the group was characterized, in general by its timeliness and program compliance.

The minister of tourism offered a lunch to the motorcade as a journalist in the Casino Madrid, a place exquisite in its architecture and its food service is supported by a Michelin star.

Six recognitions

The country and its personalities received six awards:

  • Medal of Tourism Merit for his contribution to the industry, the highest award granted by the Ibero-american Conference of Ministers and Businessmen of Tourism (CIMET)
  • chain Blue Bay Hotels declared the minister of Tourism, Francisco Javier Garcia, as a personality tourist, 2016.
  • The group Preferred (Spanish and specialized in communications, tourism) to Arturo Villanueva, as a personality fundamental of tourism dominican from Asonahores.
  • The Awards XIII of the World Tourism Organization recognized with the medal of Excellence and Innovation at the Fundación Tropicalia, an institution working for the social and economic development of Miches since 2008.
  • The Prize monuments by 2016, the president of the Puntacana Group, Frank Rainieri and his wife Haydee Kuret de Rainieri, Senior vice president of the Puntacana Group.
  • The Prize your Excellencies "Ramon Alvarez in memoriam" Simon Suarez, vice president of Institutional Relations and Special Projects at Grupo Punta Cana.

The Banks

The banks of the Progress, BHD, Popular and Bookings, participated in the modules of the pavilion and the initial report is that they did their work with a lot of impact.

The Popular offered its gala dinner at the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza in which its executive vice president of Business and Business Investment, René Grullón, said that in 2016 the Popular participation in the financing of new projects worth of US$ 225 million, ending the year with a turnover of more than US$ 900 million. The Popular has contributed, to build 26,500 rooms and to generate 33,000 jobs, direct.

The manager of the Reserve Bank said that tourism is of high national priority and therefore has allocated more than $ 270 million for the construction of new and the remodeling of hotels

Simon Lizardo Mézquita, in a meeting held in the Presidential Ballroom of the hotel Villa Magna, in front of dozens of executives of hotel chains, investors and tour operators, that have financed projects to Sunscape Puerto Plata; the Dreams Dominicus, Bayahíbe; the Karisma Hotels and Resorts; and the Secret Resorts & Spas, both in Punta Cana, Lizardo Mézquita reveals that the funding of the Reserves has facilitated the incorporation of ,916 new rooms and the creation of 2,500 jobs in different job categories.

By: José Rafael Sosa


Monday, January 30, 2017

Appears body of an african child in Spain – e-Mail South

The corpse of a child in sub-saharan appeared on a beach in the south of Spain apparently after naufragara the boat in which he attempted to cross from Africa to Spain with other migrants, reported yesterday to local media.

The lifeless body corresponds to a child of about six years and was found Friday on a beach in Barbate, in southern Spain, said the Radio Cadiz on the basis of official sources.

The location suggests that the small could have traveled in a boat trying to cross the strait of Gibraltar, situated about 100 kilometres to the east, and that his body was dragged by the currents to the coast of the province of Cadiz.

The finding came

two weeks after the Maritime Rescue suspended the search for a ship that supposedly traveled five migrants.


Member of the Catalan parliament complaint to Rajoy, in disobedience to the Constitutional Court – Sputnik World

Homs, which is facing a judicial process for his alleged involvement in the preparation of the consultation pro-sovereignty of the November 9, 2014 when I was a member of the Catalan regional Government, said that his complaint has “the same arguments” used by the Spanish Executive “for querellarse against politicians catalans”.

“it Will be the cotton test to see if we are judged for the persecution of political ideas or in accordance with law”, highlighted Homs.

Both Homs as the former Catalan Artur Mas and other directors of the former autonomous Government facing judicial proceedings in which he is accused of disobeying the provisions of the Constitutional Court.

The complaint of the deputy pro-independence calls on the office of the Prosecutor to initiate a criminal complaint against Rajoy, a former minister of Health, Alfonso Alonso, and the former secretary of State for Social Services by the breach of the ten judgments of the Constitutional that are still awaiting execution.

