Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Socialist Party calls for the resignation of a mayor of Algeciras PP to assert in … – EntornoInteligente

Socialist Party calls for the resignation of a mayor of Algeciras PP for saying on Facebook that PSOE and ETA were behind the 11M / Information .com / Algeciras (Cádiz), 30 (EUROPA PRESS)

The PSOE in Algeciras (Cádiz) has demanded the resignation of the mayor of Algeciras PP Segundo Avila by say in a public comment on ‘Facebook’ ‘and the PSOE ETA was behind the attacks of March 11 “.

In a statement, the PSOE claims the local president of the PP mayor of Algeciras, Jose Ignacio Landaluce, who gets the resignation of councilor for the comment. They add that, if not acted upon, “demonstrate that consent and support their opinions.”

The municipal PSOE spokesman, Fernando Silva, described as “barbaric” opined by Avila in that social network Landaluce and claims a ‘blunt’ performance.

Explain the PSOE that “the PP councilor signed in 2012, Twitter, hard disqualifications of Cayetano Martinez de Irujo to the Andalusians. Then forced PP Avila to apologize and close your account “in this social network.

According to Silva, the ‘popular’ mayor” should have resigned and then “Landaluce stressing that” today should do what It was required by the local government in Madrid with another councilor who has seriously insulted in social networks. You should get the resignation of its mayor “sentence.


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Lara opened preliminary proceedings against three crimes and Baltar … – EntornoInteligente

De Lara opened preliminary proceedings against three crimes and Baltar refers to Ourense the cause financing PP / Information .com / ORENSE, 30 (EUROPA PRESS)

The instructor Operation Pokémon, Pilar de Lara, has decided to initiate preliminary investigation by the electoral commission of crime in accounting fraud and bribery against the former president of the Ourense PP and the Provincial Government, José Luis Baltar Pumar, and has inhibited for the Judicial District of Ourense in the investigation of irregularities in the financing of the PP of Ourense during the stage of Baron popular.

In a ruling dated June 25 and who has had access to Europa Press, Pilar Lara agrees that the piece will investigate whether the popular exbarón committed the three offenses mentioned statements are included Baltar himself, the former manager Emilio Pascual –the party who accused him of being the head of B– box and PP personnel in the province, as well as Customs Surveillance reports.

Pilar de Lara retained in the Court of Instruction No. 1 of Lugo investigations into the PP of Ourense and José Luis Baltar related Vendex Group, a business group that is at the epicenter of the biggest judicial investigation against corruption instructed in Galicia.



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The Spanish opposition asks to repeal the “hidden life imprisonment” – Terra Peru

All opposition groups in the Congress of Deputies of Spain today signed an appeal to the Constitutional Court (TC) against the law that amends the Criminal Code to consider the revisable permanent prison that includes a “hidden life imprisonment “.

The Congress approved the reform of the Penal Code in March this year with the votes of government Popular Party (PP, center-right) and this will come into force July 1 morning.

One of the objectives of the rule is that the terrorists who cause death they would receive “maximum imprisonment” under the Criminal Code, following the entry into force will be the revisable permanent prison .

An appeal against that provision states that the revisable permanent prison violates several articles of the Spanish Constitution, which prohibits inhuman punishments and favors the possibility of reintegration.

The socialist deputy group (main opposition party), Miguel Angel Heredia, who drafted the appeal, said the revised Penal Code contests twelve articles of the Criminal Code regulating the new penalty.

“Life imprisonment he wants the PP is not going to never apply in our country. The PP is believed perpetual but it is not and as (Mariano) Rajoy quit the government

there will be a new majority to repeal the imposition facing all groups, “said Socialist deputy.

Government sources stressed that this new sentence no other purpose than to prove the rehabilitation and reintegration of the offender once he has completed a period of between 25 and 35 years, depending on the type of crime and if one or several, to review the sentence.

In case of not accrediting the reintegration, the prisoner may request a further review every two years.


Killed four people after exploding gas cylinder – El Diario de Yucatan



MADRID (AP) .- Four people, including a child, were killed Tuesday after exploding a gas cylinder in a house in Villajoyosa, east of Spain.

The dead were two women, a boy and a girl of about 10 years, according to the Civil Guard. However, the local emergency service DYA said in his Twitter profile that the girl could be a baby between one and two years. The Civil Guard is investigating the cause of the outbreak, which involved the burning house.

The authorities could not say whether the four victims were from the same family.

