Monday, October 20, 2014

Rato PP requests the temporary suspension of its membership – Online

Rato PP requests the temporary suspension of its membership – Online

Mariano Rajoy finally succeeded yesterday that Rodrigo Rato renounce his membership of the PP. After several days of crossed messages and less public, former vice president and former director of the IMF, one of the most emblematic figures in the history of the party agreed to accept his voluntary resignation, as you were claiming from Genoa. Shortly after nine o’clock at night, the PP made public in a statement that Rato had sent a letter to the secretary general of the party Maria Dolores de Cospedal, requesting the “temporary suspension of membership until all the facts remain enlightened. ” The facts, as known, are the scandal of opaque cards Caja Madrid, which is being investigated by the National Court. Last Thursday declared as a defendant.

A point of being quoted this week by the Committee on Rights and Guarantees of PP, prior to his expulsion from the party step, this timely statement prevents the continuation of the proceedings against him. Rodrigo Rato understands that “right now, in the interest of the Popular Party” should make the decision to apply for temporary suspension of membership until the facts remain clear . Although his request for voluntary cancellation of PP paralyzes the internal file open, the former leader claims to be “at the disposal of the party for all the explanations require me to the relevant bodies.”

In the morning, the case of opaque cards had already been one of the topics dealt with more extensively in the Executive Committee of the PP, thus Cospedal as Rajoy. Cospedal said at a press conference that it is a scandal that “we are alarmed and outraged us.” One case, he added, to learn “what can never be repeated again.”

However, in its written version Rato reiterates that since the judge offered last week. Holds your firm conviction “of having always acted within the law, believing that these issued, known and controlled by the entity, cards were for personal use and were part of my salary. As such, they were declared and accounted for. “

In his car last Friday, after his statement, the judge of the Audiencia Nacional,

Fernando Andreu said that as president of the accused Bankia authorized and consented use of cards that generated an expense that was “posted covertly to avoid scrutiny of auditors and supervisory bodies.” The judge has called him a deposit of 3 million in liability.

And yet, the intention de Rato, at least according to the statements that he made last week, was brought before the PP to offer their version.

In fact this is what along yesterday thought it would happen. The PP finalizing the imminent release of Rodrigo Rato organization, either through a precautionary suspension of membership or expulsion proceedings . As the prerequisite of his appearance “in the coming days” in Genoa, with the instructor appointed by the Committee of Rights should occur. With its unexpected step back, the PP save his reception in the popular venue.

Throughout the afternoon Rato bowed to pressure and could announce the party requesting temporary low. According to Europa Press, hours before Cospedal and Rajoy had lunch together at a restaurant in nearby Genoa Street. According to the secretary general revealed itself she has not had any contact with Rodrigo Rato during this time. In any case, whoever was the speaker who has spoken to Rato just might have done on behalf of the president. Although their relationship deteriorated for their departure from the presidency of Bankia, both enough to be playing cat and mouse are known. The PP had spent many days trying to take this decision . His main concern was to keep her figure PP brand. From the outset it was decided that if she did not leave voluntarily, there would be another solution to expel. Rajoy has made him leave.


Rato letter requesting the temporary suspension of membership of the PP – The Paí (Spain)

Rato letter requesting the temporary suspension of membership of the PP – The Paí (Spain)

Rodrigo Rato, following his statement to the judge. / uly Martin

After a day when the pressure against him in the PP was very intense, Rodrigo Rato decided late in the afternoon sent a letter to Maria Dolores de Cospedal, general secretary of the party requesting the “temporary suspension of membership of the Party Popular, until all the facts remain enlightened “, in reference to his involvement in the scandal card Bankia Madrid-box.

After a week that had resisted despite presenting his voluntary resignation pressure of Mariano Rajoy and his faithful Carlos Floriano announced the opening of an information package and described as “detestable fact” the use of cards- Rato gave yesterday. However, the former vice president, in that letter to Cospedal, maintains his innocence. According to the release of PP, Rato reiterates his firm conviction “of having always acted within the law.” “In the belief that those issued, known and controlled by the entity cards were for personal use and were part of my salary. As such, they were declared and accounted for, “the former minister.

In the text, the man who aspired to the succession of José María Aznar and Rajoy lost that battle says he understands that” right now, in PP interest “must make the decision to apply for temporary suspension of membership until the facts remain enlightened. And claims to be “available to the party for all the explanations that require me to the relevant bodies.”

A few hours before the surrender, similar to what has occurred in other scandals in which affected will voluntarily before the throw, the PP had made it clear to Rato and others that the end would be the same, by hook or by crook. The PP preparing the interim suspension of membership, and this was evident in the meeting of the National Executive Committee, but had decided to do “with all the guarantees and after listening to them, because everyone has the right to be heard,” explained María Dolores Cospedal. The press conference seemed to offer precisely designed to convince Rato and others that it was useless to resist and the best option was the one that finally took exvicepresidente.

“We will try to resolve it as fairly as possible” , said Rajoy himself. It’s about time, explained the leaders consulted. “The decision will be made within the scope of the speed,” said


Nobody even pronounce his name, Rajoy is “the person for whom you care” but Rato is the center of almost everything in the PP at this time. The party hoped a decision of its leader, and the president in turn relied, as usual, that the enormous pressure he suffered no Rato and support that came from the dome -Cospedal confessed that he had not spoken to him and said all the PP “is outraged and shocked” – will take you to voluntarily submit its status as a militant. Rajoy trust once again in victory for burnout and failed again.

With the departure of Rato, Rajoy stay with Javier Arenas as the only survivor of the historic PP after leaving scene among others, Francisco Álvarez-Cascos, Jaime Mayor, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, Eduardo Zaplana Angel Acebes Federico Trillo, Jaume Matas.

Rajoy has left the matter to Cospedal, who was internally explained and pointed to the temporary suspension of membership, or at least I interpreted the leaders. “We are all shocked but if we have to do something must be done laden reason. We will apply the established procedure, which allows people to defend themselves, “said the general secretary


Other parties and unions have driven the affected members, but waited to see what PP did Rato

All other parties and unions have driven the affected members, but the PP waited see what Rato did. Cospedal explained that his training is intended to avoid what happened to the PSOE, that is, Virgilio Zapatero has been expelled without being heard and decided to go to the courts to defend themselves.

In the game are most those who wanted a quick resolution of an issue that is doing great harm to their image, they admit in private. But few dared to speak in public. Just did Alberto Fabra, president of Valencia, in the press; because later in the meeting and to Rajoy, no one spoke of it. “Do you think the PP should expel Rato?” Asked journalists Fabra. “I think so, these behaviors do not fit in this time of distrust between citizens and politicians,” he said.

Cospedal and Rajoy argued that the scandal has been known for the Government. And the general secretary, asked about the decision to appoint Rato and Miguel Blesa, who took on the PP he said: “All governments put people in front of institutions. But the important thing is that it has been a PP government which has made this known. “


Rodrigo Rato requested the temporary suspension of membership of the … –

Rodrigo Rato requested the temporary suspension of membership of the … –

Rodrigo Rato

The president of Bankia Rodrigo Rato, upon arrival to the Audiencia Nacional (Kiko Huesca / EFE)

Rodrigo Rato Figaredo requested in a letter to the PP Secretary General Maria Dolores de Cospedal, the “ temporary suspension of membership of the Popular Party , until all the facts remain enlightened” referring to scandal ‘cards B’ Caja Madrid-Bankia. PP sources have reported that the temporary suspension of membership is Automatic once Rato has requested.