In particular, such judgments are relative

to the concession of subsidies through the Tax on the Income of Natural Persons.

As explained Homs, this complaint is “a challenge to the Prosecutor’s office” and a “stress test” to make sure that the processes against political catalans are not for disobeying the Constitutional Court but that they are “political trials”.


Panama concrete 450 appointments in tourism fair in Spain – Digital Newspaper of Central america and the Caribbean (press Release) (Registration)

Panama has managed to make around 450 appointments with travel agencies from Spain, Russia, Portugal, Argentina, Poland, and Lithuania.

Some 22 companies and experts of the DMO (Destination Marketing Organization) the Tourism Authority of Panama (ATP) join forces to attract the largest amount of customers in the International Tourism trade Fair (FITUR), which takes place in Madrid – Spain since last January 18.

In the first four days of the fair dedicated to business, Panama has managed to make around 450 appointments with travel agencies from Spain, Russia, Portugal, Argentina, Poland, and Lithuania, among others, that have shown interest in promoting Panama as a destination for leisure and pleasure.

Gustavo Him, minister of the Panama Tourism Authority (ATP), stated that the FAIR is the showcase where all the tourism potential at the international level and 'therefore is given to know the strategy this year to promote Panama abroad, through digital media or social networks'.

Source: The Century

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Uber could enter Nicaragua in 2017


Trujillo received his first cruise of the year


A milestone – Messenger Newspaper Cheap

"Rome was not built in a day", says an old proverb, the change of the image of a country either. In the case of Argentina had to wait almost a year to reach the objective sought by the team from the Ministry of Tourism; and to the view of all the entrepreneurs and officers who participated in the events in Madrid, the mission was fulfilled with a vengeance.

open a door

Both in the International Tourism Fair -FITUR 2017-from 18 to 22 January, as at Madrid Fusion, from 23 to 25, Argentina attended as Guest Country, and the challenge was more important, not only a question of how to re position the image of our country in Europe, but also by the critical eyes of the entrepreneurs of the sector, observers of hardcore year of argentinean presence in fairs and events in which participates the Mintur.

The communication strategy worked as planned, because they see in the news of the Mother country, to the kings of Spain, Felipe and Letizia, the opening of the Tourism Fair in IFEMA and next to them the Minister of Tourism of the Nation, Gustavo Santos, as representative of the Guest Country was not a small thing. Thereafter the presence of Argentina in Madrid was amazed all and sundry.

That the kings themselves have completed the route protocol in the argentine stand to witness a tango show, put it in the eyes of millions of television viewers the images of our landscapes and the name of Argentina are visible.

Obviously none of that was chance, it was planned and it showed in the coordination of the delegates of the Mintur before each event. When we consulted told us that: "the Minister, Santos set out a new way of working to the presentations of Argentina, on the outside. That includes from the aesthetic of the exhibition spaces, up to content".

According to the same officials of the Mintur the stand of Argentina in FITUR puts in scene a message that is sustainable, to align with the principles of the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development, established by the UNWTO for this 2017. "We want to build our space with materials that are ecofriendly, energy-saving, not emit dust and noise in construction, reuse of wood and reduce waste, among others", they said.

18 January 2016, Minister Santos stated in a chat with the media sector: "I will personally lead the INPROTUR. The Minister is going to put you to the front of the INPROTUR, what I’m going to lead with a heavy hand, and I’m going to move forward with a strong development because we need foreign exchange in the country. We need to re-receptive to the Argentina". In 2017 will begin to see changes, definitely.

responsible for The change

while the Minister Santos presides over the INPROTUR, the task of coordination and staging of the promotion of argentina in the exterior it was given to his two secretaries: Alejandro Lastra and Roberto Sposetti, who are also part of the Directory of the Institute of Tourist Promotion.

From the Secretariat of Innovation and Technology, that leads Roberto Sposetti, we generated a new integral design of the Stand national looking for a space that would impact intelligence. The official cordoba and his crew had in mind down to the last detail so that all the provinces were present, something that has not happened for a long time.