The Mayor of Villajoyosa Andreu Verdu, said that housing was a farmhouse. The fire spread to an area of ​​bushes, but firefighters could stifle

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If he wins “no”, Greece should exit the euro, Rajoy – AnsaLatina.com

MADRID, 30 (ANSA) – Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, said that if he wins the “no” in the referendum Greece announced for Sunday, the Greek country “has no alternative” to exit the euro.
“If Tsipras loses the referendum, it will be good for Greece. If he wins the referendum, Greece has no choice but to get out euro, “said Rajoy interviewed by Cadena Cope.
Rajoy noted that Greece” lives the rest of the countries of the European Union. We all want to show solidarity, but solidarity for nothing is nothing. “
Greece because Spain 25,000 million euros “. If they will not pay a deficit (in Spanish accounts) at the time They would be 2.5 points” Gross Domestic Product (GDP), he said. UR / ACZ

06.30.2015 15:11



Referendum in Greece, redefine democracy – Blasting News

Rousseau said that only represents what is not. Therefore, if represents the people, the people are not. These days the negotiations of Greece and its current situation has shown that the troika and the northern countries implementing economic annexation to the South (or PIGS) are interested in the people are not. Les interested overseers of their interests in countries that are conquering through the economy. We face a development of imperialism that breaks democracy.

After 2500 years we have to go back to the cradle of democracy, we must return to rethink its concept , if the concept of people power. And it is that denying the right to decide the Greek people etymologically negates democracy. It seems that people only serves to feed the state and the interest you have to pay this, and instead, does not serve to decide their future. We face a question of concept of the people, a question of maturity.

Germany and other northern countries remain committed to applying their model cuts (not austerity) for an economic recovery. Model that is being implemented since the beginning of the economic crisis and that has served nothing but to cut rights and the welfare state. While it is true that Germany would work this system, this system is applied to a different economic, political and social paradigm.

Several European leaders are determined to scare the people, both the Greek people like other countries where similar forces are rising politically Syriza. is determined to activate the mechanism that denies the more reason, fear.

We have the words of De Guindos “The Greek people pay the consequences of a referendum” , or the words of Jean-Claude Juncker (President of the European Commission) “Do not commit suicide for fear of death, we must vote yes regardless of the question,”

turning the referendum to a yes or no to Europe.

It may be understandable that criticize policies Syriza. What is not understandable is that double standard patterns of the European Union, in which democracy is defended when he obeys some interest as there is a “suicide”.

The Greek government received just over 40% of voting so decide an important question would not necessarily approach the posture of the people, even that this issue should be on the political agenda of Syriza.

Since the situation affects not only Greece but the entire world, one might question the validity of which is held by the people and away from direct or indirect democracy we find that the most important is how it affects Market every government action. For example after the announcement of the referendum in Greece we can see that the Ibex 35 has led the decline in the stock market with almost 4% since the opinion of the people seem to fear.

We would have to ask two basic questions on the current democracy that give us the Greeks events. First representative issue and secondly the issue of sovereignty to the markets. Each who raised their answers, but yes, if we do not question the current democracy in the following countries fall under the faces of modern colonialism we will be us, that if we have not already fallen.


69 arrested in Spain for drug traffickers and seized several tons of … – The Time (Ecuador)

Madrid, EFE.

The Spanish police seized several tons of cocaine and millions of euros to a drug trafficking network based in Spain, in an operation in which they arrested 69 people in several countries.

Among those arrested was the leader of the network, who lived in luxury in a home in Madrid.

The police director, Ignacio Cosidó, and representatives the police of Croatia, Montenegro, Portugal and English NCA morning inform the development of this investigation that began almost two years ago.

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Monday, June 29, 2015

We denounced the “blackmail” of creditors to Greece – El Universal (Venezuela)

Madrid .- The Spanish Podemos party on Monday denounced “blackmail creditors” of Greece and the Greek government considered its ally Syriza has acted “exemplary” to call a referendum.

For we, “international creditors led by the IMF (International Monetary Fund), have not accepted that Greece pay its debts through higher taxes on big Greek fortunes, as proposed by the government of Syriza “which won elections in January, but demanded to pay” with money from the poorest Greek families “ , AFP quoted

“Before the ultimatum and blackmail creditors, the Greek government has reacted in an exemplary manner. giving the floor to the public to decide on democratic and sovereign their future way, “he added can.

Greece broke on Saturday negotiations with its creditors on an extension of the loan program in progress and decided to call a referendum on proposed reforms by the European Union.

As we, “with its intransigence, creditors have demonstrated that their primary interest is not to solve the Greek debt crisis but subdue and overthrow a democratically elected government to demonstrate that there is no alternative “to liberal politics and current austerity.

