Tuesday, June 16, 2015

PSC and PP accuse De Gispert lack of neutrality and will require … – EntornoInteligente

PSC and PP accuse De Gispert lack of neutrality and require you to ask “sorry” / Information .com / CiU defends the president to express their views on the internal consultation UDC


PSC spokesman in the Parliament, Maurici Lucena, and the PP spokesman, Enric Millo, have accused the president of the Generalitat, Núria de Gispert, lack of neutrality in the exercise of his office and have demanded “apologize” for his attitude in recent weeks.

In a press conference at the Catalan Chamber, both parties have explained that has upset them the role that De Gispert has assumed in the internal consultation of UDC, and the attitude shown recently on a tour of elementary students in the Parliament.

Lucena has argued that De Gispert should represent the whole of Catalan and, on the contrary, during the consultation Union has shown openly supported independence Catalonia and has made calls for “violating the law emanating from the Constitution and the Statute”.

“It’s been two tremendous weeks. From an institutional point of view Núria de Gispert has lost the papers. (*) Do not ask for the resignation of time, but if I say that we will not miss not one, “warned the Socialist, who said that an apology from the president would be welcome.

The PP is critical the role of De Gispert in the internal consultation of UDC, but puts the focus on the words said on a visit to schools in the Parliament, where he said that the War of Succession of 1714 was won by the ‘no Catalans’ and encouraged them to demonstrate on September 11.

HATE AND animosity

Enric Millo has accused the president of manipulating history to generate “hatred and animosity” and explained that transmit their complaints by letter, as they have done in the past when he has angered them their way of chairing the plenary.

“We demand to recognize that their behavior is out of place, to rectify, to publicly apologize and not happen again, “concluded Millo, who regretted that in recent weeks De Gispert has proved an unworthy behavior.


The leader of CiU in the Parliament Jordi Turull, has accused criticism by Lucena De Gispert for having ruled on the consultation of UDC and has criticized the Socialists “did not complain” when Ernest Benach presented candidacy to lead ERC when he was president of the Parliament.

Turull has stated that it is more “partisan” stand to lead a party, as Benach did, what the president has done, which is to participate in an internal consultation of the party in which military, and has claimed the right De Gispert to express themselves politically

You have reproached the Socialists charged against De Gispert and say nothing when the president of the Congress of Deputies, the Socialist José Bono, made statements on Catalonia and has ironically.: “But of course, it’s different.”

So, he has demanded the same treatment for the President of the Parliament “than that given to others” and has asked not to kick context conversation Gispert with school about the events of September 11, 1714.

You have tried to settle the controversy arguing that the only thing that could censure the president of a parliament would be their political choices “afectasen rights parliamentary groups, “which, in his view, does not happen.


Information Information .com


See also www.mundinews.com | www.eldiscoduro.com | www.tipsfemeninos.com | www.economia-venezuela.com | www.politica-Venezuela. com | www.enlasgradas.com | www.cualquiervaina.com | www.espiasdecocina.com | www.videojuegosmania.com

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