Thursday, July 31, 2014

Autumn Jordi Pujol, Catalan patriarch –

Autumn Jordi Pujol, Catalan patriarch –

‘Spain robs us’. This slogan is a mainstay in the offensive independence five years sets the agenda in Catalonia and the rest of the Iberian country. A kind of verb is conjugated with every aspect of daily life and, in conclusion-not entirely wrongly complains how the Catalans pay more money in taxes than they receive in central government investment. (Former President Jordi Pujol Catalan waives its privileges and fees)

The thief, however, was not out: for more than two decades, he ruled and molded to Catalonia. The regional president, Jordi Pujol, 84, a key figure in the transition and founder of the nationalist Democratic Convergence (CDC), one week confessed to defrauding the Treasury for 30 years, to not declare a large inheritance hidden in tax havens.

Detractors and fervent followers yet replenished joy and punch, respectively. The Spaniards raise a other day also with a corruption scandal. The fight against fiscal fraud has already touched celebrities, including footballer Lio Messi.

The latest survey of the Center for Sociological Research shows that economic problems (80 percent) are the major concern of the country, followed by corruption and fraud (35 percent) and political (25 percent).

Although almost all political forces have been splashed-the two largest parties, the Popular (PP) and Spanish Socialist (PSOE) have open inquiries are ongoing for irregular-financing, for Pujol is transcendental.

The difference mark the character and time. First, CDC, training center-Pujol founded in 1978, governs in Catalonia and independence leads the onslaught that in theory, it performed a separatist consultation on 9 November.

Second, this medical profession embodies the ideological shift to the alleged need for secession.
Third, because his politics were always omnipresent moralistic pretensions. And finally, many see out his confession desperate attempt to save their children involved in judicial scandals.

“The president used for many years a very profitable mixture in which he, his family, Convergence and Catalonia were the same. Now that amalgam is fatal, “says political scientist Joan Subirats.

His memoirs, published in 2007, outlines those attributes ‘president’, as everyone keeps calling, but stepped down in 2003. “Florenci and am the son of Mary”, the text begins. His father, a porter who became a banker, raised him on a Catalan environment, ie claiming social and linguistic uniqueness of Catalonia. Marta Ferrusola married in 1956 and had seven children.

Railways opponent of Franco-which, among other things, prohibited the use of Catalan-ended tortured and paid two years’ imprisonment for activism, which was elevated to a symbol of resistance.

But Pujol was also a banker. Founded with his father and brother, Banca Catalana, an entity that became the tenth Spanish banking group.

After the death of Francisco Franco, Pujol he left the bank and presented to the first elections democratic, being elected. His party called the ‘yes’ vote in the 1978 Constitution, which allowed the creation of the autonomous communities, Catalonia a way that could have more self-government.

In 1980, elections for the Catalan Parliament, CiU (CDC and a coalition between the Christian Democrats) won a majority. A win would be repeated five times. Pujol defended democracy in the coup attempt of February 1981.

Be the electoral leader in Catalonia allowed him to serve as a crutch to governments of Adolfo Suarez, the PSOE and the PP, and receive change the transfer of skills, such as police, port management or revenue, to receive a portion of the income tax.

The Generalitat, as known to the regional government also created a strong Catalan audiovisual network. This policy achievements pinching going to change is the parliamentary support peix I called the cove (“a bird in the hand …”). There were times when independence was marginal issue.

“I have always been anti-independence-they said last May. And now, last of all, I see that the conditions in which they want to live in Spain do not allow us to maintain our identity. “

Your paternalistic style of government, with a prodigious memory for names and sites, who did almost ubiquitous. The Pujol Ferrusola be embodied duty of Catalan. The deployment of the welfare state and the
majority allowed him to be the creator of modern Catalonia. Even told how citizens should live and how many children to have. Three family

Financial adventure came to an end in 1982 with the intervention of Banca Catalana. Two years later, the Attorney sued its directors. After being re-elected president, Pujol hit back at accusations and was wrapped in a show of support.

“With this launch, what you want is to support Catalonia said. The Madrid government has made a play unworthy! And from now on, when speaking of ethics, moral, we can talk about us, but not them. ” Two years later, after a labyrinthine process, the court case was filed.

But the imagery of Spain’s dirty war against Pujol (Catalonia and, by extension) stuck. In fact, the incriminating letter, the ‘president’ says his father left because he felt the hidden heritage “erroneous and uncertain future” your choice in politics. The beneficiaries were Ferrusola and children, as Florenci “I was afraid of what might happen to a compromised politician.”

Franco took the money to great fortunes once won the Civil War, and it was common some Catalan elite accounts in Andorra, a tax haven and a half hours by car from Barcelona. In 1959, the dictatorship Florenci included in the list of tax evaders with accounts in Switzerland.

In the letter, the president apologized and said that “unfortunately never found the right time to regularize that heritage. ” In democracy, the Spanish government has made three tax amnesties, some supported by the votes of CiU. On 14 July, four children and Ferrusola submitted additional tax returns, to bring out the Andorran heritage.

Confession patriarch fell like a bomb just four months after the deadline is met to inquire about the independence of Catalonia, which support other forces, like Republican Left.
Artur Mas, current president and successor Pujol hand picked, tried to cut their losses and said it was “a personal matter. ” A statement that contrasts with the defense that was made when the first news reports hinted that fraud and branded him “attacks to Catalonia” by his decision to walk towards separatism.

The ex-lover of Jordi Pujol Ferrusola the firstborn, confessed how this pulled bags full of 500 euro principality in the Pyrenees. The National Court is now investigating his movements.

“My family and I have a clear conscience, because, after all endure 22 years, has not been able to prove anything. Is that my children can not work? (To question) is a way of doing politics not worthy, mess it all and hurts the mood of the country, “said Pujol in an interview in 2002, when asked by the cloak of doubt that excited procurement to companies environment of their offspring.

Pujol resigned last week to his annuity (216 million pesos per year), the treatment protocol “very honorable” and other perks and all honorary positions party.

“It’s sad, but Catalonia is above all relevant person who has been,” said Josep Rull, organizing secretary of CDC and replacing Oriol Pujol, dolphin political clan, that his career was cut short by being accused of influence peddling to award licenses to companies that make mechanical technical reviews.

The Catalan National Assembly, the citizen movement that promotes independence, also marked distances. “If we do cleaning, we can not build a new country,” argued the president Carmen Forcadell. A position very supported in the radical circles of independence, they have always seen the Pujol as part of a caste.

A while ago, Pujol admitted that he did not want to end his life as the former Chancellor Helmut Kohl, whose image of undeniable prestige collapsed irregular funding scandal. But can even do it in the same country: say you go to live in Germany to bear the shame of having shown the way to the Catalans with one hand, while with the other hidden black money in Andorra

<. itemprop p = "ArticleBody"> Camilo Baquero Sixto Medina
Special to Barcelona.


