What answer will Rajoy Mas? Did you pursue? Will you seek the … – The Newspaper Wednesday, October 15, 2014 – 04.02 h
The reinvention by Artur Mas 9 N devalued to circumvent the Spanish prohibition of the consultation on the future of Catalunya captures the foci of the first editions of the newspapers Madrid and Barcelona today. It is the big issue of the eight covers , with differing approaches, newly generated conflicting editorial reflections in the capital of the Principality and the capital of the Kingdom on what response should be given from the Court ruling Spain. In any case, the president of the Generalitat is only minority support, both in Barcelona and Madrid kiosk where the three day match right in emphasizing that the Government of Mariano Rajoy and state powers eternally oppose the Catalans vote on sovereignty and independence.
From the front of Barcelona, those of the sovereignist ‘The Punt Avui’ and ‘Ara ‘give greater prominence to expose the plans of Mas; that of ‘La Vanguardia’ anything between the Palau de la Generalitat and Moncloa (“But Rajoy wins time and thinks”) and the highlights of NEWSPAPER blurring of 9-N Mas term fading white ‘query’ . From Madrid, those of ‘abc’ and ‘The Reason’ are twins (the Catalan flag and More in his flight back to front); that of El Mundo says that Rajoy will act against Mas, and the El Pais emphasizes that Mas divides sovereignty and accelerates block plebiscitary elections.
–the publishers’ The Punt Avui ‘was not accessible to these disparate hours– give fruit today.
‘ Ara ‘ (“Before and after 9-N “is called) begins lamenting the collapse of the unity of action of Proconsulta nonpartisan block because mine” energy and popular illusion based on the heterogeneous sum of wills “and so ends:
“This partisan dispute the sovereignty block there, of course, shared responsibilities, but certainly the main one is intolerant position of the State Government, which has left no gap to a political solution. Their inflexibility has given performance the short term. girandósele But may end up against. ‘Cause the eyes of the world will continue to exist and that the new 9-N remains a test of strength and support. Nobody said it was easy. Or quick. It good to keep thinking what country we want, and preparing thoroughly to make the jump with guarantees. But the social majority exists and will persist, is strong and getting mobilized. Now, no need to disappoint or embarrass her more. You have to put clear challenges. And you have to throw open plan to the international community and the Spanish State messages. For this to be possible, it is necessary to rebuild bridges between parties and between leaders, re-sew but a unity of action, if a minimum consensus to set the next steps, both before and after those of 9-N. And move on. “
‘La Vanguardia’ is titled” Politics and margins “and is the only recommended explicitly early elections, as was done yesterday the deputy María Dolores García , which today had better be taken into account for Federico Jimenez Losantos (‘World’) and . Alex Gutierrez (‘Ara’) There goes the final half of the paper’s editorial Count of Godo , which also summons Rajoy to be smart and not pursue Mas:
“The law is fulfilled and politics continues. It should be observed closely the organizational details of the proposed “alternative view”, you will not have normative value, not prescriptive, but end up having the political courage that citizens freely, you want to. Participate in the “alternative view” is equivalent to attending a political rally, or similar act. Nothing to do with a referendum as it is registered with Scotland, the result of a great politician covenant of an express transfer of skills, London Edinburgh . Spain’s government announced yesterday that “analyze” Mas -calificada initiative by a spokesman as “occurrence” – to verify compliance with the law. If the law is violated, an intelligent attitude of the Government, regardless of the opinion he deserves the initiative would be desirable. Beyond legal considerations, it is expected that everything is carried out without fanfare. Not long ago, the president noted that Mas himself in no way going to allow them to put the country performances ridiculous. So be it. “
” We expect that from November 10, respected the law and broken corset calendar, the dialogue invokes everyone to open and almost no practice. At present Spain and Catalunya that dialogue is quite urgent. We will not tire of repeating. The Catalan legislature is in its Ecuador and actual margins exist to rush it. Early elections are always legitimate, but as demonstrated in 2012 do not always clarify the picture. Sometimes more confused. Catalunya is to be governed, well-governed, to take advantage of the best possible recovery symptoms. “
” Mock Mas “, the editorial is titled . NEWSPAPER just like this:
“The bet Mas, which already has decoupled ICV , and ERC and CUP do not share, actually be interpreted as the first step in his campaign. The initiative includes a move to push Junqueras to accept a unified election list in a plebiscite that would be convened after the mock consultation. No single list, doth know that today would not win an election and so accurate that ERC is forced by the dynamics of independence base to keep the unit after its leadership. However, it seems that the trick will be successful. Its partners so far have not been given the hint and shows sovereigntist movement puzzled, if not disappointed, with the substitute. But thus runs the risk that the initiative is backfiring if left alone at the polls of hits, although it is not excluded that an overreaction central government can give oxygen. “
” There are many loose to predict what will happen in the next few weeks, but it’s hard to think that this term fits long journey ends. It is very possible that citizens touch them put each one in its place, this time with urns truth. “
‘The Country ‘ this headline stands out: “The’ occurrence ‘Mas disturbs the government, which sees a CiU-ERC War” You will find critical analyzes of Josep Ramoneda (“The wrong step. Artur Mas “), Lluís Bassets (” Survivor. childish games Like the president has said that the decree does not count. was joke “) and Xavier Vidal-Folch (“Against his own law”) And an editorial that addresses how to respond to Mas This is the title
So the text begins.?. “President of the Generalitat, Artur Mas, buried yesterday” “independence of 9-N (a cloaked referendum) and released another substitute, a” participatory process “with polls, public buildings and on the same date. consultation With this double movement, fit a defeat, while throwing a new challenge. That requires not only legal government responses, but also political, proportionate and beneficial for Catalan and Spanish citizens “
And so ends.” Between an indifference that would bless the challenge, multiplying, and radical, disproportionate response, the government and other political forces, starting with the
PSOE, have a narrow middle path. Of course you must defend the legality, but that evidence every day, as an insufficient record “.