In his writing, Rato reiterates its strong conviction ” have always acted within the law , in the belief that these issued, known and controlled by the entity, cards were for personal use and were part of my salary. As such, they were declared and accounted for. “

Rodrigo Rato understands “right now, in the interest of the Popular Party” should make the decision to request temporary suspension of membership until the facts remain to be clarified and says “available party for all the explanations required me to relevant bodies. “

The letter comes after the party announced the opening of an information file Rato and the other fifteen members who took controversial cards, although three of them were retired and a few days ago. Rodrigo Rato has communicated this decision to the PP after

having declared in the High Court before Judge Fernando Andreu, who is investigating this case, and who set you a deposit of three million euros that the president of Caja Madrid be made before Wednesday if you want to avoid garnishment.

The cards were for personal use and were part of my salary The president of Caja Madrid has also asked this Monday Judge Fernando Andreu if you clarify three million bail imposed on him in respect of civil liability in the case of the ‘Card B’ almost 200,000 euros included four of its beneficiaries have returned to Bankia. In a letter, Rato claims the judge of the Audiencia Nacional specify whether 197,459.48 euros in July that returned these four exdirectivos (including the Rato itself) Bankia has already been included in the 2,585,700 euros in the judge what amounted spent under his rule.

Rodrigo Rato is part of the Popular Party since in 1979 entered as a candidate for Cadiz Popular Alliance (predecessor of PP). He entered Congress in 1982 and with 35 years and gradually became one of the greatest allies of José María Aznar. After the electoral victory of the PP in 1996, Rato became Second Vice President and Minister of Economy and Finance . He left the Executive in April 2004 to become head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).


Friday, October 17, 2014

Looks better from outside the “left” of More – Digital Economy

Looks better from outside the "left" of More – Digital Economy

César Molinas is by no means a Catalan nationalist . I did not even seem to be Catalan, according to the reflections made in an article published in The Country in January this year: Does not want to hear about Catalonia, which raised substantive issues pointless to argue the claim of independence.

But that server not sharing the views of Molinas, Catalan mathematician and economist, former senior PSOE in Madrid and son Alfredo Molinas, president of Development between 1978 and 1994, does not mean it does not take into consideration their views

This week, Cesar Molinas left written on his Twitter account a series of observations on the latest move by President Artur Mas that have their enjundia who are coming from. The first: “But it was clever. Rajoy is facing a terrible dilemma tolerate pseudo-query or abort it by force. Both are bad “.

The second: “But pointing to international opinion, which sees no difference with Scotland. The NYT, the WSJ, The Economist, LA Times, the FT policy … ask. ” Third: “If Rajoy tolerate pseudo-consultation and criticizes the lack of guarantees, will answer that does not have them banned because yes had them.” Molinas is synthetic but clearly.

Why are bad these two options? Well, first, because New 9N be held following some articles of Law Query the Spanish government has not disputed . It may seem that the Government of Catalonia improvise, but it is not. Their actions will respond to Mas to comply he said he would: consult citizens without doing illegally.

The new proposal replaces the query under Decree 129/2014 President Mariano Rajoy puts before the “terrible dilemma” pointing Molinas. All options are bad . If forbids what is now a participatory process, convened under the rules in force, arguing lack of collateral, you will be told that the fault is yours because it prohibited the consultation itself had them and international opinion will return to the charge against him. If allowed, because it has no legal means to prohibit the Spanish nationalist cavern will miss him over.

The New York Times defended in an editorial on Monday October 13 to the conflict between Catalonia and Spain requires a “political solution” . The newspaper gave as an example the recent referendum in Scotland and which was previously held in Quebec, holding that “when you allow people to have a debate open and democratically vote on

self-determination, you may choose to stay in the larger system of government. “

The American newspaper was clearly unionist and therefore considered the” hard line nationalism Spain Catalan “shows the opposite of what happened in the UK:” If the nationalist ambitions are thwarted, eventually become stronger and more passionate , being potentially more dangerous “Molinas may again be right. when another tweet said as Rajoy speaks no language, do not understand what you say outside, in English or Catalan anyway, but it translated.

New 9N I think a great solution so it has symbolic uses and also because the social basis for demonstrating sovereignty with another massive mobilization that this conflict is not over. If the elites do not know how to resolve the conflict, the people will force to do so. It is sung to the militant unionists will not go to vote 9N. Nor had gone to vote in an illegal referendum. Theirs is to delegitimize any option. The democratic solution, hence political, is coming.

Under the proposal Mas, who all incidentally has provoked the anger of ERC and ICV-EUiA more partisan reasons patriotic is that disturbs the Government of Mariano Rajoy. His dilemma, ban or tolerate new 9N, is very complicated.

Rajoy, and the PSOE, de facto accomplice of his immobility, it would much easier if you lend attention to the final recommendation of the American newspaper: there is space for a political solution is accepted if it is to political conflict and “ something as complex and emotional as national identity can not be reduced to a purely legal question “. Since you have it out clearer.

President Artur Mas has surprised everyone with a “left” of those that no one expects and only used when the opponent player is far behind the strap of the back of the court. Not a beat that can be used many times, since the aim is to surprise the opponent, but of time has helped him to win the set and avoid the impatience of those who want to set the pace of the process knowing that they can cause a disaster.


Tuesday, October 14, 2014

What answer will Rajoy Mas? Did you pursue? Will you seek the … – The Newspaper

What answer will Rajoy Mas? Did you pursue? Will you seek the … – The Newspaper

Wednesday, October 15, 2014 – 04.02 h

The reinvention by Artur Mas 9 N devalued to circumvent the Spanish prohibition of the consultation on the future of Catalunya captures the foci of the first editions of the newspapers Madrid and Barcelona today. It is the big issue of the eight covers , with differing approaches, newly generated conflicting editorial reflections in the capital of the Principality and the capital of the Kingdom on what response should be given from the Court ruling Spain. In any case, the president of the Generalitat is only minority support, both in Barcelona and Madrid kiosk where the three day match right in emphasizing that the Government of Mariano Rajoy and state powers eternally oppose the Catalans vote on sovereignty and independence.

From the front of Barcelona, ​​those of the sovereignist ‘The Punt Avui’ and ‘Ara ‘give greater prominence to expose the plans of Mas; that of ‘La Vanguardia’ anything between the Palau de la Generalitat and Moncloa (“But Rajoy wins time and thinks”) and the highlights of NEWSPAPER blurring of 9-N Mas term fading white ‘query’ . From Madrid, those of ‘abc’ and ‘The Reason’ are twins (the Catalan flag and More in his flight back to front); that of El Mundo says that Rajoy will act against Mas, and the El Pais emphasizes that Mas divides sovereignty and accelerates block plebiscitary elections.

–the publishers’ The Punt Avui ‘was not accessible to these disparate hours– give fruit today.


‘ Ara ‘ (“Before and after 9-N “is called) begins lamenting the collapse of the unity of action of Proconsulta nonpartisan block because mine” energy and popular illusion based on the heterogeneous sum of wills “and so ends:

“This partisan dispute the sovereignty block there, of course, shared responsibilities, but certainly the main one is intolerant position of the State Government, which has left no gap to a political solution. Their inflexibility has given performance the short term. girandósele But may end up against. ‘Cause the eyes of the world will continue to exist and that the new 9-N remains a test of strength and support. Nobody said it was easy. Or quick. It good to keep thinking what country we want, and preparing thoroughly to make the jump with guarantees. But the social majority exists and will persist, is strong and getting mobilized. Now, no need to disappoint or embarrass her more. You have to put clear challenges. And you have to throw open plan to the international community and the Spanish State messages. For this to be possible, it is necessary to rebuild bridges between parties and between leaders, re-sew but a unity of action, if a minimum consensus to set the next steps, both before and after those of 9-N. And move on. “