For the third game of Spain, “Today in Europe there are two opposing camps. Austerity and democracy, the rule of the people or government of the markets and their unelected powers Us

are with democracy. We are with the Greek people, “the statement concluded.

Barcelona also common platform of the new mayor of Barcelona, ​​Ada Colau activist, expressed his support for the Greek government and criticized the reaction of the Eurogroup that, in his opinion, “endangers Greek sovereignty and poses a constraint to the entire society”.

“Respect the people’s will should be the cornerstone of composition a democratic and just European Union. “, said in a statement

Asked about the attitude” exemplary “in Greece, the Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, said:” We must hear everything in life “.

Rajoy added that “Spain is a serious country and has had a serious government,” whose policy has led to growth and employment.

Spain returned to the growth path in 2014 and he has returned to create jobs, but the unemployment rate remained of 23.78% in the first quarter.


The Ministry of Culture, concerned about the “derives from the opening … – EntornoInteligente

The Ministry of Culture, concerned about the “derives from the opening” García Lorca center / Information .com / On Tuesday there will be two meetings of the promoter consortium of central and García Lorca Foundation


The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports has been “concerned” about the “derives from the opening” of the center Federico Garcia Lorca will house the legacy of the poet in Granada and sources of this department have told Europa Press that was received with “surprise” the news that the construction company Ferrovial “decided that the building did not deliver.”

After meeting Monday that the niece of the poet and president of the Foundation that bears his name has denounced the secretary of the institution forgery and misappropriation, as published by the newspaper El País, from the Ministry -which is with the Government of Andalusia, Granada City Council and the Foundation itself the promoter consortium centro– have not hidden their “concern” about the situation.

The department stresses that have been made “every effort” to economic Ferrovial debt “is paying off” and go equipping the building, European funds allocated to the project that would ensure the ” viability “of the equipment and programming.

With regard to the debt claimed by the Ministry itself, amounting to 1.7 million euros, according to the same sources have detailed and correspond to two cases of reimbursement . On the one hand, one that has already exhausted the terms of claims and is firm, amounting to 700,000 euros for the nominative subsidies received by the consortium in 2012 and 2013.

In this case, the consortium he can only pay the amount claimed or file an administrative appeal. The second, amounting to one million euros, however, corresponds to the subsidy of 2011 was opened in March this year at the request of the Delegate of the State intervention and is still argument period.

It is because the nominative grant for the construction and discrepancies that are noticed are based on ownership of invoices to justify it, they have detailed the sources they trust that can still be solved.


On the other hand, the consortium promoting the center will meet Tuesday morning in the headquarters of the Ministry of Culture, in Madrid, to address the situation of the space to be pay tribute to the poet from Granada. Representatives from the

institutions that are part of the consortium, Ministry, Ministry of Culture of the Board, City of Granada and Foundation.

From way back to that meeting, will be another of the García Lorca Foundation to be held in the afternoon and in which the institution seek to clarify their accounts.


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ERC Coscubiela says you can not include social rights … – EntornoInteligente

Coscubiela ERC says that you can not include social rights and more “in one basket” / Information .com / BARCELONA, 29 (EUROPA PRESS)

ICV spokesman in the Congress of Deputies, Joan Coscubiela, said Monday that he shares with the president of ERC Oriol Junqueras, the need for more sovereignty in Catalonia to improve the lives of Catalans, but he assured that “can not be put in the same basket social rights and Artur Mas”.

In press press, said that matches Junqueras that “there will be no democracy in Spain if no referendum in Catalonia”, after the Republican leader on Monday to alert –with who ecosocialists we are closing a deal to merge Catalan – that on September 27 there will be no change without independence

However, it has opened a door to reach agreements with ERC after the elections because, according to him, ICV is characterized by a policy. ” unit to the maximum “.

” The more we can get together and as long as possible, “stressed Coscubiela as high, and has warned that to build their own state takes time, so it can be study calmly how to get it.

It has also warned of the need for constituent projects in Catalonia and Spain, for a more democratic country.

On the process of confluence with Podemos, has downplayed the person who should lead it, and has stressed that a model like Barcelona is not reproducible, so that Catalan be a coral entente, he said.

Although he explained that once completed primary formations, will address the choice of the person to head the list.

It has avoided comment on what will the co-leaders of the formation, Joan Herrera and Dolors Camats, after cede him the option of being pro-government candidate in the Catalan regional LCI.

“To us it has done very well consolidate step by step success, we did in Barcelona, ​​now is the 27S and after talk about the general “has settled, and recalled that the time to generate this convergence has placed more with his call for elections.