The Secretary of Tourism, Alejandro Lastra, was in charge of determine the content to present as well as the technical details of the promotion, the logistics, the meetings, rounds of business, agendas, etc

As we know, to get to FITUR, the strategic plan began to take shape three months before the realization of the events; and it was necessary the active participation of all the staff of the Institute of Tourist Promotion, which was periodically in the Meeting Room of the Ministry and poured his experiences in the search for a presentation without any flaws.

For the Night Argentina, for example, the organization of the shows that were offered was monitored previously by the two secretaries and the minister himself, and were adjusted to the details of the action both to FITUR to Madrid Fusion.

The work that made the Minister of Saints, and the Secretaries Sposetti and Lastra, is the result of that had already developed during the period that were members of the Agencia Córdoba Turismo, that such a good result had been obtained for the

mediterranean province.

What is concrete is that after 13 months of management the Minister Santos and his co-workers beginning to leave its mark with the ambitious plan that had been established at the beginning of last year: "to reach the 9 million tourists by 2019".

When we all look at

Wednesday, 25 the minister of Tourism of the Nation, Gustavo Santos, next to the minister of Education, Culture and Sport of Spain, Iñigo Méndez de Vigo, and the argentine ambassador in Spain, Ramón Puerta, participated in the day of the close of the fair, excellent food and wine made in the Municipal Palace of Congresses of Madrid, which counted with the presence of recognized chefs of our country.

At that time Íñigo Méndez de Vigo stressed that "Argentina is in fashion in Spain, has been able to see it in Fitur, Madrid Fusion, and soon, in ARCO Madrid, International Contemporary Art Fair, which will take place from 22 to 27 February.

In the national media, the information that was coming from Madrid took on dimensions quite unusual. It is as well in Infobae.com we saw a complete photographic coverage with more than 14 images on the actions of the Minister, of the presence of the kings of Spain in the stand, the interaction of the public, the mega show that took place Sunday in the town Square with a giant roast, and up to the Pink Corner, sector-oriented tourism LGBT, where Argentina had a role very prominent with his campaign, "Love."

The web and the Facebook of TN, (they just announced this week that exceeded 6 million followers) devoted an important segment of the roast that Francis Mallman and Germán Martitegui held in the Plaza mayor which had, in five days, more than 600 thousand views.

3 Chain posted on its website an important note, titled, in the style of cordoba: "Madrid: Mallmann conquered the Plaza mayor with a azadazo", where he played a video of the event that brought together thousands of people on a cold mid winter in the Spanish capital.

This great move, which is part of the Plan to Cook, and also reflected the Spanish media and as well it showed the web site around the world.it is with a wide photographic coverage which titled "A piece of Argentina in the Plaza mayor…".

Telemadrid.is reflected the multitudinous event, and RTVE-Spanish Radio and Television-conducted an interview with the Minister Gustavo Santos entitled: "Argentina partner FITUR 2017" with a duration of 30 minutes. To which are added other media such as traveltradecaribbean.it is published by "Argentina, protagonist in FITUR 2017".

A story of the visit of the kings of Spain was mirrored by the Spanish site Vanitatis, when he entitled the review in the section Royal Houses "could Not imitate Obama. The tango frustrated of Felipe VI during a visit to the Fitur," since the dancer who was making the shows of tango to get the Kings to the stand was to invite him to perform a few steps of the dance of buenos aires, but Queen Letizia is thus prevented.

Multiple activities for Schiaretti

Neither went unnoticed by the prominent role that the governor of cordoba, Juan Schiaretti had in the Fair of Tourism, being as it is an old acquaintance of the members of the Ministry of Tourism with whom he also shared the 8 years that Santos directed the provincial agency of tourism.

Was present at the inauguration and was in charge of handing over a present to the Queen Letizia, while the minister Saints to do the same with King Philip.

The previous day, open the sample, the governor was at the Instituto Cervantes in Madrid

in the framework of the acts, preparations for the "VIII International Congress of the Spanish Language by 2019" that will have to Córdoba as the venue between 27 and 30 march 2019.