‘La Vanguardia’ is titled” Politics and margins “and is the only recommended explicitly early elections, as was done yesterday the deputy María Dolores García , which today had better be taken into account for Federico Jimenez Losantos (‘World’) and . Alex Gutierrez (‘Ara’) There goes the final half of the paper’s editorial Count of Godo , which also summons Rajoy to be smart and not pursue Mas:

“The law is fulfilled and politics continues. It should be observed closely the organizational details of the proposed “alternative view”, you will not have normative value, not prescriptive, but end up having the political courage that citizens freely, you want to. Participate in the “alternative view” is equivalent to attending a political rally, or similar act. Nothing to do with a referendum as it is registered with Scotland, the result of a great politician covenant of an express transfer of skills, London Edinburgh . Spain’s government announced yesterday that “analyze” Mas -calificada initiative by a spokesman as “occurrence” – to verify compliance with the law. If the law is violated, an intelligent attitude of the Government, regardless of the opinion he deserves the initiative would be desirable. Beyond legal considerations, it is expected that everything is carried out without fanfare. Not long ago, the president noted that Mas himself in no way going to allow them to put the country performances ridiculous. So be it. “

” We expect that from November 10, respected the law and broken corset calendar, the dialogue invokes everyone to open and almost no practice. At present Spain and Catalunya that dialogue is quite urgent. We will not tire of repeating. The Catalan legislature is in its Ecuador and actual margins exist to rush it. Early elections are always legitimate, but as demonstrated in 2012 do not always clarify the picture. Sometimes more confused. Catalunya is to be governed, well-governed, to take advantage of the best possible recovery symptoms. “


” Mock Mas “, the editorial is titled . NEWSPAPER just like this:

“The bet Mas, which already has decoupled ICV , and ERC and CUP do not share, actually be interpreted as the first step in his campaign. The initiative includes a move to push Junqueras to accept a unified election list in a plebiscite that would be convened after the mock consultation. No single list, doth know that today would not win an election and so accurate that ERC is forced by the dynamics of independence base to keep the unit after its leadership. However, it seems that the trick will be successful. Its partners so far have not been given the hint and shows sovereigntist movement puzzled, if not disappointed, with the substitute. But thus runs the risk that the initiative is backfiring if left alone at the polls of hits, although it is not excluded that an overreaction central government can give oxygen. “

” There are many loose to predict what will happen in the next few weeks, but it’s hard to think that this term fits long journey ends. It is very possible that citizens touch them put each one in its place, this time with urns truth. “


‘The Country ‘ this headline stands out: “The’ occurrence ‘Mas disturbs the government, which sees a CiU-ERC War” You will find critical analyzes of Josep Ramoneda (“The wrong step. Artur Mas “), Lluís Bassets (” Survivor. childish games Like the president has said that the decree does not count. was joke “) and Xavier Vidal-Folch (“Against his own law”) And an editorial that addresses how to respond to Mas This is the title

So the text begins.?. “President of the Generalitat, Artur Mas, buried yesterday” “independence of 9-N (a cloaked referendum) and released another substitute, a” participatory process “with polls, public buildings and on the same date. consultation With this double movement, fit a defeat, while throwing a new challenge. That requires not only legal government responses, but also political, proportionate and beneficial for Catalan and Spanish citizens “

And so ends.” Between an indifference that would bless the challenge, multiplying, and radical, disproportionate response, the government and other political forces, starting with the

PSOE, have a narrow middle path. Of course you must defend the legality, but that evidence every day, as an insufficient record “.

” urge policy If many Catalans have not yet broken his contract with sovereignism despite the fragility of their approaches and attitudes apparent insurgency, is because he insists stubbornly in a widespread desire of its citizens: voting. The issue will only be resolved by voting, and responsibly and irrefutable legal and agreed. The how, the when, the object count and approval of that vote, all that fall within the scope of the political agreement. Or the Government of Spain, though it takes, takes the initiative in this area, or will be carried away with the inconsistencies of the wildest visionarismos. “


“The government should be unforgiving But if violates the law.” So the publisher is title ‘World’ , which begins by noting that renounce celebrating consultation Mas 9-N should mean automatic resignation, ending sowing suspicion that Mas and Oriol Junqueras could have a secret agreement on goal:

“The government, as now reported, is More willing to act against fraud by law if consummated his challenge. In that case, the President of the Government would be subject to disqualification for disobedience. Rajoy’s government must stand firm, but everything should be working to counter the “cunning” of which boasts both Mas and prevent it achieves its purpose of breaking the law based trickery. “


The publisher of ‘abc’ is written from and for Spain one nationalists are just others, especially the Catalans it is entitled. “Mas: failure requires responsibilities “

So begins.” President of the Government has lost the pulse from the state, but now intends to change in a hurry script failure. His deception is blatant because Mas knew from the moment he announced the holding of a referendum for independence that the Government would contest it before the Constitutional Court and the immediate effect of the challenge would be the interim suspension of the call. What is this now a victim of a conspiracy of state institutions borders on the ridiculous, but it is consistent with their lack of respect for Catalan society, which he embarked on a political suicide adventure. The idea of ​​disguising the reverse of TC with a parody of consultation only gets worse the dismal failure of its management. In the end, after all the crises, both so much discord and confrontation, the Catalan Mas proposes a kind of survey with cardboard ballot boxes “

And so ends.” What has really happened is a unfair use of regional institutions against the state, embezzlement of public funds to illegally process and a succession of decisions contrary to the Constitution and the law, ie prevaricadoras. For Rajoy satisfaction is not just a personal feeling, but an institutional attitude of the main political leader of the country should be required to debug and legal responsibilities in all areas. We’ve said in these editorial pages: not admissible that nationalism becomes his failure at a future source of concessions or impunity “


. ‘Reason’, eventually titled its editorial: “Opportunity for dialogue. The consultation proposed substitute Mas can not be taken seriously by respect for the Catalans. “And the only way that raises the publishing journal José Manuel Lara who runs Francisco Marhuenda part of the need to resume the dialog offers Rajoy, as if Rajoy had spoken with Mas in these two and a half years, is it just so:

“The reality is that the crisis in Catalunya open derived by the unexplained President of the Generalitat has no other solution but to resume the dialogue with the Government of Rajoy, who holds the outstretched hand, within the law and the Constitution, to confront the real problems of the Catalans, whose Administration is severely constrained by lack of credit and fiscal imbalances, with budgets that do not reflect the true state of the economy of Catalonia, in urgent need of a program of reforms and rationalization similar to that public spending have been other autonomies. But we fear that what is intended Mas buy time to find a solution to their plight, failing to accept an electoral breakthrough that can only favor the Republicans and they ERC, CiU aware wear as you claim as an alternative to the referendum impossible. Even the use of a highly unlikely candidate unit with independence as a single point manifesto would lead to square one. The –remata– reminding us that in matters of sovereignty, it is the set of the Spanish people. “


The Country :
“But the sovereigntist divide block and about plebiscitary elections,” “Student Anger at the 43 companions disappeared in Mexico,” “energy drinks, high-risk addiction” “USA asks the bases in Spain for traffic quota against Ebola, “” Germany supports the slowdown of the economy and encourages the recession fears, “” Treasury can only investigate 17% of the cost of cards Caja Madrid “

World :
“The government will take action against fraud bill But if you take polls in the street,” “Google delete the Spanish press if the rate is approved,” “says Mato the PSOE just want votes and she acted ‘with all diligence, “” Merkel reduce by nearly half the growth of Germany 2015 “

Abc .
“Escape forward with a mock referendum”; “The tax increase in 2015 triggered the sale of existing homes”; “Luis Enjuanes, virologist CSIC: ‘The burden of Ebola virus in Teresa has dropped a million times”

The Reason .
“The False 9 . Mas The president is looking for a way out and improvise a sham consultation “; “The doctors stress a slight improvement in the state of Teresa”; “Arturo Fernández today resign as vice president of the CEOE”; “The judge accuses Jordi Pujol of ‘absolute lack of cooperation’”