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The TC suspended several provisions of Catalan law measures … – EntornoInteligente

The TC suspended several provisions of Catalan law on Fiscal and Financial and Budget / Information .com / MADRID, 29 (EUROPA PRESS)

The Constitutional Court has admitted two appeals filed by the Government against various precepts of the Finance Act and the Catalan Generalitat the Law on fiscal and financial measures.

The high court has suspended automatically impugandos precepts, in particular the last paragraph of Article 34 of Law 2/2015 of 11 March, Budget and two articles of the norm of fiscal measures, the numbers 69 and 95, as well as various additional provisions, the 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26.

The decision follows a request in this regard formulated by the State Bar that invoked the article of the Constitution that authorizes “the suspension of the provisions or resolutions” with the expectation that the Constitutional ratify or lift this provision no later than five months.

The TC has agreed to transfer the application to the Congress of Deputies and the Senate and the Government and Parliament of Catalonia, which have a period of fifteen days to appear in person in the proceedings and make submissions.



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Aznar Rajoy exhausted his patience: he is upset by the way … – Diario La Nube (Press Release)

After the interview with José María Aznar published yesterday by ABC, the daily El Pais says today that the former Prime Minister is very upset with Mariano Rajoy and your driving the PP, he refounded in 1990 and is considered the moral and ideological reference.

 Aznar at a rally (Photo PP)

Aznar at a rally (Photo PP)

The Honorary President of the PP believes that his party has” lost identity “and goes to another failure in the general election if no longer faces a radical change of strategy. Believes the timing is so critical as when he came on Manuel Fraga .

The newspaper quoted emphasizes that his complaints coincide with the leaders of the old

guard of the PP, as Esperanza Aguirre and Luisa Fernanda Rudi .

FIVE DAYS , meanwhile, reveals that Rajoy want to have ready the electoral program of the PP for before 15 September. The social agenda, as he stepped forward yesterday, focus the interest of a program that will begin to discuss in Political party conference to be held on 10 and 11 July.


(Text homemade made from news summary of the press services of Moncloa)


Fossil are over 500 million years – El Colombiano

An expedition of paleontologists from different Spanish universities located in La Rinconada de la Sierra (Salamanca) which so far may be the oldest fossil trilobite world, with at least 520 million . of years

It was found through the work of several geologists, including paleontologist Eladio Grin , of the University of Zaragoza, and Professor Geology at the University of Valencia Rodolfo Gozalo , who told Efe the relevance of the discovery.

This type of trilobites (arthropods that lived in the Paleozoic era), with many millions of years old, you could only see so far in Siberia, Morocco and in a border area between the United States and Mexico.

The discovery was made several weeks ago, following a research project as paleontologists are part of a team of Unesco working for some time to redefine the period called the Cambrian, the first of the Primary Era, between 570 million and 500 million years old.

In La Rinconada de la Sierra is known since 1972, thanks to the study of Salamanca geologist Carlos Garcia Figuerola , the possible existence of such fossils, due to structural folds of the land.

“In La Rinconada is one of

the best cuts to analyze the Cambrian,” according to Rodolfo Gozalo , because in these villages are called “Sandstone Tamames” a kind of rock located which suggests the existence of such fossils.

“After an entire day chopping discovered the fossil of 520 million years,” said the scientist.

Now, the fossil trilobite is deposited in the Museum of the University of Zaragoza and in the coming weeks all sorts of explanations for this finding will be offered in a scientific publication.

So far, the fossil located in the province of Salamanca has been named as Lunagraulos tamamensis and “there is only one similar in the Alconera, Badajoz” (south of Salamanca), he said Rodolfo Gozalo .


Sunday, June 28, 2015

The XXVI National Mathematical Olympiad this closes … – EntornoInteligente

The XXVI National Math Olympiad Sunday / Information is closing. com / ZARAGOZA, 27 (EUROPA PRESS)

The Minister of Education, University, Culture and Sports of the Government of Aragon in functions, Dolores Serrat, attending this Sunday, June 28th, at the closing ceremony of the XXVI National Mathematics Olympiad.

The competition has developed since Thursday in Huesca and Zaragoza have taken part in 61 sophomores of Secondary Education (ESO) of Spain. During the closing ceremony of the initiative, which will start at 12.30 hours, will announce the winners

Serrat will be accompanied by the president of the Spanish Federation of Teachers of Mathematics, Onofre Monsoon.; the president of the Aragonese Society of Teachers of Mathematics Sanchez Plum, Daniel Sierra, and the coordinator of the Olympiad, Salvador Renieblas.