Corruption claims that Andorra and Switzerland to track accounts … – The Reason

Corruption claims that Andorra and Switzerland to track accounts … – The Reason

was for two decades the most powerful family in Catalonia is in the crosshairs of the anti-corruption prosecutor after the former president of the Generalitat Jordi Pujol recognize a week ago as a surprise his hidden fortune abroad. Hours after a judge in Barcelona, ​​Concepción Canton, acordase open proceedings to investigate yesterday’s complaint against Clean Hands Pujol and his wife, Marta Ferrusola for seven crimes, the anti-corruption prosecutor asked the judge to request information from Switzerland and Andorra on the accounts of the whole family. And not only that.

The prosecution also claims that the investigating agency claimed the tax declarations of marriage and seven children, two of them charged with tax crimes and money (Jordi, the firstborn) and influence peddling and bribery (Oriol, former number two Democratic Convergence of Catalonia).

income tax and Heritage

In a brief written Anticorruption da account the judge of the first steps that must be practiced in the context of these preliminary proceedings. First, urged the judge to ask the tax office to submit “additional and special statements for income tax and wealth tax submitted» Jordi Pujol and Marta both Ferrusola their seven children – George, Joseph, Martha, Pere, Oriol, Mireia and Oleguer-as well as “all documents in his case have accompanied them.”

Second, the Prosecutor calls for Andorra and Switzerland rid paths commissions rogatory (under the European Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters) to the judicial authorities of both countries “made the necessary arrangements” with financial institutions located in two states “to determine the existence of bank accounts or financial instruments any kind on behalf of the

persons listed above or in respect of which appear as authorized or unauthorized, or present a legal relationship of any kind ‘.

Preliminary proceedings

Now will be the head of the Court of Instruction No. 31 of Barcelona-which by the turn of distribution corresponded to investigate the allegation of Clean Hands, which decides if agreed practice of the procedures requested in record time OTP.

For now, the judge yesterday issued an order and begin a preliminary investigation of the practice agree that those “essential” measures aimed at making the determination of “the nature and circumstances of the facts’ reported. The Canton judge gave three-day period the parties to resort decision to make five on appeal before the Board.

Clean Hands Pujol and Ferrusola denounced for bribery, influence peddling, money laundering, tax fraud, breach of trust, forgery of public documents and misappropriation of public funds and requested his statement and three of their children (Jordi Oriol and Marta).

Anticorruption The decision comes just two days after the High Court judge Pablo Ruz Andorra has requested all information about accounts Jordi Pujol Ferrusola Private Banking in Andorra with the aim of clarifying the complaints of money a former girlfriend of the firstborn.


Paternity suit against King Juan Carlos – The Gazette

Paternity suit against King Juan Carlos – The Gazette

The Supreme Court has received a paternity suit filed by Alberto Sola Jimenez , born in Barcelona in 1956 and raised in an adoptive family. The waiter says the monarch, before being proclaimed head of state, had a relationship with her biological mother, Anna Maria Bach Ramon , from a family of bankers Catalan, as published THE WORLD .

He reported that the first application was accepted for processing on October 9, 2012 by the Court of First Instance number 19 of Madrid and that Section 24 of the Provincial Court of Madrid had planned to hold a hearing in September to discuss the appeal filed by Francesc Well, Sola attorney, against the decision of the Court of Instruction No. 34 to file this case the inviolability Magna Carta gave the then King.

After the abdication of Don Juan Carlos, which became effective on June 19, counsel and expanded its claims last week Madrid Audience referred the case to the Supreme. No longer head of state

lost the sanctity of enjoying, but the courts agreed its gauging to the Supreme “in response to the dignity of the figure who was the King of Spain, as well as the treatment given to holders of other magistrates and powers of the State. “

” In a letter to the hearing on 23 June, the applicant showed that, after abdication, no longer would apply inviolability under Article 56.3 of the Constitution, and this irrespective of whether, in his opinion, that privilege “should cover only the facts that [Juan Carlos] committed in the exercise of their functions and not to defend conduct that could perform in his private legal sphere “, collects newspaper said.


Anticorruption asks judge claiming to Andorra and Switzerland accounts … – La Vanguardia

Anticorruption asks judge claiming to Andorra and Switzerland accounts … – La Vanguardia

judicial machinery is set in motion in the case Pujol speeding. The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor interested authorities yesterday Andorra and Switzerland all the information available in their bank accounts or entities on financial products of any kind behalf of the members of the family Pujol . It also requested the Tax Office delivery of any additional or special statements submitted expresident own both of the Government and his wife, Marta Ferrusola , and seven children.

Corruption has therefore the point. Once known, yesterday morning, the acceptance for processing by a Barcelona court of the complaint filed by the union Clean Hands , the Office sent a first letter to this court in considering a matter urgent the practice of the above proceedings. Fiscal lieutenant-Belén Suárez already the legal proceedings son Jordi Pujol-National Audience, is in charge of the initiative, in communication with the head of Anti-Corruption, Antonio Salinas.

The information requested from Andorra and Switzerland Pujol affects marriage and seven children. That is, Jordi, Josep, Marta, Pere, Oriol Pujol Mireia and Oleguer Ferrusola. Of all the tax office that “sends the Attorney complementary and / or special statements for income tax and wealth tax” submitted as well as “all the documentation that accompanied your case has the same” is requested .

On the other hand, calls Anticorruption authorities Andorra and Switzerland made “the necessary arrangements with financial institutions” based in its territory “to determine the existence of bank accounts or financial instruments of any type the name of the persons listed above or in respect of which appear as authorized or unauthorized, or present legal relationship of any kind. “

Currently, tax considerations do not enter if the investigation should remain in the hands of the magistrate court number 31 of Barcelona, ​​which is initially assumed that the subject, or if the case should go to the High Court, as most likely to occur later. The prosecution believes that the most urgent is to clarify the operation performed by the Pujol family and how much has to do solely with the derivations of an

inheritance. At this early stage, Anticorruption not want to waste time arguing over the competition. The main thing, according to sources from the Prosecutor’s request and obtain information for the events that led to the confession of the former.

From there, we’ll see if there is connection between the data obtained and the process is open at the Audiencia Nacional against Ferrusola Jordi Pujol and his wife Mercè Gironès. Estimated Corruption does exist, but the most important thing now is to light on the Pujol family funds abroad and the nature and purpose of its additional claims, which it is the source of ongoing investigations.

Formally, it must be the Barcelona court to adopt the measures that sought the prosecution, especially letters rogatory to foreign countries. But from the beginning Anticorruption reveals its initiatives will act research engine.

After accepting the complaint of Clean Hands, the case is already judicialized and Anticorruption prosecutors have that act through the court. But they have not waited for the owner to decide what to do. They’ve said from the first minute. And in regard to income tax returns and heritage Pujol family have asked to be forwarded directly.

Judge Ruz, the Audiencia Nacional, also called a rogatory commission to Andorra on possible funds with Jordi Pujol and his wife Ferrusola, Gironès Mercè, in the Pyrenean country. A police report states that economic movements on Private Banking in Andorra’s family income amounting to 3.4 million euros, between December 9, 2010 and January 4, 2011.