Ara .
“The nou 9-N (…) Cami de les plebiscitàries “

The Punt Avui :
“. tasses Dues 1) The president announced a formula that prevents the TC per shockmounts to vote 9-N2. .) But a country fa proposa eleccions plebiscitàries month i amb only llista sobiranista Veuria bé a joint llista tots of the partidaris independència

La Vanguardia :
” More gains time and the government thinks. The president reinvents the 9-N as a prelude to a plebiscite eleccioens. Rajoy remains on the lookout for whether to go back to the Constitution. Duran advocates seek allies in the Government until 2016 Junqueras suspends the pact with CiU and calls early elections “;”. Barcelona Batllo can purchase the Generalitat “

“Consultation Mas. The ‘president’ announces a substitute 9-N without specifying neither the legal protection and validity. ERC, ICV and CUP are unmarked and starts the pulse sovereignty ahead of the elections, “” Doctors talk for the first time by an improvement Teresa “,.” Germany downgrades growth forecast “


Mato defends his management and PSOE criticized for wanting to “scratch” votes … –

Mato defends his management and PSOE criticized for wanting to "scratch" votes … –

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Madrid , 14 Oct.-The Health Minister Ana Mato, today defended crisis management in Ebola, which says she is backed by President Rajoy, and criticized the PSOE try to scratch “a few votes” with which he has unleashed the virus infection with a nursing assistant health crisis.

Mato has faced in the Senate to three questions from the opposition regarding management Government on the repatriation of two infected monks in Africa and the spread of Romero, who voluntarily attended them at the Hospital Carlos III de Madrid.

On the first topic has assured that the government decided to repatriate the two infected with the “absolute” that there was no risk of contagion for citizenship or for health professionals.

About the contagion conviction auxiliary missionaries, whom Mato and opposition groups have sent their best wishes and thanks for his recovery work, recalled that an investigation is to find out how to treat the infected could last missionary died in Spain by Ebola, Manuel García Viejo.

The nursing assistant, Teresa Romero, has experienced a slight improvement today.

Mato has defended the claims of the Entesa, CiU and PSOE on in the sense that has been set aside by the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, in the “management and leadership of this health crisis,” recalling the times he has appeared to account for the situation, something that will do tomorrow in the control session the Executive in Congress.

Ya told reporters in the hallways, Mato stressed that feels supported by Rajoy and that at no time has been disapproved by the creation of a special committee chaired by Ebola VP, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría .

“Of course, yes,” replied the minister believes on whether to maintain support for Rajoy, while the question of whether you felt Unauthorized he said. “Not at all”

Socialist Senator Maria Victoria Chivers has addressed Mato in the control session stating that it is “personalized incompetence” and that is not the minister who “deserving citizens” and called

it Rajoy show his face.

Chivers has opined that the Government is “an additional risk factor in this crisis” health and asked for explanations on Rajoy why it took nearly a week to respond after infection Romero or why no one from the government “had the courage” to criticize the “cruel” statements Madrid health minister, Javier Rodriguez.

Mato has answered the socialist senator who has made his words “an exercise of irresponsibility”; “I do not know honor if a situation like the one we are going through is very responsible try to search at all costs scratch a few votes”, said the minister.

“Of course I take my responsibility, always I did, and my responsibility now is to work for the patient, work on the follow-up contacts and avoid any risk to the public, “stressed Mato.

From the Entesa Monica Almiñana noted that citizens wonder if government cuts leave a “strong enough” healing to deal with this crisis.

Meanwhile, Senator Catalan group Josep Maldonado asked the Minister to compare management Spain Ebola with USA , where the house of the American nurse infected was disinfected, from the beginning, contacted the people I had tried and your dog has not been sacrificed.

Before the intervention of Mato, Sáenz de Santamaría, advocated in the Senate by the Commission to monitor the disease continue “long” and remains concerned that what happens with the missionaries and volunteers who work in contact with the virus.

The vice president asked the political groups to act responsibly on this issue and stressed that what the Spanish society want now is that the nursing assistant Teresa Romero is well maintained


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Rajoy said that removal of the Catalan consultation is an ‘excellent … – El Paí (Spain)

Rajoy said that removal of the Catalan consultation is an 'excellent … – El Paí (Spain)

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Rajoy, in Madrid this morning. / ULY MARTIN | VIDEO: ATLAS

Only half an hour before he spoke Artur Mas, Mariano Rajoy was congratulating the “good news” that the sovereignty referendum would not be held. The Executive has virtually no dialogue with the environment Mas and did not know what was going to announce aa. Therefore, the first reaction was bewilderment. The government was dislodged before an exit that nobody fully understand technically a sort of official announcement without consultation or warranties.

Exceeded the first impact, and after a technical analysis by the State Bar and advisers of a government composed mostly of lawyers, came the official reaction. Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, the vice president, called it “occurrence” and announced that the government would study in depth how challenging it. It is not easy, explained government sources because Mas has already announced its intention not to sign any decree to avoid a resource. But these same sources acknowledge that it is very difficult to organize something like what you want But without official documentation, no instructions to officials, no papers.

Rafael Catala, the new Minister of Justice, responsible for most of the strategy Legal Executive and near Sáenz de Santamaría person, showed that surprise with some sarcasm: “No legal acts, regulations issued by

the Government to articulate the process, I do not know what we would be present; would be a purely social, non-political, non-institutional, non-legal activity “

div id =>”. “

Santamaría” The government already foresaw this new occurrence of Mas “


The Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaria, said this afternoon that the Executive will study the possibility of using the new query proposed by the President of the Generalitat, Artur Mas. “When we turn the inquiry, asked the Council of State Title III expressly for that Act Consultations” recalls Santamaría, who also said that “the government already provided this new occurrence of Mas.”

vice has taken issue with the new possibility raises the president of the Generalitat and criticizes his “vagaries and tensions are not unique to a political leader.” From the Executive want to remind Rather than breaking the law is what has led to the current situation Catalonia that say “unsustainable”. “You have to think before making new proposals,” said Santamaria

Catala showed stupor Cabinet. “We have to try to understand what the president intends Government carried out on 9 November because of his appearance have a number of doubts. ” He ministered joked with the idea that what we want to do a survey might look like. “If a survey is what is going to happen, obviously there will be no problem. But do not know if that is what is going to happen, “he concluded

At the moment there has been so many times and its environment Rajoy predicted. Division in the sovereigntist world. Therefore, the Executive and the PP not respond with harsh words and calls for dialogue, which is what made Rajoy. “We can talk about everything,” he said at an event organized by Financial Times.

In any case, the Government, according to several members consulted believes the bottom line is the war between CiU and ERC. But, according to this analysis, trying to save forcing ERC to agree a joint list headed by him, the only way to avoid the drubbing at the polls predict that all surveys. In this context, the Executive, as usual, prefers to wait and see what he does but now.


Catala present the reform of the judiciary in weeks and … –

Catala present the reform of the judiciary in weeks and … –

Rafael Catala

Justice Minister Rafael Catala, during his speech at the session control to the Government in the Senate. (Ballesteros / EFE)

The Justice Minister Rafael Catala, announced Tuesday that the Senate in the coming weeks will present the bill to reform the Organic Law of the Judiciary (LOPJ).

Catala made the announcement after answering the plenary session of the Senate to a question from Senator Socialist Sen Nicanor Jorge Velez on if Justice intends to continue with the reform of the judiciary by which, among other things, be eliminated court games .

In his first speech in the Senate since his arrival at the head of the department, the Minister of Justice has expressed its “firm intention” and “commitment” present in the coming weeks bill addressing “many of the issues you need to do justice.”