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Aznar Rajoy: “The PP has to be rebuilt” – eju.tv

The former Prime Minister José María Aznar, gave an interview to the newspaper ABC in charging hard against the current government of Mariano Rajoy, and states that “the PP has to be rebuilt, it should undertake a vigorous, credible and sufficient correction”.

He explains that “no ratings captives, not even mine, “adding that there are three problems in Spain:” Populism, secessionism and the crisis of the party system. ” And in the latter, “the PP has lost much of its DNA, to bring together all the right internal unity”

And he issues a warning to Mariano Rajoy. “If the electorate three times he said ‘I will not vote for this PP “and not any reconstitution occurs, there is no guarantee that the fourth not tell you again that no, in general”. He adds that “the message of ‘we are going to vote because you have no choice’ is unacceptable. Many people are not willing to have their vote is considered captive “.

Asked if he has given advice to Rajoy after the results of the elections, Aznar answered” no “, that” Rajoy tell I think if you ask me. “

Aznar says that today many voters are asking” what is the PP. Today it is not known if the Popular Party defends life or abortion, the unity of Spain or the presence of BILDU in institutions, the middle class or the tax burden “.

” Do you see Rajoy invested New Prime

Minister “, Aznar ask,” Well … I wish him the greatest success the PP, but you have to win them. “

Madrid and Catalonia

In this interview, Aznar also assess the situation in the new City of Madrid, headed by Manuela Carmena. Warns that “Madrid lived a brilliant time, has a wonderful future”, but now with the advent of Madrid “that can be put at risk.” But also states that “no longer curious that the new mayor of Madrid has said the previous (Ana Botella) in three days more praise than his party, the PP, in three years.”

Furthermore, Aznar analyzes the situation in Catalonia ahead of the elections of 27-S, he says that “inhibition of the PP in Catalonia has relegated to a position of irrelevance. We can not be spectators of the tearing of the Catalan society, but how actors regains its pulse. “

PSOE and can

Regarding the PSOE says his “anti PP pact is the result of their weakness turned into radicalism. They have excluded themselves from the centrality and be victims of their alliances. ” And remember that “every time the Socialists have allied with the radicals, have ended very badly”.

On can say their leaders, “pure Marxist-Leninists”, “want power to change the system and rules “, and that” Venezuela is the model “

Digital Freedom. – Madrid


SPAIN: The SUP alert the lack of effective Compostela … – EntornoInteligente

SPAIN <- - AUGURE_NOTICIA_INICIO!>: The SUP alert the lack of effective in preventing jihadist attacks Compostela / World / SUP The police union expressed his “concern” about the fact that Santiago de Compostela lacks effective and appropriate organization to prevent a possible attack by jihadist groups.

a statement, the SUP (Unified Police Union) said that Santiago de Compostela, one of the three main points -along Catholic pilgrimage to Rome and Jerusalem, “is one of the strategic locations of surveillance in terror alerts” more because it is also a tourist city.

However, “the number of agents are there in the local police station in Santiago de Compostela, is not consistent with this reality,” says the note.

The Interior Ministry on Friday raised the terror alert level after the jihadist attacks in France, Tunisia and Kuwait, which means that Spain is at high risk for threat of attack.

“The deficit of 42 officers at the police station, coupled with poor organization and planning of services, have led to the decrease during the weekend, staff groups citizen services” to pursue monitor Cathedral Santiago de Compostela, according to the union.

The SUP think that is an “obvious negligence” and notes that the controls have been “left stranded” to agents for services weekends.

In this regard, the SUP demands the allocation of positions on secondment to the police station in Santiago de Compostela, in line with similar initiatives in Toledo or in the Strait, and accused the chief of police of Galicia be the “head of the impasse and disorganization” registered in the Community.

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Aznar alert the three PP rejects the electorate in the last … – EntornoInteligente

Aznar alert the three PP rejects the electorate in the last year and does not rule quarter / Information .com / The Honorary President of the PP, José María Aznar, the PP demands a ‘strong, credible and sufficient correction “if you want to retrieve the two and a half million voters lost regional and municipal elections last May 24.

“Today it is not known if the Popular Party defends life or abortion, the unity of Spain or the presence of BILDU in institutions, the middle class or the tax burden” warns former Prime Minister in an interview on ABC, collected by Europa Press.

According to Aznar, the electorate has already said three times in the last year –elecciones Europe, Andalusia and municipales– “no I want to vote for this People’s Party “and warns that” there is no reason not to say it for the fourth time “. However, he is convinced that “no time” to react in the face of general because “five months in politics is an eternity”.