Alonso appeals to the responsibility of the PNV to support the accounts of the State – Yahoo Finance Spain

Vitoria, 29 jan (EFE).- The president of the PP basque, Alfonso Alonso, believes that the PNV, as a “party of Government”, “has to act with responsibility” because “the whole world has an interest” in the approval of the State budget, “also the PNV”.

Alonso acknowledges in an interview with Efe that the PP has started with the PNV “a different path of dialogue” and “a new relationship” in this legislature that has allowed agreements as well as approve the spending ceiling and “lessen the tension of the conflict in the courts” between the central Government and basque.

“But things don’t happen overnight. I think that we have common interests and I think that what you need to do is to translate those interests in political agreements,” he stresses.

in order To consolidate this new stage of relationship, the leader of the PP vasco believes that the PNV “needs time” and is convinced that the lehendakari, Iñigo Urkullu, and his team “believe that it was a mistake not to attend the Conference of Presidents” autonomic “because it is in fact going to participate in bodies which are born of her.”

“they Have to understand that the fact of having bilateral relationships, such as with the Quota, others have not, does not exclude to go to meetings where he participates more people, because it makes no sense”, says Alfonso Alonso.

The president of the popular basque has made clear that “to be excluded from one meeting to the harm of the not going” and more “when you are going to deal with important issues. “They know it and it seems to me that they are already turning,” he adds.

despite that absence, he insists that the PP has available to “reach agreements” with the PNV and, although it would be necessary to have the concurrence of other parties -as Citizens and Coalition Canaria – to overcome at least the processing of the amendments to all budgets, Alonso emphasizes that the party led by Andoni Ortuzar, “it is important”, without forgetting the “dialog that can be given to the PSOE or other major groups” of the Camera.

The PNV demands in this negotiation have a direct dialogue with Rajoy but for Alonso it “is

not a problem of dialogue”.

“Now there are partners who are very active, both in the Basque Country and the Government of Spain”, there are bilateral relations historical “very settled” and the president of the Government, the vice-president, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, and the parliamentary spokespersons of both parties are “involved”, he argues.

In terms of budgets basques, the leader of the PP basque appreciates “a change in the speech of the president”, who looks a lot “more pragmatic and realistic,” which could allow “to reach agreements with the PP”.

As the Basque Government coalition PNV-PSE (Taiwan OTC: 5238.TWO – news) is the lack of a vote to achieve a majority, the PP was offered, although Urkullu you must choose if you prefer the popular, we Can or to EH Bildu. Alonso warns however that does not give “the same thing, to agree with the PP than with Bildu. Are two projects that are excluded”.

in face Of the National Congress of his party, Alonso says does not know if María Dolores de Cospedal will continue to lead the General Secretariat and added that he “is not in that race” since it is focused on your work in the Basque country and to address the Regional Congress of the PP basque, which will be held on 18 and 19 march, in which it is presented to the re-election.

After the changes in Alava, wants to incorporate to other people who “connect with generations and different sensibilities,” to “update project” of his party.


Ada Colau, will boost the referendum in Catalonia in the new party – The Daily Cloud (press Release)

Ada Colau was yesterday the defence of the referendum for the independence of Catalonia, among the priorities of the political movement that sponsored to go to the presidency of the Generalitat.

Pablo Iglesias and Ada Colau

Pablo Iglesias and Ada Colau

The mayor of Barcelona took advantage of the presentation of the movement in the common, to ensure that you always have defended the celebration of the query, "now more than ever." During the act of yesterday, in the district of Sants, the leader of Catalan sent a message to the parties nationalists that criticize it for not openly support the pathway unilateral and advocate for the agreement with the


"We have always defended and now more than ever before the referendum. Not like others that have passed screens and don’t know where they are," he said. the Colau he added that his new political project aims to assimilate all the left-wing forces. As explained, the objectives of the new party-still without a name – must "pass by in front of the stands" and allow it to be a training as wide as possible". The mayor was accompanied in this act by the leader of city council Can, Xavier Domènech.