So, he explained that the text encompass “ set of materials organizational and professional to improve justice and the challenges it faces in the twenty-first century. “

In relation to the future of the judicial districts, the minister has merely mention that before any amendment shall “ assess changes that have occurred in society in the past decades in terms of access of citizens to justice.”

However, Sen. been criticized that future centralization of judicial districts “profoundly affect the people living in rural areas to remove him from the courts” and

also “erode the economies of nations “the” major source of income “involving lawyers and solicitors who reside in these areas.

In addition, Catalan has reiterated its commitment to ” assess the impact “ Act Fees Judicial to determine in the light of the results if necessary “adjust, correct or modify” rates .

The Minister has ruled out reform involving privatization Registry The minister has responded this way to a question about the announced change in the fees it had made Arcadio Díaz Tejera senator, who on his first day in this chamber has called on Catala to “ unravel in a year what another has woven in three years.”

“Nothing to unravel, let continue on projects performed these two and half years, “explained the charge of Justice, which has pledged to come to the Judiciary Committee of the Senate to explain his ‘roadmap’ at the Ministry, as do tomorrow in Congress.

Finally, the minister ruled that the reform of the Civil Registry suppose privatization because if its management is finally delivered to the registrars of property “These are public officials.”

however has not ruled on whether the Ministry will go ahead with its proposal to create a corporation under public law to manage the new civil registration mail that has denounced the socialist senator Antonio Rodriguez, “is delivered to a particular company on a computer millionaire negotiated procedure without advertising.”


Artur Mas assumes that there will be consultation – La Voz de Galicia

Artur Mas assumes that there will be consultation – La Voz de Galicia

With less than a month before the 9-N, the president of the Generalitat, Artur Mas, moved yesterday to its partners lack the consultation on the independence of Catalonia, as it is presented in the convocation decree signed two weeks ago, can not take place. Mas, who presided over his third summit with the sovereigntist leaders in ten days, has taken the decision not to move and park the referendum suspended by the Constitutional Court, since, as he himself acknowledged last week, holding an illegal referendum could cause a constitutional crisis with the rest of Spain.

Determining Mas, discussed with the rest of the sovereigntist block in a match that lasted more than seven hours and did not inform the Government itself, but the public did spokesmen ERC and Initiative, is a point and followed, not an end point in the process, because the intention of the President of the Government is to find a plan B to replace consultation with another type of initiative of course much more recessed on 9 November. The Government announced an appearance Mas for Tuesday, which will present the new proposal to the sovereigntist front, relying on items not suspended the law of consultation and that the standard describes as “participatory processes” citizen, including the Law cites forums and surveys. The issue at the summit was calibrated if this plan B can have some kind of international validity and whether it can serve as a substitute for consultation homologous. The original intention is that the original intention of the Catalan government was to hold a referendum on self-determination, then went to a referendum and now is in a stage of less politically charged. Sources Convergència rejected, however, one Arenys de Munt 2 and did not deny that in the end the 9-N there is no type of vote. Initiative did not rule it in and said the study when you have it on the table, but especially ERC CUP betting for taking the polls on 9-N even with a suspended call, not “buy” this substitute referendum until today not what format will know will.

In fact, sources ERC drew the end of the meeting that in “no case this participatory process replaces consultation.”

From ERC charged the Generalitat. “We imposed a new

scenario that in no case have agreed” they said. The independence training own profile marked off the summit and did not hide his anger: “We note that there is only one way: a parliament to make an immediate declaration of independence and the opening of a constitutional process.” The Republican response marked a break from training facto Proconsulta unit block.

The process, therefore, tackles for early elections. He pointed hours before the meeting the Minister for Enterprise and Employment, Felip Puig, who admitted that the Catalans do not vote if the 9-N, they will later, especially recognized by the chairman of the advisory council to the national transition Carles Viver Pi-Sunyer.

Three options

Viver, a leading legal strategists and More former vice president of the Constitutional Court said that is complicated, almost impossible, that the court lift the suspension of the consultation and the law that allows or to pass judgment before the 9-N. And as a result, in his view, Mas have three options: a consultation outside the law, an alternative query or plebiscitary elections. His recommendation to the President of the Government is to bet on the election, prior to a unilateral declaration of independence in a year and a half step if the secessionist formations then won the elections clearly. This is one of the options you have Mas raised in the three meetings chaired at the highest level with the leaders of the sovereignist parties. But what you want is to close a joint list in the plebiscite and Convergence between ERC and Proconsulta entire front row close to the electoral breakthrough. Last Saturday spoke of sharing responsibilities for the foreseeable ante voter disenchantment sovereigntist failure of not only consulted the convergent pay. But today, this unit seems impossible.


ICV is distinguished by Mas and gives broken the covenant by the query – The Paí (Spain)

ICV is distinguished by Mas and gives broken the covenant by the query – The Paí (Spain)

ERC leader, Oriol Junqueras, on leaving yesterday’s meeting of the parties supporting the 9N. / Toni Albir (AP)

Republican Left, socio Government Artur Mas, has broken the covenant by the sovereigntist forces on the process towards independence of Catalonia. “Yesterday we raised the Catalan government did not agree to a new scenario, broke the unity”, said the leader of ERC, Oriol Junqueras in an appearance this afternoon in the Catalan Parliament. Rushes elections has claimed to achieve “a parliamentary majority to declare the independence of Catalonia.” Initiative for Catalonia also has openly distanced himself from the proposal process posed by Artur Mas participation for citizens go to the polls on 9-N.

Junqueras has moved the message that, notwithstanding , his party “will try to also help” in the new way in which Catalan Government has chosen. “Not what we like but will try to help,” said the Republican, who has insisted that, in any case, the “solution only happens for independence.” Mas, he noted: “It is hard to trust who does not fulfill the agreements.” The leader of ERC has riveted. “The main enemy of democracy in Catalonia is the Spanish Government”

Joan Herrera, eco-socialist leader, has also broken the unit by agreement of the four sovereignist forces because proposed by the Catalan president is neither a referendum nor a query. “It’s something else. And the president has made the 9-N in the first act of the pre-campaign plebiscite. An agreement with himself and is not acceptable, “lamented Herrera


The CUP blemish But the proposal of a campaign


Quim Arrufat, deputy Popular Unitary Bid (CUP), has been accused of not fulfilling its Gobiernop promises or agreements with other parties and that proposed by President Artur Mas scenario contemplates a complete failure. Firstly because to speak of plebiscitary elections should all avenues of negotiation and democratic possibilities with Spanish State have done and in this case, in the words of Arrufat “is a disagreement between the parties, a dispute should not fall above the will of the Catalan people. And secondly because “no singleton list between ERC and Convergence”, said the spokesman of the mixed group.

As for the possible scenario proposed by Republican Left of yesterday declare independence unilaterally, Arrufat has maintained that the possibility could not get to happen because “we will be only two parties that would include the proclamation of independence in the electoral program” in a clear reference, as later confirmed to Republican Left and his own party.

CUP has dismissed Over plan rather “an act of electoral campaign

Convergència that a referendum to ensure the will of the people.” However, the CUP has urged the public “not to take a step back and go to the polls on 9 November,” clarifying that the CUP will support this consultation provided certain guarantees to pass turn this consultation are met a legal and valid act.

The ecosocialista has predicted that the formula Mas have a “short haul” because surely be blocked by the central government and has defended the query Original can not be degraded by their own promoters because no way will meet minimum democratic safeguards. “It is an own goal,” he riveted. And he has revealed that one of the technicians of the Government said in one of the peaks of the sovereignist parties alternative Mas would have no “democratic security” or “international credibility”.