For the honorary president of the PP, Spain has three problems ” essential “in political terms: populism, which” does not represent a democratic alternative “; secessionism and “tear” of Catalan society, which ensures that the PP has been a “viewer”; and the crisis of the party system.

The PSOE “We do not know what is” On the PSOE, he says Aznar has gone from being a national party to “who knows what” and criticizes it deliver “at the hands of the most radical, forgetting history.” “Every time the Socialists have allied with the radicals, have ended very badly and probably this new experience ends well,” he said.

Regarding can say that this formation is composed of “Marxist Leninist pure” modeled on Venezuela; and Citizens, Aznar said that a “gas” and “difficult to identify,” fruit of the “errors of PP” in Catalonia.

Asked match for the victims of terrorism, the former indicates that sees “painful and disappointed”, something you worry “a lot” and believes that this is because “there are people and decisions that have been away from them,” plus the “unacceptable” consolidation of institutions BILDU formations as “without condemn violence and terror “.

Information Information .com


See also www.mundinews.com | www.eldiscoduro.com | www.tipsfemeninos.com | www.economia-venezuela.com | www.politica-venezuela.com | www.enlasgradas.com | www.cualquiervaina.com | www.espiasdecocina. com | www.videojuegosmania.com

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Gerardo Pisarello: “We must end the obscene relationship between … – La Gaceta Tucumán

1 How comes a tucumano immigrant to join the group of citizens with no experience in the civil service to manage one of the most important cities in Europe?

-AL Like Ada (Colau), we are people who have spent years involved in public affairs. I have always considered myself a teacher-activist. I have not belonged organically to any party, but since he was a student in Tucuman until today I accompanied a host of social change initiatives in different parts of Latin America and Europe. Barcelona rule will be a great challenge, of course, but our bid reflects the commitment of an entire generation, and has caused great enthusiasm among technicians and highly qualified professionals.

2 What values, expectations, dreams and utopias behind “Barcelona Commune” (“Barcelona in common”)?

-Barcelona It is a fantastic city is full of potential, and has great social and cooperative tissue. But runs the risk of becoming a mere trademark. It is becoming more expensive, and inequality and insecurity have soared alarmingly. Our hope is that Barcelona is at the service of the common good and not the interests of a small minority. We want to be a reference on participation; respect for labor and environmental rights; technological innovation, and become the spearhead of a democratic change that exists in many other parts of Spain, Europe and the world.

What challenges await three community leaders emerged discontent that caused the Spanish economic crisis? What would be a failure for you? What would be a victory?

We know that the changes will not come in overnight. But we would fail if we do not try enough courage and imagination, if we resign ourselves to repeat the same mistakes forever What would be a victory? Curbing inequalities; return power and voice to the people; show that they can govern honestly, and we can have a panoramic city and neighborhoods first and second.

4 ‘Your industry is inspired by any particular political experience? What do you say to those who doubt they can implement their anti-corruption speech, anti-corporate and antiprivilegios?

‘In Catalonia there is a long experience municipalismo transformer. And much of what we said and done one way or another in cities like Berlin (Germany), Bogota (Colombia), Helsinki (Finland) and Curitiba (Brazil). Placing limits on large corporations; democratize the economy and end the obscene relationship between politics and money is now a demand for common sense. It is difficult targets to rush, but essential if we want to end up in a kind of global oligarchy that cornered the most basic freedoms and life on the planet.

5 To what extent “Barcelona Commune” represents the left? ? Can rehearsing an ideological definition of his coalition

– “Barcelona Commune” is a plural platform formed around specific objectives: to combat child malnutrition and the evictions for economic reasons; avoid the commodification of common goods such as water; promote the participation of citizens in allocating the budget and end the privileges in the exercise of public functions. People come from political militancy in parties or social movements, and people who do not. But we do not ask anyone’s license. Our basic slogan is more and better democracy.

6 His group has been highly critical of the opacities and excesses of traditional political power. How will

attack those weaknesses?

‘First, trying to lead by example. It can not be that a copper 10,000 euros a month mayor when the minimum wage is at 640. We made an austere campaign and we want to have an austere government. We will reduce the disproportionate salaries of elected positions; we will listen more to the workers and municipal workers; let’s raise some carpets, and we will open doors and windows to run some air.

7 How far they are willing to go in an effort to stop or prevent evictions of those who can not pay their mortgages?

There must act in the short and long term. If evictions occur for unpaid rent, we will mediate and help the most vulnerable families. When the owners of the properties are smallholders, introduce incentives for renting. And when it comes to large financial institutions, especially those who have been rescued with public money, sit down and remind them of their obligations publicly. In the medium term, Barcelona would have to strengthen the park public rental housing to keep up with Paris (France) and Amsterdam (Netherlands).

