Monday, June 15, 2015

The nun said to be Forcades or independence should not … – EntornoInteligente

The Forcades nun said to be or not independence should not prevent the leftist coalition 27S / Information .com / “is a confluence for a flight together, they do not hold a referendum”


Constituent Procés candidate for the 27S, the nun Teresa Forcades, has argued Monday that being or not being independence should not not prevent a confluence of leftist parties for the Catalan elections.

“Our strategy is not force the separatists to stop being one or the other way round comes to a confluence to make a stretch of road together, and, if not hold, to hold a referendum for independence, “he said at a press conference to present its Book ‘Per love of justice’.

She is counting on the left –independentismo leave aside their differences incluido– to start a constituent process based on the things that unite them, such as anti-neoliberal policies . and creating plan against poverty and social exclusion


After the first period of several months, in which “does not speak of independence but it would be making a constitutional process “, a referendum would be held, for which no permit would be requested to Madrid and which would know if this process is aimed towards an independent or federal state.

The religious has clarified that respect what came out of that referendum, because the public will give meaning to the process defends his political movement.

CUP Considers that could adhere to that process, “perhaps not to form a government,” but other to give their support, but has stressed the importance of presenting the Catalan elections possible an alternative government strong enough to wrest the majority the president of the Generalitat, Artur Mas.


has affected his candidacy to lead the sum to which they are also called Can we, ICV, EUiA, but pointed out that the premise for doing this is the consensus of all the forces of convergence, “If someone I get more consensus, hereinafter “

Forcades also said that CDC and UDC represent one of the premises that they want to banish institutions. neoliberal policies, which demonstrates that CiU is in the game European neoliberal and to defend international free trade agreement between Europe and the USA (TTIP), he said.

For this reason, in response to reporters about the democristanos, he stressed that they are at odds with the two labor activists and Catholic protagonists of the book that has presented this Monday.

His book is the story of two union activists of the twentieth century with links to the Civil War, which start from atheism but, after a mystical revelation, they maintain their struggle to live “between two worlds”: according Forcades, unionism has seen religion as the opium of the people associated with ‘lobbies to weaken the revolutionary movements, and from people of faith has been seen dim the workers’ struggle.

Forcades permission also explained that the abbess of the Benedictine monastery of Sant Benet de Montserrat and the Bishop of Sant Feliu de Llobregat (Barcelona) have been granted to live outside the convent until the Vatican resolve its secularization, but aims to go once a week: “The secularization carries no mandatory distance”


Information . Information .com

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