To make the analysis, the inspectors said they have had some cooperation of the bank and even include a photo of a computer screen where the transactions involved are. According to police, the Pujol family could handle about 500 million euros in Andorra, which were then transferred to Luxembourg.


The Prosecution calls on Treasury’s statements Pujol family – Paí (Spain)

The Prosecution calls on Treasury's statements Pujol family – Paí (Spain)


Anticorruption Prosecutor has requested the trial court number 31 of Barcelona, ​​which instructs the complaint against Clean Hands Catalan president Jordi Pujol i Soley, practicing a series of steps to clarify what happened in relation to an alleged regularization of an estate to the Treasury unreported for 34 years.

The prosecutor asks the judge claiming of The Tax Office any additional or special statements for income tax or wealth tax have presented both the president Jordi Pujol i Soley, and his wife, Marta Ferrusola, and their children, Jordi, Josep, Marta, Pere, Oriol, and Mireia Oleguer and all documentation if have accompanied them.

Anticorruption Prosecutors also asked the judge to order a letter rogatory to the competent authorities of the Principality of Andorra to performing the necessary arrangements with financial institutions located in that country for bank accounts or financial instruments of any kind on behalf of the members of the Pujol family-Ferrusola. It also requests the same management for the Swiss

authorities, suspecting that Catalan president and his sons had bank accounts in that country.

The Pujol president issued a statement in which he confessed that for 34 years remained hidden abroad fortune left him by his father, without specifying the amount thereof.

In the High Court, Judge Pablo Ruz investigated for over a year the eldest son of former Catalan for an alleged offense of money laundering. A report requested by Ruz Economic Crime Unit and Tax Police (UDEF) points to the existence of charging large amounts of money (more than eight million euros) by three companies owned by Jordi Pujol Ferrusola exchange nonexistent services to 17 contractors companies Catalan public administrations.


Pujol ask the Parliament to appear Sept. 2 – The Paí (Spain)

Pujol ask the Parliament to appear Sept. 2 – The Paí (Spain)


Parliament wants the former president of the Generalitat, Jordi Pujol, detail his confession to fair tax fraud start of the new session, on 2 September. A date would allow the parties to close the parliamentary road Pujol case before the National Day and to address the major challenges facing the camera in September: the general policy debate and the passage of the law query

On September 2 is called a session of the Committee on Institutional Affairs to discuss the law of Val d’Aran. The Council of Elders of the Parliament today agreed to request the President of the Commission modifiación agenda to include the vote of the hearing (all except CIU agree). After changing the order of the day, the Parliament must agree with Pujol asking him to appear the same on 2 or agree an alternative date. “The hearing should be done sooner rather than later,” he emphasized the parliamentary spokesman for ERC, Marta Rovira.

Former president of the Generalitat may refuse to appear, because people who do not hold office in the Government Catalan are not required to respond to the call of the Parliament. However, Jordi Turull, CiU parliamentary leader, said that Pujol will access the Parliament explained: “I know the respect that President Pujol for this house” has settled Turull. Inicitaiva per Catalunya has put pressure: “We can not imagine former President of the Government refusing to appear, to comply with a mandate from Parliament”

CiU has harshly criticized the PP part of the request for hearing when leader training in Catalonia, Alicia Sanchez-Camacho, refused to appear before the same committee when it is required explanations on espionage suffered. The nationalist federation has called on the board of the commission spokesmen again request the attendance of Sánchez-Camacho.

The PP, meanwhile, insists that it should open a
commission of inquiry into the case Pujol , a format which, by law, force the former president to appear. “It’s the only way to ensure that a thorough investigation,” insisted the spokesman, Enric Millo. The proposal has declined because no other group accepts. “They sobreactando to raise the noise level, if you see what this training has done in recent times has a touch of sarcasm,” has broached PSC spokesman, Maurici Lucena, Pujol confident that go on to explain . the Parliament

Ciutadans consider asking the commission of inquiry once Pujol go to Parliament: “Its scope should be much broader,” said spokeswoman Carina Mejias, who wants concessions investigated Governments of Pujol. Bid d’Unitat Popular has criticized the proposal of the PP. Its parliamentary leader, David Fernández, said that their training would welcome a commission of inquiry on fiscal fraud in Catalonia, and added that there would be additional to any proposal of PP: “For an ethical issue, and ethics do not sign petitions a game with corruption schemes. “

PP and Initiative separate proposals have entered in the register of the camera to the law that sets the privileges for former presidents change. Pujol gave up their privileges (pension, company car, the office, the staff and the treatment protocol) after talking to Mas, but both parties want to set for the withdrawal rule to persons who have committed illegalities. The proposal of the PP also that Pujol return the pension amount charged dede ceased to be president of the Generalitat. Required


The Socialist Party expresses its “resounding no” hotel Algarrobico and calls his … –

The Socialist Party expresses its "resounding no" hotel Algarrobico and calls his … –

“The PSOE still maintains the same position relative to the carob, which is none other than the demolition,” said Lucio after knowing the judgment of the Superior Court of Justice of Andalusia (TSJA) that validates the license for the construction of the building.

Social responsibility in environmental matters pointed out that there are already judgments of the High Court and the Supreme Court confirming that the carob is in the easement area of ​​protection and, therefore, it invading the Maritime Terrestrial Public Domain.

In his view, when the license was granted in 2003, the Ministry of Environment whose owner was Jaume Matas, “should have intervened in the licensing process, halted the process invoking the law of costs and asserting its powers in

the public domain, so that the license had not been granted” .

also pointed out that when the Socialists came to government in 2004 launched the proceedings of all remaining boundaries, “noting that when the boundary is culminating, if retained the original draft of the hotel would be within the area in which the law prohibits any building. “


Sentenced to 20 leaders of Batasuna by integration or … –

href="">Sentenced to 20 leaders of Batasuna by integration or … –

press europe ep

Day 30/07/2014 – 3:44 p.m.

sentenced to 20 Batasuna leaders for integration or collaboration with ETA

Joseba Permach denied at trial having regard to ETA


Pujol Duran admits the case ‘affects’ the secessionist challenge … –

href="">Pujol Duran admits the case 'affects' the secessionist challenge … –

SE / Madrid

Day 31/07/2014 – 24:46


Duran Lleida, leader of Unio


Agustí stops mayor of Paterna to not be imputed to the … –

Agustí stops mayor of Paterna to not be imputed to the … –

Day 31/07/2014
href="" target="_blank">LikeTweet

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Ten tips to save gas in this “operation output” –

href="">Ten tips to save gas in this "operation output" –

Day 31/07/2014 – 1:47 a.m.



Rajoy, Mas: “The inquiry is not illegal and can not be held” –

href="">Rajoy, Mas: "The inquiry is not illegal and can not be held" –

MARIANO Calleja Marianocalleja / madrid

Day 31/07/2014 – 1:39 a.m.



But militants encourages CDC to overcome the “disappointment” … – La Vanguardia

But militants encourages CDC to overcome the "disappointment" … – La Vanguardia

Barcelona, ​​July 30 (Reuters) -. Catalan CDC president and leader, Artur Mas, has today directed the militants of his party to inform the renunciation of all charges expresident Jordi Pujol and to encourage them to to “overcome” the “disappointment and sadness” caused after news that the founder of CDC had offshore accounts.