The first secretary of the PSC, Miquel Iceta considers that the consultation announced by Mas is “a delusion and error” because it lacks the minimum democratic safeguards. The Catalan Socialists, announced, not participate in what could be the high season of November 9, which Iceta been defined as a “face gigaencuesta”. “Mas told us today he wanted to do a query but had no guarantees as great solution suggests we do another who has less, if not none,” said the leader of the PSC.

For its , the leader of the Catalan PP, Alicia Sánchez-Camacho, has held that the sovereignty process has finished and now begins a new era of “reconciliation.” The popular leader, who has appeared in national party headquarters in Madrid Calle Genova, has also asked the president of the Generalitat de stop “trick” the citizens of Catalonia.

“Artur Mas You can not make any inquiry, has suspended the inquiry, has suspended operations, but wants to continue to deceive the Catalans. What you’re looking for an outlet to not be in evidence. He knows he can not do any referendum. The Catalans know that the process is over, “he emphasized Sánchez-Camacho.

The three parties have completed the process by opposite the new plan Mas Initiative has suggested that participants bring 9 N to the polling stations, which will be closed, to collect signatures to denounce the Government of Mariano Rajoy has violated the fundamental right to vote so that the message reaches the European institutions. “Let’s see if he goes down well heads in shame,” he said.

More critical, Senator Joan Josep Nuet of Esquerra Alternative, has slipped to Mas unable or “did not want “organizing consultation by suggesting that part of the Executive has breached some of the points of his own decree. “Or are unwilling or supine incompetence”, said disqualifying plebiscitary elections and patriotic eventual candidacy. “It’s the patriotic candidate cuts. Are partisan or special interests of a president who see you finish that never alone. It has perverted this process from minute zero, “he said.


See 9N, follow the last hour – Reuters

See 9N, follow the last hour – Reuters

Updated: 14/10/2014 16:05:00

The 9N Consultation would not be binding but would open a negotiation with the government on a possible independence of Catalonia, if he won the nod to such status. Artur Mas has made it clear that the alternative view is valid but that the “final” should be an election to have a plebiscite format to be viewed by the international community as a referendum. Unlike the original query in which there was a record of participants covered by the decree of convocation, the new request will not be a census, but is created in the moment when citizens go to vote on November 9, in the premises of the Government to which he is attached The results:.’s vote 9N Consultation will be held on November 9 and counting results will be disseminated on 10 November. In the initial consultation, at first, it was assumed that the results would be released the night mimas 9N A system of guarantees.: After contesting the Control Commission (Electoral Board) of the original query Nov. 9, which was born out of consultations-law now will create a General Council of Participation for the new query, which will monitor that meet the own democratic guarantees a vote highlight now some data from the new query that has expressed Artur Mas. If the original decree municipalities could offer proposals local to vote in the alternative vote consultation will take place in premises owned by the Government not to endanger other administrations or institutions of civil society, which however may collaborate. The new 9N will have 20,000 volunteers that will enable the conclusion of the consultation, although this is not new because it was already covered by the law of queries that may have entities collaborate on volunteer referenda. Review the words of the Minister of Economy on the 9N Consultation hand our correspondent in Brussels, Beatriz Navarro. The law-the only regional 4/2010 general regulation on the materials is in effect because , but was suspended in February 2011 by the Constitutional Court following an appeal by the government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, the injunction was lifted in June that year and the matter is still pending. Query Although the law adopted on 19 September by the Catalan Parliament and the subsequent decree of convocation 9N signed by Mas are suspended by the Constitution, this other 2010 legislation could protect Instead, a call for participation. This is the law of Catalonia 4/2010 of March 17, popular consultations by referendum, the forerunner of the Catalan law 10/2014 of 26 September, no referendums referendums and other forms of citizen participation. The president of Grupo Planeta, Jose Manuel Lara, has been critical of the Government and Government to discuss when the Catalan problem and urged them to initiate conversations with “the only thing that nobody could fix, social fracture.” Lara has expressed relative to the Consultation 9N .. “Protested leaders this lack of dialogue Society is very difficult dialogue, the Catalan independence mass to the mass of Madrid It talks through leaders. “ Govern. Government @ Government #PresidentMas: “The 9-N hi Haura oberts locals, urnes i paperetes such com em i comprometre vaig” The regional government spokesman, Miguel Angel Vazquez, remarks that it is for the government, “a move that has a climate of dialogue” after reversing the Catalan sovereignty consultation, although it has warned that Andalucía “be vigilant” so that there are no bilateral agreements. Vazquez has made this warning following statements by the Minister of Economy, Luis de Guindos, in which, according to the spokesman, “has come to say they are willing to enter into bilateral agreements” with Catalonia. The Professor of Constitutional Law at the University Cardenal Herrera Manuel Martínez Sopedra believes the consultation process driven by the president of the Generalitat Artur Mas “no legal soundness”, which causes a “dramatization” rather than a “serious” legal commitment More reactions 9N Consultation .’s leader of EUiA, Joan Josep Nuet believes that Mas has linked “explicitly” the process involved with early elections as “perverts from the zero” due to the partisan interests of a president they see “more finished than ever” . The Economy Minister Luis de Guindos, said that the president of the Catalan Generalitat, Artur Mas, “have to find a way out” a situation that “has created the only” for what he has said the “outstretched hand” of the Spanish Government. “Mr. Mas think it has to find a solution to their current situation. Within the law, will always have the support of the Government of Spain, has his hand outstretched,” stressed the Minister. “The position of the Prosecutor will post as always with a calm reflection about behaviors that have criminal implications, but I will not make a statement that goes beyond the seminar” the state attorney general, Eduardo Torres-Dulce on the 9N Consultation . In a similar vein have been expressed Òmnium president, Muriel Casals, who commented that “now is not the time to lose heart.” “Although the process is long and difficult and very powerful adversary, not become discouraged,” he concluded The president of the ANC, Carme Forcadell , has called for greater unity to the parties and the will to carry on in the face of query 9N : “The mobilization must continue so that the process can get to the end that we want is an independent Catalunya “ In this sense, it can be presumed important collaboration of organizations such as the Catalan National Assemblea (ANC), Omnium Cultural Association of Municipalities or per the Independència (AMI)

A 9N Consultation as explained by the president Artur Mas himself It will require more than 20,000 volunteers and reach hundreds of spaces throughout Catalonia, most of them owned by the Government On the other side balance, the Minister of Presidency and Government spokeswoman, Francesc Homs, said in the press conference after the Consell Executiu the Catalan Govern mobilize “all necessary devices” 9N, including the Mossos d’Esquadra, and has justified because the Government has responsibility for security. Among them will Homs said that “obviously” the Catalan police, but not by the query, but because the Catalan police have powers to maintain public order and security in Catalonia. In this regard, the spokesman said that the 9N Consultation also applies to other days with special demonstrations, such as from 12 October to 11 September In fact, the Minister of Justice, Rafael Catala has confirmed that if Mas performs the same question in the query, will return to action before the TC Note that the government has already hinted that discuss the steps to be giving Artur Mas for the new type of query announced by the 9N , and to see if it is appealed to the Constitutional Court. If no basis for doing so, will resort immediately We have the first reaction of the Office. The state attorney general, Eduardo Torres-Dulce, said that the prosecution will hold a “calm reflection” on behaviors likely to have “criminal implications” and set a position on the intention of the President of the Generalitat, Artur Mas , to take to the streets polls next 9N to hold a query sovereignty. Torres-Dulce has warned that “no one can be above the law” without expressly quoting the Catalan president But since we want to know the views of readers on the alternative proposal for Artur Mas 9N Consultation . You good alternative consultation convened by Mas for the 9-N? Vote in the poll and view results And the last pill review is provided by the deputy director of La Vanguardia, Isabel García Pagan: The Keys new 9N More opinion on the 9N Consultation . The deputy director of La Vanguardia, Enric Juliana: Catalunya and the reality principle The head of policy La Vanguardia, David Gonzalez, editor analyzed the query alternative proposed by the President of the Government and its consequences provided “Mas has exhausted a way to open another” can now check the video’s appearance on Artur Mas 9N Consultation in End the brief appearance Francesc Homs after Consell Executiu. In all matters relating to the 9N Consultation , the Minister of the Presidency and Government spokeswoman, has been referred to the words of Artur Mas Homs itself suggests that the 9N be the usual devices of the Mossos d’Esquadra and enforcement Government spokesman insists that will not make further comments added to what has already explained the president Artur Mas Start the question and obviously the first question goes directly to the 9N Consultation . Francesc Homs refers to the words of Artur Mas and says it will not provide more information, because just two days ago the president spoke Mas reviewing Homs first of all the agreements reached by the Consell Executiu, will be during Question Time when he is asked about the query Alternative 9N announced by Artur Mas We return, however, the Palau de la Generalitat, where the Minister of Presidency and Government spokeswoman, Francesc Homs, is appearing at a press conference after the Consell Executiu Very different was the assessment of the Basque Government, which has expressed his “absolute respect” the decision of the Catalan Government to hold a query Alternative 9N , as this solution allows “output a massive social aspiration of Catalan society” In this regard, the president of Extremadura, José Antonio Monagas, said that” what can not be can not be and it is impossible, “has since insisted that the 9N Consultation does not fit on the right From several points of Spain are already arriving reactions query alternative 9N proposed Artur Mas