8 What is the position of his political platform regarding the independence movement in Barcelona?

-Spain has entered a centralist and authoritarian drift unacceptable . We defend the right of the citizens of Catalonia to freely decide how you want to relate to the State, as has happened in Scotland or Canada.

9 What place you occupy in the Government of Barcelona?

It will depend partly on the agreements and discussions with other political forces. But in principle, it would be a kind of second mayor (Colau) a deputy mayor functions in specific areas such as economics or international relations.

10 What is your message to the Argentinian Tucuman and seeking political change but do not know how?

That when people common, simple people, is organized, get a lot more power than they would have you believe. None of the rights and freedoms that have fallen from the sky. We must firmly believe in one’s dreams and fight for them. And never accept the existing reality as the only possible.

Profile Gerardo Pisarello
was born in Tucuman in 1970, at home who formed Aurora Meadows and Angel Gerardo Pisarello (UCR dorogente abducted, disappeared and killed during the last dictatorship). He moved to Barcelona in 2001. He is Doctor of Law and Professor of Constitutional Law. He has published the books “A shelter for all law (de) construction.” (2003); “Social rights and guarantees” (2007); “The anti-democratic offensive of constitutionalism” (2011) and “constituent processes. Ways for democratic rupture” (2012). He is a columnist of prey and has been vicepresiente the ESCR Observatory.


The same-sex marriage celebrated ten years in … – First Time


     By EFE

 06/28/2015 | 08: 38 a.m.


The law allowing same-sex marriage in Spain meet in the coming days ten years and in this period has resulted in 31,610 links .

Emilio Menendez and Carlos Baturin became the small country’s history when almost ten years ago in a village close to Madrid, were the first same-sex couple could get married in Spain thanks to the newly approved law.

The standard, developed by the socialist government headed by Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, amended the Civil Code to allow marriage and adoption of same-sex and was approved by Congress 30 June 2005.

From then until 2014, according to the National Statistics Institute (INE), there have been 31,610 links between same sex in Spain, which was the fourth in the world in match the rights of all couples.

Against that law unconstitutional appealed the Popular Party (center-right), then in opposition and now in government, but in October 2012 the Court ruled adequacy text of the Constitution and rejected the initiative popular.

The standard also was criticized by the Catholic

hierarchy and there were large street demonstrations against the legal change.

Ten years later State Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Transsexuals and Bisexuals (FELGTB) of Spain calls the law of “teaching” because it has been “a social change of acceptance, visibility and normalization of sexual and gender diversity.”

The company has seen that gay marriage enriches not create any social conflict and does not harm the rights of others, while from the psychological point of view, the LGBT community has seen a strengthening of self-esteem, says president Jesus Generelo.

In the early years of the law, two marriages between women were recorded by one among women, while the data of recent years reflect a trend towards equality, says the sociologist University of Salamanca Ignacio Paredero.

After the US Supreme Court legalized gay marriage Friday across the country, the recent victory of yes in the referendum in Ireland and support the Mexican Supreme Court, unions between same sex are done or are about to be in twenty countries.


SPAIN: They reach the port of Almeria 22 rescued SSA … – EntornoInteligente

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10 questions to Gerardo Pisarello: “We must end the relationship … – La Gaceta Tucumán