THE COUNTRY 17/THE WORLD 10/THE cutting EDGE 1,15/NEWSPAPER 1, 18,19

(Text: own calculations performed based on the summary of news from the press services of Moncloa) LikeTweet

Barcelona prohibits the opening of new hotels in the center of the city – ElEspectador.com

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Sunday, January 29, 2017

Found dead six teenagers in a garden in Germany | International | Radio ADN 91.7 – DNA Chile (press Release) (Registration)

A true tragedy occurred on Sunday in the south of Germany: six teenagers were found dead in Arnstein. The lifeless bodies of the young were found by the father of two of them at the entrance of your garden, and the causes of the deaths are not yet been clarified.

The dead were among 18 and 19 years, and according to police sources in germany, there were no signs of violence. The teens had attended the previous evening at a private party in the garden of a private residence.

The father of one of the victims was not able to contact her son, so she approached the entrance to this garden to check if everything was okay. It was at that moment when he discovered the bodies and alerted the emergency services.

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President Correa meets with mayor of Barcelona – teleSUR TV

In her work agenda is scheduled to interview with the king Felipe VI and the head of the Executive Spanish, Mariano Rajoy.

The president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa, met on Saturday with the mayor of Barcelona, Ada Colau, as part of its agenda of work to develop this weekend into the nation of spain.

In Barcelona Correa will attend a meeting with ecuadorian citizens in the Palace of Congresses to make his weekly report of negotiations, known as Link Citizen.

in the afternoon, will travel to Madrid, to celebrate a similar event in the Palace of Sports of the capital.

>> Ecuador reiterates that a wall does not solve migration problems

In October 2016 Strap had an interview bilateral with Colau, in the framework of the Summit Habitat III

Organization of the United Nations (UN).

At the meeting this Saturday, the president was accompanied by the minister of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility, Guillaume Long.

it Is scheduled that president Correa will also meet with king Felipe VI and the head of the Spanish Government, Mariano Rajoy.


Family dies crushed by hundreds of pounds of clothes in Spain – El Heraldo (Colombia)

apparently the couple would store such a large amount of costumes for sale second.

A couple formed by a woman of 49 years and a man of 50, just like his little daughter of 12 died when caerles over hundreds of kilos of clothing that is piling up in your home.

The incidents took place in the city of Alicante, in Spain, where the family would store large quantities of clothes to sell second, according to the first indications of the authorities.

apparently, the family had inside their home big shelves, full of clothing, which was occupied from the floor up to the ceiling and that by the weight fell on the three individuals that shared the 60 square metres of your home with the ledges .

Another daughter of the couple, 18 years of age, who slept in a fourth alternative would have been the one who found the tragic scene, then was lifted at approximately 1:00 in the


According to the authorities who attended the home, located on the first floor of a small building of four floors, the facts would have occurred had the 8:00 or 9:00 in the morning, but didn’t notice until after noon, when the eldest daughter of the marriage he woke up and found her younger sister under the avalanche of clothes.

While performing the corresponding tests, driving the hypothesis that the three people would have died, crushed or suffocated under the huge amounts of clothes.


Died crushed by the pounds of clothes accumulated – MDZ Online

A couple and their daughter of 12 years died buried under kilos of clothes piling up in your home in the city of Alicante, in the east of Spain, today reported local media.

Researchers of the National Police explained that the family collected clothes in an obsessive way and for commercial purposes in a few shelves that apparently ended up collapse on the floor of the room and collapse on the three victims.

The accident went unnoticed by the neighbors and was discovered by the eldest daughter of the marriage, 18 years of age. When you wake up at midday on the Saturday, he saw the floor of the adjoining room sunk by the clothes and started to remove it until you see the arm inert of his sister.

The National Police came to the small house and rescued the bodies

of the child and of the parents, of 49 and 50 years. The researchers believe that died, crushed or suffocated, but still waiting for the results of the autopsies to clarify what happened.



