Sunday, June 14, 2015

The “new politics” of Madrid comes with a strong anti-Semitism –




“How to meterías five million Jews by 600? In the ashtray “. These words, written on Twitter in 2011 by Councilman Guillermo Zapata, now Madrid, they raised a storm of criticism. Zapata, who was appointed councilman of Culture by the Mayor Manuela Carmena, hastened to apologize

MORE:. The “outraged” assumed in the municipalities of Barcelona and Madrid

“Some jokes I’ve done in my Timeline (file of tweets) are producing anger. I’m sorry if it is. The Holocaust I find deplorable and appalling,” Zapata Saturday wrote.

He added:. “. I understand that is not the same a tweet made by an anonymous person that the expression of a public official apologies in that regard”

No But criticism from network users have not stopped. “Are you sorry because you are a public representative? I mean, that basically do not repent,” he wrote one. “Anyway, anonymous or public representative person. So says your inner or have speeches differ depending on where you are,” said another.

Zapata, trying to stop the controversy, wrote in one of his last tweets one Justification: . “I’ve always liked the black and cruel mood I consider a healthy expression to laugh at the horrors that humans do” . To which another user replied. “Come on, that you’re fixing”

For its part, the Socialist leader, Antonio Miguel Carmona, with whose votes have been invested today Carmena mayor, has called a ” immediate explanation from the new joint government. ” “Any racist attitude must be banished from the City of Madrid immediately,” said the Spanish newspaper El Pais.









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