” urge policy If many Catalans have not yet broken his contract with sovereignism despite the fragility of their approaches and attitudes apparent insurgency, is because he insists stubbornly in a widespread desire of its citizens: voting. The issue will only be resolved by voting, and responsibly and irrefutable legal and agreed. The how, the when, the object count and approval of that vote, all that fall within the scope of the political agreement. Or the Government of Spain, though it takes, takes the initiative in this area, or will be carried away with the inconsistencies of the wildest visionarismos. “
“The government should be unforgiving But if violates the law.” So the publisher is title ‘World’ , which begins by noting that renounce celebrating consultation Mas 9-N should mean automatic resignation, ending sowing suspicion that Mas and Oriol Junqueras could have a secret agreement on goal:
“The government, as now reported, is More willing to act against fraud by law if consummated his challenge. In that case, the President of the Government would be subject to disqualification for disobedience. Rajoy’s government must stand firm, but everything should be working to counter the “cunning” of which boasts both Mas and prevent it achieves its purpose of breaking the law based trickery. “
The publisher of ‘abc’ is written from and for Spain one nationalists are just others, especially the Catalans it is entitled. “Mas: failure requires responsibilities “
So begins.” President of the Government has lost the pulse from the state, but now intends to change in a hurry script failure. His deception is blatant because Mas knew from the moment he announced the holding of a referendum for independence that the Government would contest it before the Constitutional Court and the immediate effect of the challenge would be the interim suspension of the call. What is this now a victim of a conspiracy of state institutions borders on the ridiculous, but it is consistent with their lack of respect for Catalan society, which he embarked on a political suicide adventure. The idea of disguising the reverse of TC with a parody of consultation only gets worse the dismal failure of its management. In the end, after all the crises, both so much discord and confrontation, the Catalan Mas proposes a kind of survey with cardboard ballot boxes “
And so ends.” What has really happened is a unfair use of regional institutions against the state, embezzlement of public funds to illegally process and a succession of decisions contrary to the Constitution and the law, ie prevaricadoras. For Rajoy satisfaction is not just a personal feeling, but an institutional attitude of the main political leader of the country should be required to debug and legal responsibilities in all areas. We’ve said in these editorial pages: not admissible that nationalism becomes his failure at a future source of concessions or impunity “
. ‘Reason’, eventually titled its editorial: “Opportunity for dialogue. The consultation proposed substitute Mas can not be taken seriously by respect for the Catalans. “And the only way that raises the publishing journal José Manuel Lara who runs Francisco Marhuenda part of the need to resume the dialog offers Rajoy, as if Rajoy had spoken with Mas in these two and a half years, is it just so:
“The reality is that the crisis in Catalunya open derived by the unexplained President of the Generalitat has no other solution but to resume the dialogue with the Government of Rajoy, who holds the outstretched hand, within the law and the Constitution, to confront the real problems of the Catalans, whose Administration is severely constrained by lack of credit and fiscal imbalances, with budgets that do not reflect the true state of the economy of Catalonia, in urgent need of a program of reforms and rationalization similar to that public spending have been other autonomies. But we fear that what is intended Mas buy time to find a solution to their plight, failing to accept an electoral breakthrough that can only favor the Republicans and they ERC, CiU aware wear as you claim as an alternative to the referendum impossible. Even the use of a highly unlikely candidate unit with independence as a single point manifesto would lead to square one. The –remata– reminding us that in matters of sovereignty, it is the set of the Spanish people. “
The Country :
“But the sovereigntist divide block and about plebiscitary elections,” “Student Anger at the 43 companions disappeared in Mexico,” “energy drinks, high-risk addiction” “USA asks the bases in Spain for traffic quota against Ebola, “” Germany supports the slowdown of the economy and encourages the recession fears, “” Treasury can only investigate 17% of the cost of cards Caja Madrid “
World :
“The government will take action against fraud bill But if you take polls in the street,” “Google delete the Spanish press if the rate is approved,” “says Mato the PSOE just want votes and she acted ‘with all diligence, “” Merkel reduce by nearly half the growth of Germany 2015 “ Abc .
“Escape forward with a mock referendum”; “The tax increase in 2015 triggered the sale of existing homes”; “Luis Enjuanes, virologist CSIC: ‘The burden of Ebola virus in Teresa has dropped a million times”
The Reason .
“The False 9 . Mas The president is looking for a way out and improvise a sham consultation “; “The doctors stress a slight improvement in the state of Teresa”; “Arturo Fernández today resign as vice president of the CEOE”; “The judge accuses Jordi Pujol of ‘absolute lack of cooperation’”
Ara .
“The nou 9-N (…) Cami de les plebiscitàries “
The Punt Avui :
“. tasses Dues 1) The president announced a formula that prevents the TC per shockmounts to vote 9-N2. .) But a country fa proposa eleccions plebiscitàries month i amb only llista sobiranista Veuria bé a joint llista tots of the partidaris independència
La Vanguardia :
” More gains time and the government thinks. The president reinvents the 9-N as a prelude to a plebiscite eleccioens. Rajoy remains on the lookout for whether to go back to the Constitution. Duran advocates seek allies in the Government until 2016 Junqueras suspends the pact with CiU and calls early elections “;”. Barcelona Batllo can purchase the Generalitat “
“Consultation Mas. The ‘president’ announces a substitute 9-N without specifying neither the legal protection and validity. ERC, ICV and CUP are unmarked and starts the pulse sovereignty ahead of the elections, “” Doctors talk for the first time by an improvement Teresa “,.” Germany downgrades growth forecast “