Rodolfo Ares, Patxi López and Manuel Chaves, from left to right in the Congress of the PSOE. / JJ GUILLEN (AP)
However, the debate has been installed on the actual extent of the position given by Sanchez Lopez in his administration, where the presence of territorial leaders excels. While the environment from the direction of the PSE-EE political secretariat range Political Action, Citizenship and Freedoms stands, some of the delegates admitted last night that “we think of something else.”
Socialist sources stressed, meanwhile, that the scope granted exceeds Lopez already available in the Executive Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba from Seville congress though both portfolios have a similar name. “It’s a key area given the commitment to the revitalization of the party, the relationship with militancy and society as well as with all social groups,” explains, before emphasizing that will keep you in touch with “the implementation of policies be decided at the general secretariat “, whose core has been linked. Even aspiring to lead the Idoia Mendia PSE understands that this position places the Basque Socialists as “protagonists” of the design of the new policy is to be developed under the leadership of Pedro Sánchez. However among those who have closely followed Patxi López contacts before deciding his future in the internal renewal of the PSOE precipitated the “hope” that may have a position of greater relevance is housed. “It would have been wrong the post of party president,” admits a socialist leader. “The presidency of the PSOE allows you to have a specific weight and a voice in both positions on important issues such as when an internal debate arises,” he adds. This possibility was put forward in the week before the conference by Iñaki Arriola, guipuzcoanos socialist leader, as an illustration of the ability to Lopez for all positions that Sanchez had to offer. However, the immediate circle still secretary general of PSE-EE was quick to reject it on the grounds that the chair-created in times of Ramón Rubial-is identified as an honorary positionYes Basque socialism sector expected a more prominent position for Lopez
However, among those who yearned for more” projection ” Lopez argues that “perhaps as exlehendakari could have been more ambitious with the offer that was presented after having contacted many groups outside Euskadi and know that you recognize their position and knowledge of the PSOE.” Instead there who recalls that “within the party there are also many presidents who is given a lot of respect for what they mean but to a certain point and then are a few more partners,” says a seasoned Basque leader.
Lopez feels “satisfied” with the “trust” that Sanchez has shown him with this designation. Despite the renewal of open faces (85%) and has been applied by the abandonment of the Basque socialist leader from next September, the exlehendakari has managed to stay in the address. In this identification with the new phase opens in the direction of the PSOE has also contributed the recovered relationship between Susana Díaz López and converted it into a decisive voice to make a new path. For one of the Basque delegates, “has noticed much the hand of the Andalusian presidency on changes that have occurred,” he admits.
Also, Patxi Lopez has found that recognition has a “latent” within the party affiliation as a member of the Basque delegation to the Socialist Congress in Madrid. “When he left his name as part of the executive, the applause was unanimous,” he says.
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