recall that the Council of State and noted that if the law is used queries to perform some process on matters in which the Government is not competent, it may be appealed to the TC The Government aims to analyze the process by Mas if appealed to the Constitutional Also definitely take some time to react the central government. The Executive discussed the steps to be giving the president Artur Mas for the new type of query has announced the 9N , and to see if it is appealed to the Constitutional Court. If the basis for recourse do it immediately. This was announced by the Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Saenz de Santamaria, to the media upon his arrival at Servimedia News Agency, which celebrates 25 years of existence However, in a first rapid reaction of Republican representative in Congress Alfred Bosch, ERC has left open the door to support the new query More The ERC executive will decide its position in this new stage after last night and issued a very critical position in a statement four points regret that the Government has chosen Artur Mas by “giving” to continue to organize the query agreed by the 9N with all democratic guarantees. After the meeting of the National Executive of ERC, its leader, Oriol Junqueras, explained in a press conference resolutions adopted Who has not been positioned is officially ERC, which has called for this afternoon a special meeting of its executive to discuss the proposal of the president Artur Mas to hold a query Alternative 9N Iceta also criticized the proposal for 9N Consultation Artur Mas and reminded him that this is not what he had announced Simultaneously with the press of Joan Herrera has also responded to the appearance of Mas PSC General Secretary, Miquel Iceta The ICV coordinator, Joan Herrera, was highly critical of the alternative to the 9N Consultation

has given the president Artur Mas Herrera: “The president Mas breach the agreements had the Proconsulta games” Herrera ” We understand that this query is directed to all citizens, who want independence and not “ ” This country deserves a decent consultation with assurances “Herrera insists, that emphasizes that the alternative presented by Artur Mas” is something else, “ Joan Herrera remains on the table its proposal to 9N : A citizen mobilization in the doors of polling stations The coordinator ICV also calls the Govern de Catalunya continue to govern because “this country that suffers the crisis as the rest of southern Europe, has other challenges besides the query” Joan Herrera calls a measurable response to the ban on PP, mobilizing the 9N at the polls showing that the central government will not let them vote ” Since ICV-EUiA have proposed alternatives to celebrate the query “shells Herrera Herrera:” Us not endorse one consultation or surrogate sustituva “ ” It is not acceptable nor is it reasonable to be asked to participate in a substitute for consultation then a plebiscitary elections Artur Mas craves “exposes Herrera ” The Government no longer poses or a referendum or consultation, proposes a participatory process. This was not part of the agreement, “explains coordinator ICV

Joan Herrera:” The agreement we had with the parties Proconsulta not eexiste “ ” There are no alternatives or solutions without consultation “says Herrera Herrera,” People of ICV-EUiA from its cross, is committed to the query. No future without consultation “ More reactions, appears now live ICV coordinator, Joan Herrera ecosocialista party headquarters Meanwhile, the secretary general of the PSOE, Pedro Sanchez, has warned President Artur Mas, who “can not continue fooling Catalan society that generates frustration and fracture “and asked the chief executive, Mariano Rajoy,” a political solution to a political problem, “which, in his view, involves” a new constitutional framework of coexistence “ Just before the Council of Elders of Congress has also spoken PP spokesman in the House, Alfonso Alonso, who reproached Artur Mas has fallen into the” grotesque “and has become in a “president to evade the law” which also knows that there will be no referendum on 9N , “what you call it.” has quickly responded also the national spokesperson for Union, Progress and Democracy (UPyD), Rosa Díez, who believes that Artur Mas “has lost his mind” following its announcement to go ahead with its plan 9N Consultation and noted him as the greatest adversary of its citizens. Speaking to reporters before the meeting of the Board of Spokesmen, Díez considered a “new legal fraud” But the decision to celebrate the November 9 an alternative view to the TC suspended by something “unacceptable” Meanwhile the press continues to Alicia Sánchez Camacho at the headquarters of the PP: The PPC sees a grinding More than just the independence process In a similar sense is expressed by the Minister of Justice said that if Rafael Catala But ask the same question in the query, will return to action before the TC Sánchez Camacho: “It is time to open a new phase of rebuilding a society that Mr Mas has broken, coexistence of Catalan with the rest of Spain “ ” Mr. Mas will not make any inquiry.’s trying to get out of the mess that has gotten a sham query has no guarantee “explains the leader of PPC Sánchez Camacho:” There are no winners or losers, who won democracy is, the rule of law and coexistence among all Catalan and Spanish “ ” I think the Catalans are now aware that the process is over sovereignty “leaves Sánchez Camacho clear Sánchez Camacho: “Artur Mas is deceiving the Catalans. You are looking for a way out to avoid being exposed and satisfy ERC “ Alicia Sánchez Camacho Artur Mas asked to open a new phase of dialogue with the Spanish Government “Mr. Mas ordered to stop deceive and rule is made to solve the real problems of the Catalan” explains Alicia Sánchez Camacho “Democracy has won,” says the leader of the Catalan PP Sánchez Camacho ” This drill is not going nowhere, has no guarantee “ Sánchez Camacho:” Artur Mas has led the Catalans to a hoax “

We go live to the seat of the Catalan PP, which appears Alicia Sánchez Camacho its president ERC leaves open the door to support the new query Mas. The ERC deputy Alfred Bosch today blamed the “Spanish Government lock” it has to look for other ways to the Catalans at the polls to decide on its future. ERC President, Oriol Junqueras, will appear this afternoon paar fix the position of Republicans As mentioned, there are already many reactions taking place on the appearance of Artur Mas and his idea of ​​keeping the 9N Consultation PHOTO (GYI): Gothic Image Gallery Palau de la Generalitat during the press conference on the 9N Consultation Artur Mas Finish the press conference the president Artur Mas on 9N Consultation The president Artur Mas reviewing the reason for the change of prism 9N Consultation and the characteristics of the voting will be done in just under a month And the last question of the appearance of Artur Mas is in English ” But I also said we needed cunning and ability, but it is impossible for David overcomes Goliath “says Artur Mas ” There is determination and courage, and that is why we are committed to move forward with 9N Consultation “explains Artur Mas Enric Sierra: Albert Rivera speaks query” costellada “ridiculous, surreal … While still continuing the appearance of Artur Mas, now approached about international opinion: “When we reach the point in a referendum election international opinion will understand, until then, always think that the Spanish government will do its part to prevent any movement “ are already taking the first reactions to the appearance of Artur Mas on 9N Consultation Enric Sierra: Albert Rivera (Ciutadans) quoted the president appear Taradellas (ERC) when he said that politics could do anything but ridicule. The president Artur Mas insists that the only and final definitive step are in the form of a referendum election More Details 9N Consultation : “There will be hundreds and hundreds of schools to vote in local and the Generalitat will have more than 20,000 volunteers “ questions at the hearing of happen Artur Mas , which is about two hours long. Turn now to the issues in Castilian Enric Sierra: The president says Mas to vote will need the ID and be pre-registration to vote in facilities . Generalitat Artur Mas provides details on 9N Consultation : “The results will be announced on 10 November and about citizen participation councils will be created to ensure neutrality and the good work of the query “