“As many of you, I am very shocked and saddened by the situation that we are living and the consequences in the personal and family and country terrain, “Mas wrote in the letter, which pointed out that Pujol” had worked all his life for the country “despite the errors he may have committed.

Mas has admitted that the situation is “sad and difficult for those who want their party, but asks” overcome “and stresses that there is” historic challenges ahead “requiring” high-mindedness and responsibility “for what he and CDC will put all the “energy”, “push” and “ability” to query the sovereigntist 9N possible.

In the press conference after their meeting in Madrid with President Mariano Rajoy, Mas has also said that “the weakness or strength” does not give it the expresident but “the Catalan people.”

He also said that “all political parties, both Spain and Catalonia and almost without exception, have problems with the law “, and noted that if any of them do not have them is because” it has no responsibility and management. “

As regards policies and legal responsibilities that may be faced Jordi Pujol, today has been known that the complaint filed by the union against Clean Hands Jordi Pujol and his wife Marta Ferrusola, went by partitioning the judge of the magistrate court number 31 Barcelona.

This judge will have to decide in coming days whether to accept the complaint admissible Clean Hands or files.

In parallel, the High Court and filed a case against Jordi Ferrusola Pujol, one of seven children of the former, which has been cited on 15 September by Judge Pablo Ruz, to testify as a defendant, along with his wife for money laundering and offenses against the Treasury.

The former partner of Jordi Pujol Ferrusola, Victoria Alvarez, who accused the son of former President to hide his wealth to the treasury and bring bags of money to Andorra, described as a “paripé” renunciation of honors part of the Catalan president Jordi Pujol and predicted that “more dirt will

come out of the family.”

Victoria Alvarez has warned that remain publicly known many aspects of the supposedly hidden Pujol family businesses, as suspect your assets exceed EUR 3,000 million.

In recent times there has been speculation about whether the place where the president Jordi Pujol has “refugee” to avoid media attention is the second residence any of their children in the region of Cerdanya, one located in the Tor de Querol, in southern France, although the neighbors have said they had not seen any family member in the last days.

addition, the Board of Spokesmen of the Catalan Parliament will decide on the appearance of morning before the Committee on Institutional Affairs to give explanations for alleged tax fraud, because all groups except CiU ask your presence.

president of PPC, Alicia Sánchez-Camacho, Pujol has listed the case as “the biggest scandal of Catalan politics”, said, “obviously weakens CiU” and has criticized in his appearance Artur Mas not reprove expresident behavior.

Galician President, Alberto Nunez Feijoo, recalled that if a political offender, commits fraud or conceals relevant information, “the end is just knowing” and this is the “greatness of democracy.”

ERC leader, Oriol Junqueras, said Pujol’s confession highlights the need to undertake a “thorough regeneration” of political life, in a process that can only be “led, headed and starring” by the whole society.

Junqueras was convinced that the confession expresident that for 34 years hid a fortune abroad will not affect the sovereignty process Catalonia, believing that citizens are aware that the option of independence “is a chance, too, to make clean

Ciutadans leader, Albert Rivera, has described as” theater for cover corruption and cuts “have the meeting today held the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, and the president of the Generalitat, Artur Mas.

cs / ce


Condemned 20 leaders of ETA Batasuna for funding with … –

Condemned 20 leaders of ETA Batasuna for funding with … –

Day 30/07/2014 – 4:26 p.m.
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Compromís states, on the resignation of Agustí, “there has … – Reuters

Compromís states, on the resignation of Agustí, "there has … – Reuters

VALENCIA, 30 Jul. (IRIN) –

Municipal spokesman Compromís in Paterna (Valencia), Juanma Ramon said Wednesday, on the resignation of the mayor The ‘popular’ Lorenzo Agustí, “the mayor and unable to stand the pressure of seeing all megaprojects have been deflating,” as indicated by the political formation in a statement.

“We talk non Ikea coming to Paterna, the start of the liquidation of companies like Gespa public, the joint venture of Local Development Paterna, of the Foundation for Innovation in Childhood, the infeasibility of the Area Franca, and so a list with more reason to resign, “underlined Ramon.

also noted that since Compromís have asked” repeatedly “the resignation of Lorenzo Agustí, because, in his view, the first mayor has led the municipality to “the current situation of chaos that he has tried to disguise with usual smokescreens as the Free Zone and Territorial Strategic Performance (ATE) Puerto Mediterranean. An erratic management has

made runs charged with five aldermen more, to be approved in 2013 at a cost of 628,000 euros with marketing reports against the Secretary and the Auditor, “he argued.

By Therefore, Ramon insisted that Compromís has done his job as opposition, positive proposals and supervising government bodies, with the aim of looking for general interest and avoid wasting public money.

“We will continue in the same line of work and insist on claiming that government should have no political representatives against the interests of citizens priorities,” said municipal spokesman.


More notes a “climate of dialogue” despite disagreement with Rajoy … – La Vanguardia

More notes a "climate of dialogue" despite disagreement with Rajoy … – La Vanguardia

meeting between Mariano Rajoy and Artur Mas finally came and lit the surrounding area and the differences between them. The first highlighted in a new climate of dialogue , recovered after months of estrangement. Secondly, the distance between their positions: the Mas insisted on the need to hold the sovereignty consultation; Rajoy as leader advanced the Catalan PP, Alicia Sánchez Camacho, said that a query posed in terms of 9-N “does not have and will not have” legal coverage. Both leaders, however, agreed on the importance of legality: the Rajoy insisted that without law there is nothing to talk about, Mas stressed the importance of being able to conduct a “legal” consultation and, if possible, ” approved by the State. ” “The British,” he said, less than two months after the Scottish referendum, and less than three Nov. 9.

At a press conference at the headquarters of the Government in Madrid, More has welcomed the “climate of dialogue” open Rajoy . “Today we have closed all the doors, on the contrary,” he underlined. In this sense, Rajoy has perceived willingness to discuss some Catalan demands. However, the Catalan president has found that compared to the query November 9 disagreement between them is total. “We maintain that we want to consult within a legal framework and, if possible, according to the State” has said Mas, but “he reiterated to me that the query is considered illegal” and has not presented “a proposal alternative. “

Mas has raised value since the positive atmosphere of the meeting and explained that Rajoy has presented a document of 23 issues that have nothing to do directly with the query. These issues, which Rajoy “study” according to the version of the meeting has told the president of the PPC, Alicia Sánchez-Camacho, there are issues relating to the economy and employment, “underfunding” of the Generalitat, the imposition of the deficit targets, to state debts with the Catalan administration, infrastructure investment or “painful attack” the minister Wert Catalan educational and linguistic model.

Among the proposals, Mas has proposed a rail link between the city center and the T-1 terminal of El Prat airport, to be financed by the private sector. The head of the Catalan government has also explained that, in this chapter, Rajoy has offered to Hacienda is willing to forgive some of the interest on the loan to the Government of the Autonomous Liquidity Fund.