1 How comes a tucumano immigrant to join the group of citizens with no experience in the civil service to manage one of the most important cities in Europe?
-AL Like Ada (Colau), we are people who have spent years involved in public affairs. I have always considered myself a teacher-activist. I have not belonged organically to any party, but since he was a student in Tucuman until today I accompanied a host of social change initiatives in different parts of Latin America and Europe. Barcelona rule will be a great challenge, of course, but our bid reflects the commitment of an entire generation, and has caused great enthusiasm among technicians and highly qualified professionals.
2 What values, expectations, dreams and utopias behind “Barcelona Commune” (“Barcelona in common”)?
-Barcelona It is a fantastic city is full of potential, and has great social and cooperative tissue. But runs the risk of becoming a mere trademark. It is becoming more expensive, and inequality and insecurity have soared alarmingly. Our hope is that Barcelona is at the service of the common good and not the interests of a small minority. We want to be a reference on participation; respect for labor and environmental rights; technological innovation, and become the spearhead of a democratic change that exists in many other parts of Spain, Europe and the world.
What challenges await three community leaders emerged discontent that caused the Spanish economic crisis? What would be a failure for you? What would be a victory?
We know that the changes will not come in overnight. But we would fail if we do not try enough courage and imagination, if we resign ourselves to repeat the same mistakes forever What would be a victory? Curbing inequalities; return power and voice to the people; show that they can govern honestly, and we can have a panoramic city and neighborhoods first and second.
4 ‘Your industry is inspired by any particular political experience? What do you say to those who doubt they can implement their anti-corruption speech, anti-corporate and antiprivilegios?
‘In Catalonia there is a long experience municipalismo transformer. And much of what we said and done one way or another in cities like Berlin (Germany), Bogota (Colombia), Helsinki (Finland) and Curitiba (Brazil). Placing limits on large corporations; democratize the economy and end the obscene relationship between politics and money is now a demand for common sense. It is difficult targets to rush, but essential if we want to end up in a kind of global oligarchy that cornered the most basic freedoms and life on the planet.
5 To what extent “Barcelona Commune” represents the left? ? Can rehearsing an ideological definition of his coalition
– “Barcelona Commune” is a plural platform formed around specific objectives: to combat child malnutrition and the evictions for economic reasons; avoid the commodification of common goods such as water; promote the participation of citizens in allocating the budget and end the privileges in the exercise of public
functions. People come from political militancy in parties or social movements, and people who do not. But we do not ask anyone’s license. Our basic slogan is more and better democracy.
6 His group has been highly critical of the opacities and excesses of traditional political power. How will attack those weaknesses?
‘First, trying to lead by example. It can not be that a copper 10,000 euros a month mayor when the minimum wage is at 640. We made an austere campaign and we want to have an austere government. We will reduce the disproportionate salaries of elected positions; we will listen more to the workers and municipal workers; let’s raise some carpets, and we will open doors and windows to run some air.
7 How far they are willing to go in an effort to stop or prevent evictions of those who can not pay their mortgages?
There must act in the short and long term. If evictions occur for unpaid rent, we will mediate and help the most vulnerable families. When the owners of the properties are smallholders, introduce incentives for renting. And when it comes to large financial institutions, especially those who have been rescued with public money, sit down and remind them of their obligations publicly. In the medium term, Barcelona would have to strengthen the park public rental housing to keep up with Paris (France) and Amsterdam (Netherlands).
8 What is the position of his political platform regarding the independence movement in Barcelona?
-Spain has entered a centralist and authoritarian drift unacceptable . We defend the right of the citizens of Catalonia to freely decide how you want to relate to the State, as has happened in Scotland or Canada.
9 What place you occupy in the Government of Barcelona?
It will depend partly on the agreements and discussions with other political forces. But in principle, it would be a kind of second mayor (Colau) a deputy mayor functions in specific areas such as economics or international relations.
10 What is your message to the Argentinian Tucuman and seeking political change but do not know how?
That when people common, simple people, is organized, get a lot more power than they would have you believe. None of the rights and freedoms that have fallen from the sky. We must firmly believe in one’s dreams and fight for them. And never accept the existing reality as the only possible.


Saturday, June 27, 2015

Challenge: Catalonia says it will go ahead with the creation of … – ICN Journal

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SPAIN: arrested after trying to burn his wife with gasoline – EntornoInteligente

<- AUGURE_NOTICIA_INICIO -> SPAIN: arrested after trying to burn his wife with gasoline / World / A man has been arrested in a house in the Pontevedra town of Salvaterra do Miño after trying to burn his wife with gasoline, reported the Civil Guard, which is considered a suspected case of domestic violence.

The man, identified with MEH initials, of Moroccan nationality, “after spending the night away from home after an evening discussion, assaulted and tried to set fire to his wife using gasoline,” the Civil Guard in statement.

He added that “fortunately the woman managed to escape taking with their son,” but man, armed with a shotgun, remained barricaded in the house “threatening the officers” who participated in the operation with “sprayed gasoline to commit suicide”.

Several specialized teams of the Civil Guard, including one of negotiators for these cases, stayed for about three hours and able man “deposed its aggressive attitude” and neutralized

According to the Civil Guard, the position of man caused “great alarm” among the locals., until he was finally arrested in the home by a team of elite “without exercising previously a resistance. “

The matter has been placed in the hands of the Court of gender violence against women and instruction number one Ponteareas Pontevedra town.

Information The World


See also www.mundinews.com | www.eldiscoduro.com | www.tipsfemeninos.com | www.economia-Venezuela .com | www.politica-venezuela.com | www.enlasgradas.com | www.cualquiervaina.com | www.espiasdecocina.com | www.videojuegosmania.com

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