Spain announces arrest of leader of the camorra neapolitan – The Press

The police of Spain arrested a suspected of being one of the leaders of the camorra of naples, announced the Interior ministry, without specifying the date of the operation or the name of the detainee.

Agents Spanish, “have been arrested in Alhaurin de la Torre, Malaga, spain, a leader of the camorra neapolitan. It is an international fugitive considered one of the maximum responsible of the Camorra in the international trafficking of cocaine and hashish,” stated the ministry of the Interior.

A police spokesman identified the arrested as Giuseppe Iavarone. Media italians, meanwhile, said that the arrest would have occurred on Tuesday, January 17.

The detained in Spain is “considered as one of the heads of the Camorra Neapolitan and right hand to the head of the criminal organization”, added the communiqué from the ministry of the Interior Spanish.


arrest occurred in a home in the small town andalusian Alhaurin de la Torre is performed at dawn, when the special forces unit stormed the residence.

The arrest was made in the framework of a joint operation, that also allowed us to stop “in Naples, 17 members of a mafia clan Amato-Pagani, which monopolized the market of drugs at wholesale in the region”.


Saturday, January 28, 2017

Parents and daughter die crushed under tons of clothes that were in a fourth – Diario Panorama de Santiago del Estero

the 28/01/2017

a Few parents and daughter were killed in an unusual manner: they were crushed by tons of clothes stored in boxes and shelves of his home in the Spanish city of Alicante, as reproduced in the newspaper el Mundo.

this Is a 50 year old man, his wife 45, and younger daughter of 12 years. The first to realize what had happened was the eldest daughter, 18, when he could not open his bedroom door, which was stuck by the amount of clothing.

The teen called an uncle, who gave notice to the police. The autopsy should determine if the family died by the stroke of the caerles the boxes or by suffocation, although all indications are that the man was without oxygen.

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Farmers are manifested in Barcelona with their tractors – Hispan TV (press Release)

Hundreds of tractors have walked the streets of Barcelona, Spain, to vindicate the dignity of the sector of agriculture, January 28, 2017.

According to the estimates of the local police, around 30 000 people have participated in the march, and then have added also the trade unions Comisiones Obreras (CC.OO.), General union of Workers (UGT) and the Union of Unions (UU).

The protesters demand the renewal of the contract of society" with the field for the immediate future. In addition they report from the field the crop of the agricultural income from Catalan, which accumulates a decline of 39 %, in constant terms between 2001 and 2015.

For its part, the national coordinator of the trade union Unió de Pagesos, Joan Caball, has ensured that 1000 tractors have participated in the march, although some only have done so in a stretch, and not all have come to Barcelona.

Source: AFP

alt="" height="321" src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/blogger_img_proxy/AEn0k_saK8abfvua3nVacWXzGrqOVJnEQpKGoXEzFUkW5rD-HhACpEZXbKaQf1UccDtony4IHkqZ6n7SrXG1lS3yXw-_q96vjK2z6Z0N2mE8gh6Uh2cAwc38NhLi9Hjdao_CkQ669kJAXW49o8o54A2pPh5F=s0-d" width="570"> Source: AFP Source: AFP



SPAIN: Sol Daurella ceases to be ′ambassador′ of the government – EntornoInteligente

the Expansion / Sources justified the waiver by the will of the executive to focus exclusively on their core business activities.

Sol Daurella has ceased to form part of the advisory council of Public Diplomacy of Catalonia (Diplocat), the agency that created the Generalitat to promote a kind of diplomatic corps that projects Catalonia to the world, attract investment and explain the reasons that justify the process of secession.

Yesterday, the website of Diplocat was updated, and she did not appear businesswoman, president of the group Coca-Cola European Partners, the bottler of the american multinational in all the countries of the Western Europe.

Sources of the Generalitat confirmed that Daurella has caused low in the Diplocat and the assurance that “respect the decision that has been taken” and that “the council will continue to carry out its work”. Other sources consulted justified the waiver by the will of the executive to focus exclusively on their core business activities.