Crash in consultation

However, for the star case, the query Nov. 9; More did not want to hide the fact that there is no agreement between him and Rajoy to the point of finding that first assumes that “the conflict there.” By his own account, Mas Rajoy explained that the objective of the Government is to hold legal consultation form and if possible “to the British,” that is, as agreed with the state. “We have a date and a question and we have a political, democratic and social base”, stressed a more than reiterated that he will convene the query according to a Catalan law.

Catalan president regretted that Rajoy message that the query remains of 9-N is illegal without offering alternatives and has seen “probable” for the Government to consult the law of the Constitutional Court Catalan, although Rajoy has clarified that no it has been explicitly taken during the meeting at Moncloa. If this occurs, the Catalan president has avoided anticipate events. “We are now at the stage of consultation, if we do not let us vote, we
would be in another phase I will not comment,” he Mas said, who said “there is no plan B: no single plan that is to vote” .

Catalan president also informed via phone call explaining the content of the meeting the leaders of the pro-right to decide games.

“Strength does not Pujol gives me, gives me the people “

Pujol Regarding the case and its possible effects on the sovereignty process, Mas has chosen not to comment further recalling the appearance of Mars in this Palau de la Generalitat although she was wanted influence that “all matches in Spain and Catalonia have pending conflict with the law,” which, in his opinion, “it is not good for anyone and has electoral effects for all.” However, he wanted to see something positive in the cases that are surfacing. “We are becoming aware of the extent to which things must be done differently and better than in the past”

denied that Mas you have come to the meeting with Rajoy’s case weakened by expresident. “My weakness or strength gives me no Mr. Pujol, but the people of Catalunya” has ruled the Catalan president, while Pujol recalled that “many years ago, ten, taking no decisions our organization. “

Camacho not Rajoy progresses to the query

In Barcelona, ​​Camacho’s message focused on the negative to the query. The leader of the Catalan PP emphasized the illegality of 9-N. “Out of the law there is nothing to talk about,” Camacho said. That is, within the limits of the law itself is no possibility of dialogue. An attitude that staged interested in showing “study and evaluate” the package of proposals presented by Mas, Camacho said no ignorance: but the delivered straight to Rajoy

However, the message transferred from. popular Catalunya was based primarily economic and that the spirit of Rajoy said, is working “on solving the real problems of the Catalans”, which are, according to Rajoy, “the economic recovery and job creation” to end “the crisis, unemployment and social inequalities. “

In a later statement, endorsed Moncloa message Camacho. Thus, the Prime Minister has moved the sovereigntist consultation “can not hold or be held” and warned him of the risks of political instability for the incipient economic recovery. The statement, which highlights the “climate of respect and consideration for both parties,” says that Rajoy has offered to continue working “frank and loyally” in everything that benefits the citizens of Catalonia from the recognition of their contribution to the overall progress of Spain.

Cold Wave

More has reached the seat of the Presidency of the Government punctual at eleven this morning, and was received at the top of the steps leading to the entrance Rajoy . There, both posed for the print media, coldly shaking hands and exchanging a few words. Then, the two leaders have been directed toward the meeting room, which also have been recorded for a few minutes sitting in armchairs while discussing their plans for the holidays. Thus, the meeting between the two has begun about 11.10 hours and has done little before 13.25 hours.


The low crime rate in Asturias 6% in the first half –

href="">The low crime rate in Asturias 6% in the first half –

class=”author”> (AST) EVENTS | > AREA:


07.30.2014 / 15:11 h EFE



Asturias recorded in the first half of the year, 14,355 criminal offenses and offenses-offenses, representing a decrease of 6 percent from the same period last year, the balance of criminality that the Home Office has published today.

The report reflects declines in all criminal types in Asturias, with the exception of robberies, which rose 4.1 percent to 1,740, and theft of vehicles, which increased . 7.5 percent to 244

Violent crime dropped 14.4 percent, with 516 cases; robberies and intimidation, 17.5 percent to 345, and robberies in homes, or 0.2 percent, to 507.

In addition, also in Asturias, crimes for drug trafficking declined 3.7 percent to 79; the damage, up 18.8 percent to 1,616, and theft, up 17.1 percent to 4,244.

As for intentional homicide and murder in Asturias one recorded in the first half, compared to the three recorded in the same period last year.

The balance also includes data from the provincial capitals and towns with over 50,000 inhabitants, as happened in the first quarter of the year, with the aim of improving the quality of statistics.

So, says that crime fell by 20.9 percent in Gijon, to 3,499 cases, and in Oviedo, 0 9 percent, to 3,423.

However, rebounded 2.7 percent in Avilés and 2.1 percent in Siero, to 1,178 and 876 cases, respectively.

In the whole country, criminal offenses-crimes and misdemeanors, are down 4.4 percent in the first half of the year with 1,038,487 registered between January and June, a period in which all indicators reference have experienced an improvement, especially violent crime, which fell by 14.7%.

These data represent a crime rate in Spain of crimes and misdemeanors 45.1 per 1,000 population, confirming the trend down in recent years.

All indicators of balance reflect a decline in crime rates, although violent crime is the most down 14.7%, with 45,741 cases recorded against the 53,640 in the same period of 2013.

In this particular violent crime down robberies and intimidation, up 18% from 44,384 to 36,415.

also descend subtracting motor vehicles (-11.1%), the robberies (-10.1), drug trafficking (-6.4), theft (-6.2), the robberies in homes (- 4.9), damages (-4.3) and murder and intentional homicide (-1.7).

Positive data set this balance pose “a clear reflection of the effective work of . the Security Forces, “said Interior

The autonomous communities reaped the best results are Ceuta, a decrease of the crimes and misdemeanors of 14.8%; Extremadura, with a drop of 7.8, and Aragon, down from 7.6.

On the contrary, crime increased by 26.3% in Navarra and Cantabria 3.2.

The report contains data from the National Police, the Civil Guard, the Basque police, the Mossos d’Esquadra, Navarre Police and local police providing data.

Next table shows, by regions, the number of offenses recorded in the first half of 2013 and 2014, as well as changes between the two periods:


Communities 2013 2014 Difference (%)

———————————– ————————

Andalucía 189,451 176,124 -7.0

Aragon 21,759 20,111 -7.6

Asturias 15,279 14,355 -6.0

Balearic 31,362 29,323 -6.5

Canary 47,921 45,265 -5.5

Cantabria 8.201 8.499 3.6

C.León 39,819 38,677 -2.9

C.La Mancha 37,197 35,427 -4.8

212 729 206 850 -2.8 Catalonia

129 786 122 421 -5.7 C.Valenciana

Extremadura 15,027 13,862 -7.8

Galicia 4,042 -5.1 38,007

C. Madrid 195 334 188 187 -3.7

26.483 -5.7 28.080 Murcia

Navarra 11,067 12,734 15.1

Basque Country 44,780 43,614 -2.6

La Rioja 4,748 4,500 -5.2

Ceuta 3,094 2,635 -14.8

Melilla 2,515 2,351 -6.5

7.892 9.062 14.8 Out Spain

Total 1,086,146 1,038,487 -4.4



  • <- Elections 2011

    Here goes the caption of the image

    -.> Crime falls by 5.1% in Galicia, the third safest community of Spain

    The Home Office has published in the morning on Wednesday Crime Balance first half 2014, reflecting an overall decrease of 5.1% …

  • <- Elecciones 2011

    Here goes the caption of the image

    -.> It Rise by 12% burglaries

    Crime, overall, decreased by 2.7% in Madrid during the first half of the year compared with the same period in 2013.