Enric Sierra : The president says Mas only be early elections if it is to make a joint bid plebiscite. But it may also be forced to summon if you lose the necessary support in Parliament to govern. If you break your current ERC partner, you can rely on the PSC has been offered. The president Artur Mas explains that until now has not been addressed with the other parties the possibility of early elections to serve referendum Artur Mas is asked about the Government’s response, and said that would prevent any type of query: “No we will put things so easy to Spanish State, see if they can help in what depends the Government, assured that we will do everything possible to vote, the commitment is total.” A candidate who accepts as he himself may not include all courses that seek independence, but you have to be strong enough to achieve an absolute majority Enric Sierra: The president Mas defines the hypothetical and future joint application should obtain an absolute majority Artur Mas:” I think we’re doing everything we can, and even a little more, to meet all commitments “ course The president of the Government admits that “only the maximum guarantees they turned into a referendum election” Artur Mas: “Those who want to vote may do so. On 9 November, the agreed question may vote “ The president Artur Mas adds value to the path from the elections of November 2012: go to Madrid to order the referendum, calling the query.’s “last screen” in his own words, is “using the election as a referendum and this is done with a list and a single program” Artur Mas difference 9N Consultation which was held in Arenys of Munts in June 2009:” Without underestimating the query Arenys de Munt, who had a great merit because it was made from the public, the big difference is this, that consultation of 9N is organized by the Govern “ The president Artur Mas returns repeated that he is willing to hold elections to serve as a referendum, but only if there is a commitment of the parties to structure a unit list Artur Mas reports he will not sign any new decretoo facing the 9N Consultation since the Government already has powers to be held in the detailed parameters Enric Sierra: The president defends But how developed the process of consultation, while acknowledging that he knew how it would end. So missed time ?. Mas says no Enric Sierra. Mas The president insists throughout the press conference about the need to go to the plebiscitary elections on a joint list . Artur Mas. “Today was very easy to stop the process, be argued that there is no consensus and you can not keep But we do not do that, I’m here to report that we throw out and 9N will query ” We have found that with the decree of convocation suspended much of what they wanted to apply can not pull ahead because even affect others “argues Artur Mas ” are parties those that come and offer guarantees of a unit ready to face a referendum in the form of elections, “explains Mas Enric Sierra: The president recognizes Mas which is just before the new formula of calling the 9-N. Will have to see how they react Proconsulta games against this formulation. But let’s move them in a difficult position because if unmarked, may adversely citizens appearing before supporters to vote, either way. Artur More: “From my personal opinion, that the outcome of a possible plebiscite elections are final should be a joint list with a unified program that gets absolute majority”

Enric Sierra: The president of the Generalitat, Artur Mas, notes in his testimony that the environment unit to the 9-N query is broken, but is determined to convene applying the plan B The formula finally announce that will be implemented in any case, the local Government.


The Socialist Party expelled the militants used the card box … –

The Socialist Party expelled the militants used the card box … –

Day 10/14/2014 – 9:20 a.m.

The PSOE expelled the militants who used cards Caja Madrid

Pedro Sánchez, PSOE leader


But, “Do not cast back: we are determined to move forward … –

But, "Do not cast back: we are determined to move forward … –

President of Catalonia, Artur Mas, said it remains “the aim of organizing consultation on November 9 and local will open ballot boxes and ballots will be.” He has said in the Palau de la Generalitat, which appears for explain the alternative proposal of the Government to consult the 9-N , a referendum that resigned Monday night after meeting with sovereigntist parties Catalan (CiU, ERC, ICV and CUP). “Reservaos day 9 because the Government will do everything in their power so that there are places open, ballot boxes and ballots,” he ruled.

Reservaos day 9 because Local will open boxes and papers “It’s important (the query) is done and done right and with the suspended decree or could do or could do well,” he explained in the Gothic Gallery before a large media attention. That’s why you have parked the decision to hold the inquiry was just as expected. However, “There is great news that last a few hours” , said in reference to the statements of the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, who Tuesday welcomed the suspension of the query. But he has again urged the head of the central executive to submit a proposal to the Catalans.

But today announced that the Catalans will vote on 9 November. “We do not we take back: we are determined to go ahead with the consultation on 9-N” stressed the Catalan president, but has admitted that “political consensus is somewhat weaker” but that does not imply the Government step back but to commit more. He also recalled that “the real and powerful adversary is the Spanish State” because it is who “ does everything for the people of Catalonia can not exercise their right to decide his political future.” “Let us not confuse adversaries,” he warned Mas, who believes the government could have handled the matter differently.

The real and powerful adversary is the Spanish State As shuffling, Mas has announced that the Government works to celebrate A “public participation process” , which provides for consultations law and is an instrument that is not affected by the challenge . Thanks to “ existing legal frameworks that give jurisdiction to the Generalitat in citizen participation,” the Government will work for Nov. 9 has local ownership-mostly open Generalitat in Catalonia. To do this, hopes to have the support of 20,000 volunteers for the tables and schools, and of the 920 municipalities that defend the right to decide. The results will be announced on November 10 , the day after the consultation in which expected a high turnout .

may vote the age of 16 recorded on 9-N with the ID The Catalan President has detailed will need to vote registering the same day with the ID in the local

they are told. But he indicated that he could not use any census because some people might consider it a violation of the law of data protection and bring the Government to court, something would have meant a “terrible international ridicule” . He also explained that they may vote over 16 years, and at least the same groups as stipulated in the decree. In this regard, he explained that the Catalans living in other parts of the state but whose DNI listed an address of Catalonia and the November 9th is in Catalonia, also may participate in the process of public participation which will vote the same question twice agreed by Proconsulta parties.

The government will forward . With own means, properly, orderly, organized, legally. We have always said the same “, recalled Mas, who added that” the two questions will be answered twice on 9 November and the elections. ” On this issue, he said that while it intends to exhaust the legislature and hopes to get the necessary support in the Parliament to approve the budgets of 2015, convened “ election ordinarily parties can transform into plebiscitary with a list and a joint program. “

The two questions will be answered twice on 9 November and elections That would be the “final talks” and Instrument “fear most in Madrid,” but first we must try all possibilities, as the agreed referendum or consultation, which have been rejected by the Government. However, he admitted that there is not enough consensus to hold a plebiscite the short term. “He’s more mature but green does not mean you can not grow,” he said. But it has also ruled out the proposed ERC to declare independence unilaterally and immediately, for “a serious country really want such a process is well understood internationally , you can only do after passing a referendum and not before. “

However, the Catalan president explained that he can not call a plebiscite, but must be parties that become a regular election plebiscite. “ must be the parties to convince me that it would serve to make the referendum . And be willing to listen and act accordingly”, said passing the responsibility to the parties. In any case, reiterated the result of a query or any plebiscitary elections it is written. “You can win or you can lose, and this is democracy, know how to win and how to lose.”