The president of Coca-Cola European was incorporated in November an advisory body to the Diplocat of new creation composed of 39 persons of recognized prestige and international experience in the fields of economics, politics and international affairs.

The footballer Xavi Hernandez, the chef Carme Ruscalleda, the tennis player Àlex Corretja, the tenor Josep Carreras, the economists Andreu Mas-Colell and Xavier Sala i Martín, the former minister Joan Majó, or dr. Anna Veiga are some of the other members of the advisory board.

SPAIN: Sol Daurella ceases to be ‘ambassador’ of the Generalitat

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Scientists claim to have created a “metal wonder” that can revolutionize the science – LA NACION (Argentina)

A group of researchers caused controversy by ensuring that managed to solve a mystery of more than 80 years

The show went from transparent to black and from black to highly reflective. Photo: LA NACION

Scientists in the united States ensure that they have finally succeeded in bringing the hydrogen to a state in which it behaves as a metal.

If this is true, ends a search of more than 80 years to produce what many believe would be a “metal wonder”.

The theory suggests that the hydrogen metal could be used to make electrical wiring of zero resistance and fuel for rockets very powerful, among many other uses.

Ranga Dias and Isaac Silvera are the researchers of the University of Harvard (united States) behind this finding.

The details of his experiments appeared in this week’s edition of the journal Science.

“this Is the first time that the hydrogen metal has existed on the planet Earth,” said Silvera to the BBC.

Both pointed out that the amount of hydrogen metallic created up to now is tiny, smaller than the cross-section of a human hair.

But they believe that with time, might be other ways of boosting their production.

How you created it?

The investigator-Ranga Dias in front of the place of the experiment. Photo: THE NATION

Your approach of laboratory, as is common in this field of study, consisted of compressing a cell that contained a small sample of molecular hydrogen between two synthetic diamonds.

Days and Silvera said they used a device that had a pressure of up to 495 gigapascales.

This is equivalent to sitting under almost 5 million earth atmospheres.

The device they used, called the DAC, is also cooled to about 270 degrees centigrade below zero.

The intention erajuntar the hydrogen atoms so close together that they form a crystal lattice, and begin to share their electrons.

This is the behavior of a metal.

“When we increase the pressure, began to shine. It was very exciting. Had a reflection of 90%, more or less a mirror of aluminum”, noted in the BBC’s Science in Action.


This illustration shows how the atoms come together and share their electrons in the metal. Photo: THE NATION

The experiment of academics from Harvard, has caused a certain degree of skepticism.

Other scientists working in related fields, have told the BBC that the study team is short on the type of data needed to make a proper assessment of

their achievements.

“A complete waste”, is as the scientist Eugene Gregoryanz, University of Edinburgh (Scotland), described the research.

This resistance is natural. If the claims of these researchers is confirmed, it would represent one of the greatest discoveries of physics in recent decades.

“The skepticism here is probably good, since that will encourage many other scientists to reproduce this experiment,” he told the BBC’s Marcus Knudson, Sandia labs National, in the U.S.

Properties “impressive”

The hydrogen in metal would give the rockets a capacity prodigious propulsion. Photo: THE NATION

more than 80 years Ago, it was predicted that there could be hydrogen-metal. Since then, there has been a scientific career to create it.

According to the promise, there are properties “impressive” connected to the material.

For example, once it is submitted to extreme conditions, would maintain their status even to bring it back to the pressures and environmental temperatures.

The hydrogen in metal would give the rockets a capacity prodigious propulsion.

And if, as some think, it is also a superconducting zero resistance, could lead to a revolution in the transmission and storage of electricity.

The u.s. space agency also is fascinated with the material.

liquid hydrogen super cold already makes it a thruster rockets very powerful, but the metal form a dense, hydrogen promises to provide levels really colossal thrust that would allow heavy loads of huge uplift of the Land.

But all this is pure speculation for now.

First, it must be shown that the Harvard study can be reproduced.

If this is possible, and a few have put in doubt, then it should be created in smaller amounts, considerable hydrogen-metal.