  • Overall crime falls 2.7% in Madrid

    Crime, overall, decreased by 2.7% in the capital Madrid during the first half the year compared to the same period in 2013.

  • With increasing household wealth, the Spanish advantage to eating out

    A 10% of families believe that the German company inspires confidence, and about 6 % believe that ensures quality products.

  • Tax reform will benefit seven out of ten taxpayers

    Seven out of ten taxpayers of Castilla y León will have an average reduction of tax of 23.5 percent. This is the result of the new tax reform promoted by the Government of Spain. So …



PP and PSOE fear the case Pujol CiU weaken and strengthen over to … – La Vanguardia

PP and PSOE fear the case Pujol CiU weaken and strengthen over to … – La Vanguardia

All high state institutions and the Spanish political class still stupefied before the confession expresident of Catalonia, Jordi Pujol . The reactions range from surprise and disappointment to outrage. And the parties, after the recognition of the personal guilt of former leader of CiU , now demanding explanations about the origin of the fortune hidden in tax havens and to identify responsibilities, not only political but also legal.

The analysis and expressed fear, at least in private, leaders of the PP and the PSOE is not only that the case can weaken Pujol CiU and specifically Artur Mas, who just today meets with Mariano Rajoy at the Moncloa after months of virtual absence of dialogue, but the scandal, especially to further strengthen ERC just before the warm fall provided in Catalunya, which begins with the September 11 National Day and will end on 9 November, the date for the celebration of the “illegal referendum on self-determination” as to call it insisted the Prime Minister on Monday and endorsed the new leader of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez.

Rajoy and Mas Today again see the faces in the Moncloa, at least willing to resume dialogue. The President of the Generalitat, which subsequently appear before the press at the headquarters of the Catalan government in Madrid, as usual-known that Rajoy will not open the door to the query. “There’s nothing to do,” and warned Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría. And there is no presumption that the interview may have much chance of success, because it is impossible to Rajoy, Mas is waived. From there, it seems that everyone expects to see what other offers, which portends not much understanding. “I know there is a problem and I know I have to face the problem, warned Rajoy, but things think carefully before getting because then this happens.” In any case, the Prime Minister promised, “talk.” His idea,

therefore, is that Mas has gotten himself into a dead end, and he will just have to ask what to do. But for the president of the Generalitat, however, is who should move Rajoy tab. “We want to listen, we will hear,” warned the Catalan government spokesman Francesc Homs. And between them, the proposed federal constitutional amendment proposing only alternative Pedro Sanchez and PSC leader Iceta Miquel, who do not see as a solution or Rajoy and More.

The Pujol case obviously fly over the appointment at the Moncloa. But at the end of Homs reiterated the Government Executiu consell in no way affect or conditional on the meeting between Mas and Rajoy. The President of the Generalitat, he insisted, will go to the Moncloa as “carrying the will of the people of Catalonia”. And not be in his opinion “play some errors have occurred” in wanting to confuse the figure of Jordi Pujol in Catalonia.

The leader of the PP in Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre, nevertheless helped to heat the atmosphere to ensure that the money from the Pujol family abroad is only the “tip of the iceberg in Catalunya that he had become a regime.” And, in his view, that money did not come from an inheritance, but the “three percent which was collected from all public works and services in Catalonia.” “The tip of the iceberg” was an expression also used the new number two PSOE, Luena Caesar: “It is a scandal that gives even shame, it requires not only political responsibilities, also judicial”



Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The National Court Justice and Universal –

The National Court Justice and Universal –

We have long

juggling Universal Justice games because of the Organic Law of the Judiciary 1985 we went hand in hand, if the expression is allowed. After the death of Franco we wanted to get to the head of the global world in defense of human rights, not only in Spain but in any country where there was need. So, we went further than recommended by the international situation regarding our place in the concert of nations.

The result, perfectly predictable, was the opening of numerous causes that were opened for many years-and still are-sometimes, not getting anywhere. It is absurd to think that one day sit on the bench of the High Court of American soldiers who participated in the murder of journalist Couso in Baghdad. And the scene of some central judge scanning the horizon on the border of Tibet also contribute greatly to our efforts to prosecute those responsible for genocide in that distant country. Examples could be multiplied.

Spain is a country of second row, with forgiveness, and arrogated to itself powers even if the courts do not have the great powers, starting with the United States. Although after the International Criminal Court was created, we did not give us the hint. That was our High Court to deal with those other crimes fleeing jurisdiction. The cases before the International Criminal Court are exhaustively enumerated and essential requirement is to carry the country’s accession to the Treaty of Rome. We, on the contrary, do not waste time with that nonsense.

difficult to understand the position of some judges of the High Court who regret even talking unconstitutional, cutting
that jurisdiction in our legal system. Some are based on what you said a foreign character, albeit not explain why we never have to be precisely Spain and the Spanish taxpayer who assume that task and not the International Criminal Court or repeated Argentine courts, French or any other country. It would be nice to see how, in a well-balanced righteous zeal, the National Court in Madrid, self-proclaimed International Court in his spare time, and any court of Bergen (Norway), Lagos (Nigeria) and Casablanca (Morocco) are vying for competition that these crimes do not go unpunished.

And in the end we find that when the Organic Law of the Judiciary reform, the new text is not as clear as it should, so that judges and magistrates divide when interpreting. The Supreme Court has revoked the releases granted by the High Court to forties alleged drug dealers who were captured in international waters and whose new detention does not seem easy. The difference of opinion on the understanding of the laws is normal to some extent in the daily life of the courts, but that does not exempt from responsibility the legislator does his job poorly. And it seems more correct that the Minister of Justice to intervene in judicial controversy.


damning report of alleged ‘biting’ son Pujol – The Paí (Spain)

damning report of alleged 'biting' son Pujol – The Paí (Spain)

Jordi Pujol Ferrusola, eldest son of former President of the Generalitat, next to his car in the ‘rally’ Paris Barcelona-Dakar in 1997. / Toni Garriga (AP)

Judge Pablo Ruz, which investigates Ferrusola Jordi Pujol and his wife, Merce Gironés Riera, for alleged money laundering and against the Treasury received several weeks ago a devastating report Crime Unit Economic and Tax (UDEF) on alleged illegal commissions paid to 17 private companies, all government contractors in Catalonia, three companies of the son of former Catalan president for fake services. In four years, these three companies entered the 17 private companies over eight million.

For four months, the UDEF investigated by Judge Pablo Ruz, the source of income of these three companies formed by Jordi Pujol marriage and Merce Ferrusola Gironés. To create the work, police interviewed dozens of entrepreneurs who had paid Pujol Ferrusola or who had participated in the operations for which it had charged the son of former Catalan president.

In the vast majority of cases, the police found that employers did not provide any documentation of their business dealings with Jordi Pujol Ferrusola not remembered the advice provided or nonexistent contracts had incredible work.

Here are some examples that the report relates.

»EMTE and friendship with former President Pujol

Jordi Pujol Ferrusola billed to your company 154,000 euros Cat Project Marketing EMTE between 2008 and 2009. This company, owned by Carles Sumarroca Coixet, “since ancient times has had ties to the president Jordi Pujol i Soley and whose companies have strong business income public life,” recalls the police, Pujol Ferrusola paid for consulting services for implantation in Mexico in the field of information systems and technology. The CEO of the company told police who ignored business relations with Jordi Pujol Ferrusola and could not provide nor knew if there was a document attesting to the provision of services for which the eldest son of former Catalan would have charged these 154,000 euros.

EMTE then wrote back to the police that he had no invoices or documents “given the time”.

»Group Copisa

Between 2008 and 2009, two companies of Jordi Pujol Ferrusola billed half dozen companies of this business group, to 3,590,000 euros by motley concepts:

– “Management, assists and negotiations you performed during the contract signing of C-10 expansion project at the refinery of Cartagena and the mechanical mounting of the unit Hidrocraquer 651 “

-” Steps intermediation in buying plots located in Terrassa Hospitalet and “

-.” Intermediation in buying offices in Madrid “

-” Steps in the sale of shares in the company Country Club and Golf de Ronda “

– “Consulting and brokering the sale of solar plants in Alcazar de San Juan and Pedro Muñoz” other actions

After talking with managers or representatives from different companies, research. argues that the police Copisa Group paid by Jordi Pujol Ferrusola “simple telephone calls informing about specific business opportunities, no need to do any work or social headquarters.” Police shows his surprise at the trade relationship Copisa with companies of the eldest son of former President of Catalonia, “Never the amount or form of payment that would indemnify services Jordi Pujol Ferrusola was documented in advance, no prior contract percentages of turnover. Once you got the business in question, there was a time when state employers as a process of discussion about the amount would have to be received by Jordi Pujol Ferrusola. “

To justify the payments, the companies Copisa Group did not provide documents “in which evidence of any actual work could be left as emails, justifications experience Jordi Pujol Ferrusola in each of the materials, expenditures, progress reports …,” the report said.

UDEF Researchers are surprised that Jordi Pujol Ferrusola could be expert in matters as diverse as “real estate brokerage in different parts of Spain, the oil refinery business, the development of photovoltaic plants or acting as broker specialist purchase shares of various corporations. “Police report submitted to the judge considers that Jordi Pujol Ferrusola charged for doing nothing and he cites a service for which he

billed 1.1 million.

The contract justifying such payment, photocopying the report states that “José Coronado Mateu pay 1.1 million euros to Jordi Pujol Ferrusola to negotiate with José Coronado Mateu the execution of works. “

In the police investigation is highlighted, for example, a job counseling Jordi Pujol Ferrusola to purchase an office building in Madrid. The seller of the property told police that there was any middle of the operation, he did not talk with Jordi Pujol Ferrusola nor knows him and he simply put an ad in the newspaper and tell the concierge of the building to advertise that his property was for sale. “

Copisa Group donated 60,000 euros to Trias Fargas Foundation, next to Democratic Convergence of Catalonia, and participated, among others, in the works of the Palau de la Música City of Justice and Line 9 of the Barcelona Metro.

Most of the efforts made by the police to clarify why Jordi Pujol claimed Ferrusola concepts of different companies arrive at the same point.

quoted Judge Ruz to declare the eldest son of the Catalan president next September 16 to try to clarify this point and ordered a rogatory commission to apply to the judicial authorities of all documentation Andorra Banking Private Andorra on banking products or funds that have been beneficiaries Jordi Pujol Ferrusola, his wife, Merce Gironés Riera and businesses both.

The judge has ordered the investigation after the statement issued the Jordi Pujol i Soley president which stated that his children and his wife had regularized some funds, whose origin was an inheritance from his father, who had never declared to the Treasury.

Prosecutors asked the judge this research since in the case opened 19 months ago by Jordi Pujol Ferrusola no evidence that this has presented some special tax return funds to regularize, according to his father, are in Andorra.

Judge Pablo Ruz investigates Jordi Pujol Ferrusola following a complaint by his ex-lover, Maria Victoria Alvarez Martin, which claimed that he had seen this in the car the eldest son of former Catalan backpack with 500 euro on a trip they made together from Lleida to Madrid , through Andorra

Luxury at a bargain price. a Jaguar, 3,000 euros

J. D / R JM, Madrid

Another noteworthy in the report of the Economic Crime Unit and Tax (UDEF) aspect is the fleet of luxury vehicles having Jordi Pujol Ferrusola acquired and that price bargain.

A Jaguar FFY, from an EU country, was acquired for $ 3,000 cash. Police emphasized that this vehicle is worth on the market for resale 80,000 euros, although there are units that reach 240.00 euros in 2006, when it was purchased. “One might assume the existence of other amounts paid by said Jaguar, which have not been reported, taking advantage of this is a business owner,” said the police.

In 2001 purchased a Porsche 911 2,800 euros. The citizen who sold it has declared that he did it for such a low price because the car was used and the engine is “not very good”.

The firstborn of the president of the Generalitat took a Ferrari for only 20,000 euros. Dreams have stated that a dealer sold a Lamborghini Diablo Pujol 132 SE for 25,000 euros, despite the fact that they had cost 126,000 euros. According to them, “was sold at such a low price because it failed to sell and were left with no choice.”

The owner of another dealer delivered a Mercedes Benz McLaren SRL Pujol in exchange for 90,000 euros, despite it had cost him 575,000. Why did such a nefarious operation? “I needed the money,” merely answered the vendor.

The elder Pujol took a brand new Ferrari testarossa by 22,500 euros. Another time, he got a Porsche 911 and a Ferrari 328 for a total amount of 35,000 euros.

Apart from that, the police investigators highlight the “foreign” insurance premiums paid by Pujol has its automobile fleet Over the past four years. Only 45.02 euros for each of the following vehicles: Mercedes Pagoda, a Porsche 011 and a Lotus Elan. It has also paid 60 euros for a Ferrari F40.

Police say all vehicles are insured Lyberty Insurance, “denoting the premiums set by the insurance are the least strange, being much lower than the market, paying only a token amount, which could be related to a fixed contribution of the insurer or the like. “


The Government denied that Mas remains “weakened” by Pujol case to … – La Vanguardia

The Government denied that Mas remains "weakened" by Pujol case to … – La Vanguardia

Government says the president More does not have to feel weakened by the outbreak of the case Pujol just before meeting with President dela Government, Mariano Rajoy at the Moncloa. In conference after the Consell Executiu press and after the appearance of the Catalan president’s resignation to transmit Pujol political positions and powers, the Minister Francesc Homs has worked to decouple scandal sovereigntist process, differentiate a “personal” matter of one having the agreement of several Catalan institutions, political groups and segments of society.

“There are people who like conclusions to serve their interests,” has he lamented, “as legitimate as the opposite,” but “if anyone still thinks that what raises But Rajoy morning may be influenced by a personal matter, is not aware of what is happening or feel a clear contempt for democracy in Catalunya “.

The leader has argued that “behind all these proposals there is an institution, a set of initiatives and diverse people”, so “think this is suddenly weakened would be a misperception of what Catalunya is a whole “, he insisted. Given this unfortunate episode, Homs has said that the only way out is “sobreponerrnos” these situations “personal order”.

As for the content of the meeting to be held this Wednesday in Madrid between the two presidents, the minister has predicted that focuses the “willingness to talk about everything: the economy, the welfare state estructiras, public finance, consulting, compliance with laws …”. So, has opposed the fact that the president is going Mas “full of proposals, many of them known and spoken with many employers and unions.”

At this point, the coach noted that also in the identity scope “our proposals are known” because they are “made from the Catalan institutions”, but wanted to emphasize that Mas also will “listen”: “We also want to hear what is the point of view of government,” to compare what they say
himself with what can be said publicly he commented.

Homs has also referred to the meeting yesterday between Rajoy and Pedro Sanchez, of which expressed the “feeling” that “there nothing “beyond both leaders agree in their opposition to an illegal referendum. In this regard, the Minister has said in this regard that “an illegal query should not be done” and that “we’ve always said.” Therefore, the balance that makes the Government of this meeting is “poor”, “but it is ours, and we are there.”

The Government has sought to defend its actions and has accused the will of fury from certain political sectors, “Here decisions have been made and agreed quickly and apply each dose of compassion and cruelty”, wanted to settle. But it has re-established a border with the process to ensure that it exceeds the strength of the “distress” caused by the case. So, has differentiated between Spanish politics where “no arrangements for proposals” and Catalan politics, where in his opinion there are. “This is the big difference,” he asserted, and “it is clear that if the PP, the PSOE and the government had agreed, his face would have much more strength.”

Homs has avoided comment reproaches from the different parties and political figures, as the president of the PP in Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre: “I am so much anguish what happened considerations as to add to the statements of some.” It is simply requested “a little serenity” that “should be compatible with a clear statement that such attitudes are not respectable,” but it has not prevented deface that “some are seen duster.”


But he dismisses Pujol privileges as a former president of the … – The Paí (Spain)

But he dismisses Pujol privileges as a former president of the … – The Paí (Spain)

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But in its statement on Pujol. / The Country-LIVE! / Massimiliano Minocri

President of the Generalitat, Artur Mas, has appeared this morning at the Palau de la Generalitat to announce that former President Jordi Pujol waiver honorary positions at CDC and CiU coalition and all the privileges derived from their condicióntras advertise that for 34 years has maintained a hidden fortune in tax havens . Mas Pujol explained that he announced his decision to leave office in the party on Friday at eight o’clock in the morning, hours before his confession in a written statement. Last night, in another conversation, Mas Pujol and they agreed that the former also lose privileges as president except the formal treatment. But these decisions has transmitted his advisers on Tuesday during the weekly cabinet meeting.

Thus, the Catalan president does face some relief to key meeting with the Prime Minister, which will take place on Wednesday

” Very honorable “in question

The formal title of” Right Honourable “who get all the presidents of the Generalitat, even after leaving the office, is one of the issues that the Catalan Government has had to address urgent after the confession of Jordi Pujol. The law provides that no one would be removed this treatment and the president of the Generalitat, Artur Mas, has initially welcomed at this point to note that nothing would change in this regard. The rectification has come just three hours later by the Minister of the Presidency, Francesc Homs.

Asked by this point, Mas has said that the treatment protocol is determined by its former condition. “This is regulated, and what we can not give Pujol is being President of the Government for 23 years.” Three hours later, the presidential adviser, Francesc Homs, gave a different version. When asked again about the treatment you receive now Jordi Pujol and if he had voluntarily given up on being addressed as “honorable” Homs said that “has renounced everything, and I mean everything is everything.”

Withdrawal of privileges means that the former president will not receive a pension of 86,418 euros per year for having served for 23 years. The decision will also mean having to leave the office in the central Passeig de Gràcia for its former condition, and use daily, as well as the official car and chauffeur.

As explained Mas, Pujol also said he will not participate “never again” in meetings or in the Democratic Convergence Convergence and Union, which came as honorary president. Nor keep the formal title of “honorable”.

Mas has recognized that feels great “sorrow and compassion” at the revelations of who has admitted that it is his “political father”. “I have a great staff and as President of the country pain, but what is, former President Pujol has made things very easy,” he said and added: “He is a person who has worked all his life for this country and wants continue to help, is putting maximum facilities. “

On the involvement Pujol’s revelation

may have about the process sovereigntist, Mas said that” not condition what might happen in the coming months, the sheet route is traced and agreed with many people, “he has said. “This is not for nothing, it’s a tough time, tough, some have personal feelings of pain, but the country is below, in every way,” has settled. In an attempt to disassociate Pujol everyday CiU, Mas has said that the president “Ten years ago and it does not take any major decisions or Convergence and Union or the Government.”

The decision announced today by the president of the Generalitat comes four days after Jordi Pujol revealed that for 34 years has had a hidden fortune in tax havens. On this particular fact, Mas maintains that this is a personal matter of the Pujol family. He also said that “when the dust”, the command of 23-year presidency of Pujol “will have its light and dark, also their assets,”

Iceta:” A forced decision “

Maiol Roger

The Partit dels Socialistes valued today the resignation of Jordi Pujol its prerogatives as former president of the Generalitat as “a forced decision” after Pujol confess that for 34 years has had a fortune in tax havens. A gesture necessary but insufficient. The first secretary of the PSC, Miquel Iceta believes the Government should also withdraw treatment Pujol very honorable. “Titles give you the law is one thing and you’ve won or lost the title and not very honorable which is appropriate at this time to Jordi Pujol.

Pujol Iceta expected to give explanations to the citizens, and the party the option of requesting a parliamentary hearing reserves if the former president of the Government is silent. Iceta considered Pujol be explained because, contrary to what it says Mas, believes that his confession has political consequences. “To think that is a strictly private family aspect does not conform to reality. We are facing a very serious political scandal, a significant institutions requiring effort to clarify the facts to the end “disrepute.’s First secretary of the PSC have we claimed to CiU to lead the parlamentairos procedures for Pujol talk on camera.

Next Thursday the Catalan Parliament will discuss the appearance of the president to give explanations about the origin and details of the fortune hidden in tax havens. Whatever Mas has hinted today is CiU not support the creation of a commission of inquiry. outset, the Catalan president has not provided any information about fraud Pujol recognized by arguing that defrauded money or any other aspect of the confession are “private affairs Pujol family. “” I do not know the details, do not ask me coresponds and much less comment on it, “he said. Yet the president has himself admitted he was interested in some of these details weeks ago when he read in the press the Early reports on the accounts of the Pujol family offshore.
